path: root/python
diff options
authorJohn Gourlay <>2016-01-28 21:26:37 -0500
committerJohn Gourlay <>2016-01-28 21:26:37 -0500
commit1dcaad0119a576dda527cc8bbacfb24d76f14bcc (patch)
tree097018d958d3861a3eaf0a152387977b2811547e /python
parent6f4466e43d9b85478f1d4b1d911d4b600743d595 (diff)
Add new file
Diffstat (limited to 'python')
1 files changed, 3296 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/python/ b/python/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9ec2b3b928
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/
@@ -0,0 +1,3296 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import optparse
+import sys
+import re
+import os
+import string
+import codecs
+import zipfile
+import tempfile
+import StringIO
+import utilities
+import warnings
+This generic code used for all python scripts.
+The quotes are to ensure that the source .py file can still be
+run as a python script, but does not include any sys.path handling.
+Otherwise, the lilypond-book calls inside the build
+might modify installed .pyc files.
+for d in ['/usr/share/lilypond/2.19.3',
+ '/usr/lib/lilypond/2.19.3']:
+ sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(d, 'python'))
+# dynamic relocation, for GUB binaries.
+bindir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]))
+for p in ['share', 'lib']:
+ datadir = os.path.abspath(bindir + '/../%s/lilypond/current/python/' % p)
+ sys.path.insert(0, datadir)
+import lilylib as ly
+_ = ly._
+import musicxml
+import musicexp
+from rational import Rational
+# Store command-line options in a global variable, so we can access them everywhere
+options = None
+class Conversion_Settings:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.ignore_beaming = False
+ self.convert_stem_directions = False
+ self.convert_rest_positions = True
+conversion_settings = Conversion_Settings()
+# Use a global variable to store the setting needed inside a \layout block.
+# whenever we need to change a setting or add/remove an engraver, we can access
+# this layout and add the corresponding settings
+layout_information = musicexp.Layout()
+# Use a global variable to store the setting needed inside a \paper block.
+paper = musicexp.Paper()
+needed_additional_definitions = []
+additional_definitions = {
+ "tuplet-note-wrapper": """ % a formatter function, which is simply a wrapper around an existing
+ % tuplet formatter function. It takes the value returned by the given
+ % function and appends a note of given length.
+ #(define-public ((tuplet-number::append-note-wrapper function note) grob)
+ (let* ((txt (if function (function grob) #f)))
+ (if txt
+ (markup txt #:fontsize -5 #:note note UP)
+ (markup #:fontsize -5 #:note note UP)
+ )
+ )
+ )""",
+ "tuplet-non-default-denominator": """#(define ((tuplet-number::non-default-tuplet-denominator-text denominator) grob)
+ (number->string (if denominator
+ denominator
+ (ly:event-property (event-cause grob) 'denominator))))
+ "tuplet-non-default-fraction": """#(define ((tuplet-number::non-default-tuplet-fraction-text denominator numerator) grob)
+ (let* ((ev (event-cause grob))
+ (den (if denominator denominator (ly:event-property ev 'denominator)))
+ (num (if numerator numerator (ly:event-property ev 'numerator))))
+ (format #f "~a:~a" den num)))
+def round_to_two_digits(val):
+ return round(val * 100) / 100
+def extract_paper_information(score_partwise):
+ defaults = score_partwise.get_maybe_exist_named_child('defaults')
+ if not defaults:
+ return None
+ tenths = -1
+ scaling = defaults.get_maybe_exist_named_child('scaling')
+ default_tenths_to_millimeters_ratio = 0.175
+ default_staff_size = 20
+ if scaling:
+ mm = scaling.get_named_child('millimeters')
+ mm = float(mm.get_text())
+ tn = scaling.get_maybe_exist_named_child('tenths')
+ tn = float(tn.get_text())
+ # The variable 'tenths' is actually a ratio, NOT the value of <tenths>.
+ # TODO: rename and replace.
