path: root/input/regression/
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Fix incipit snippets: add 'Y-extent override....This corrects a misalignment caused by the removal of 'minimum-Y-extent for Staff. Neil Puttock2009-08-131-25/+29
* New instrument name positioning in scheme....* split ly:system-start-text::print into three scheme callbacks in output-lib.scm (X-/Y-offset calculations and print function) * compensate for system start delimiter extents so all instrument names in a system are aligned correctly based on self-alignment-X * use 'when from left-bound instead of get_break_index () to determine which text to print; this fixes incorrect indentation and text for shortInstrumentName overrides (Issue #452) * remove acknowledger for system-start-text from * remove * add system-start-text-interface to define-grob-interfaces.scm * add library functions used by new callbacks to lily-library.scm and output-lib.scm * update snippets broken by changes * add news entry and convert rule Neil Puttock2009-08-091-13/+15
* Update .ly files.Neil Puttock2008-12-241-1/+1
* Run convert-ly on input/lsr and input/regressionCarl Sorensen2008-07-051-1/+1
* LSR: Incipit example.Nicolas Sceaux2008-02-171-1/+1
* Helper functions to enter incipits and print them with the instrument names.Nicolas Sceaux2008-02-151-0/+56