% DO NOT EDIT this file manually; it is automatically % generated from Documentation/snippets/new % Make any changes in Documentation/snippets/new/ % and then run scripts/auxiliar/makelsr.py % % This file is in the public domain. %% Note: this file works from version 2.15.15 \version "2.15.15" \header { %% Translation of GIT committish: b482c3e5b56c3841a88d957e0ca12964bd3e64fa texidoces = " Este tipo de notación se utiliza para el canto de los Salmos, en que las estrofas no siempre tienen la misma longitud. " doctitlees = "Notación de responsos o salmos" %% Translation of GIT committish: ab9e3136d78bfaf15cc6d77ed1975d252c3fe506 texidocde = " Diese Form der Notation wird benutzt für die Notation von Psalmen, in denen die Strophen nicht die gleiche Länge haben. " doctitlede = "Psalmennotation" %% Translation of GIT committish: c1d5bb448321d688185e0c6b798575d4c325ae80 texidocfr = " Ce style de notation permet d'indiquer la mélodie d'une psalmodie lorsque les strophes sont de longueur inégale. " doctitlefr = "Notation pour psalmodie" lsrtags = "rhythms, vocal-music, ancient-notation, contexts-and-engravers" texidoc = " This form of notation is used for the chant of the Psalms, where verses aren't always the same length. " doctitle = "Chant or psalms notation" } % begin verbatim stemOn = { \revert Staff.Stem #'transparent \revert Staff.Flag #'transparent } stemOff = { \override Staff.Stem #'transparent = ##t \override Staff.Flag #'transparent = ##t } \score { \new Staff \with { \remove "Time_signature_engraver" } { \key g \minor \cadenzaOn \stemOff a'\breve bes'4 g'4 \stemOn a'2 \bar "||" \stemOff a'\breve g'4 a'4 \stemOn f'2 \bar "||" \stemOff a'\breve^\markup { \italic flexe } \stemOn g'2 \bar "||" } }