% DO NOT EDIT this file manually; it is automatically % generated from Documentation/snippets/new % Make any changes in Documentation/snippets/new/ % and then run scripts/auxiliar/makelsr.py % % This file is in the public domain. %% Note: this file works from version 2.14.0 \version "2.14.0" \header { %% Translation of GIT committish: 8cbb38db1591ab95a178643e7bf41db018aa22c0 texidocde = "Dieses Schnipsel zeigt, wie man die alternative Brevis mit zwei vertikalen Linien an jeder Seite des Notenkopfes benutzt." doctitlede = "Alternative Brevis mit zwei vertiaklen Linien" %% Translation of GIT committish: d9d1da30361a0bcaea1ae058eb1bc8dd3a5b2e4c texidocfr = "Voici comment obtenir une brève -- aussi appelée note carée -- flanquée de deux barres verticales, au lieu d'une comme habituellement." doctitlefr = "Brève alternative avec deux barres verticales" lsrtags = "rhythms,expressive-marks" texidoc = "This code demonstrates how to use the alternative breve note with two vertical lines on each side of the notehead instead of one line." doctitle = "Alternative breve notehead with double vertical lines" } % begin verbatim \relative c'' { \time 4/2 \override Staff.NoteHead #'style = #'altdefault c\breve | b\breve }