%% DO NOT EDIT this file manually; it is automatically %% generated from LSR http://lsr.di.unimi.it %% Make any changes in LSR itself, or in Documentation/snippets/new/ , %% and then run scripts/auxiliar/makelsr.py %% %% This file is in the public domain. \version "2.18.0" \header { lsrtags = "chords, specific-notation" texidoc = " The property @code{chordNameExceptions} can be used to store a list of special notations for specific chords. " doctitle = "Chord name exceptions" } % begin verbatim % modify maj9 and 6(add9) % Exception music is chords with markups chExceptionMusic = { 1-\markup { \super "maj9" } 1-\markup { \super "6(add9)" } } % Convert music to list and prepend to existing exceptions. chExceptions = #( append ( sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions chExceptionMusic #t) ignatzekExceptions) theMusic = \chordmode { g1:maj9 g1:6.9 \set chordNameExceptions = #chExceptions g1:maj9 g1:6.9 } \layout { ragged-right = ##t } << \context ChordNames \theMusic \context Voice \theMusic >>