%% DO NOT EDIT this file manually; it is automatically %% generated from LSR http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it %% Make any changes in LSR itself, or in Documentation/snippets/new/ , %% and then run scripts/auxiliar/makelsr.py %% %% This file is in the public domain. \version "2.17.6" \header { lsrtags = "expressive-marks, tweaks-and-overrides" texidoc = " The visibility of spanners which end on the first note following a line break is controlled by the @code{after-line-breaking} callback @code{ly:spanner::kill-zero-spanned-time}. For objects such as glissandos and hairpins, the default behaviour is to hide the spanner after a break; disabling the callback will allow the left-broken span to be shown. Conversely, spanners which are usually visible, such as text spans, can be hidden by enabling the callback. " doctitle = "Controlling spanner visibility after a line break" } % begin verbatim \paper { ragged-right = ##t } \relative c'' { \override Hairpin.to-barline = ##f \override Glissando.breakable = ##t % show hairpin \override Hairpin.after-line-breaking = ##t % hide text span \override TextSpanner.after-line-breaking = #ly:spanner::kill-zero-spanned-time e2\<\startTextSpan % show glissando \override Glissando.after-line-breaking = ##t f2\glissando \break f,1\!\stopTextSpan }