path: root/input/regression/
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Extending TabNoteHead properties...By introducing TabNoteHead #'details, we now have better control about the appearance of split ties and repeat ties. To simplify the usage, two new commands are supported in ly/ \showSplitTiedTabNotes and \hideSplitTiedTabNotes, respectively. Marc Hohl2009-09-141-20/+52
* New tablature features...this patch includes: 1) tablature is now "numbers only" as default 2) dead notes and palm mute is supported 3) "tied to" fret numbers become invisible (or parenthesized after line breaks or in a second volta) 4) the slope of glissando lines points in the right direction 5) grace notes (even parenthesized) are represented by smaller fret numbers. Marc Hohl2009-08-041-0/+31