+ tenths = mm / tn
+ ratio = tenths / default_tenths_to_millimeters_ratio
+ staff_size = default_staff_size * ratio
+ if 1 < staff_size < 100:
+ paper.global_staff_size = staff_size
+ else:
+ msg = "paper.global_staff_size {} is too large, using defaults=20".format(
+ staff_size)
+ warnings.warn(msg)
+ paper.global_staff_size = 20
+ # We need the scaling(i.e. the size of staff tenths for everything!
+ if tenths < 0:
+ return None
+ def from_tenths(txt):
+ return round_to_two_digits(float(txt) * tenths / 10)
+ def set_paper_variable(varname, parent, element_name):
+ el = parent.get_maybe_exist_named_child(element_name)
+ if el: # Convert to cm from tenths
+ setattr(paper, varname, from_tenths(el.get_text()))
+ pagelayout = defaults.get_maybe_exist_named_child('page-layout')
+ if pagelayout:
+ # TODO: How can one have different margins for even and odd pages???
+ set_paper_variable("page_height", pagelayout, 'page-height')
+ set_paper_variable("page_width", pagelayout, 'page-width')
+ if conversion_settings.convert_page_margins:
+ pmargins = pagelayout.get_named_children('page-margins')
+ for pm in pmargins:
+ set_paper_variable("left_margin", pm, 'left-margin')
+ set_paper_variable("right_margin", pm, 'right-margin')
+ set_paper_variable("bottom_margin", pm, 'bottom-margin')
+ set_paper_variable("top_margin", pm, 'top-margin')
+ systemlayout = defaults.get_maybe_exist_named_child('system-layout')
+ if systemlayout:
+ sl = systemlayout.get_maybe_exist_named_child('system-margins')
+ if sl:
+ set_paper_variable("system_left_margin", sl, 'left-margin')
+ set_paper_variable("system_right_margin", sl, 'right-margin')
+ set_paper_variable("system_distance", systemlayout, 'system-distance')
+ set_paper_variable("top_system_distance", systemlayout, 'top-system-distance')
+ stafflayout = defaults.get_named_children('staff-layout')
+ for sl in stafflayout:
+ nr = getattr(sl, 'number', 1)
+ dist = sl.get_named_child('staff-distance')
+ #TODO: the staff distance needs to be set in the Staff context!!!
+ # TODO: Finish appearance?, music-font?, word-font?, lyric-font*, lyric-language*
+ appearance = defaults.get_named_child('appearance')
+ if appearance:
+ lws = appearance.get_named_children('line-width')
+ for lw in lws:
+ # Possible types are: beam, bracket, dashes,
+ # enclosure, ending, extend, heavy barline, leger,
+ # light barline, octave shift, pedal, slur middle, slur tip,
+ # staff, stem, tie middle, tie tip, tuplet bracket, and wedge
+ tp = lw.type
+ w = from_tenths(lw.get_text())
+ # TODO: Do something with these values!
+ nss = appearance.get_named_children('note-size')
+ for ns in nss:
+ # Possible types are: cue, grace and large
+ tp = ns.type
+ sz = from_tenths(ns.get_text())
+ # TODO: Do something with these values!
+ # <other-appearance> elements have no specified meaning
+ rawmusicfont = defaults.get_named_child('music-font')
+ if rawmusicfont:
+ # TODO: Convert the font
+ pass
+ rawwordfont = defaults.get_named_child('word-font')
+ if rawwordfont:
+ # TODO: Convert the font
+ pass
+ rawlyricsfonts = defaults.get_named_children('lyric-font')
+ for lyricsfont in rawlyricsfonts:
+ # TODO: Convert the font
+ pass
+ return paper
+credit_dict = {
+ None:None,
+ '':None,
+ 'page number':None, #TODO: what is it used for ?
+ 'title':'title',
+ 'subtitle':'subtitle',
+ 'composer':'composer',
+ 'arranger':'arranger',
+ 'lyricist':'poet',
+ 'rights':'copyright'
+# score information is contained in the <work>, <identification> or <movement-title> tags
+# extract those into a hash, indexed by proper lilypond header attributes
+def extract_score_information(tree):
+ header = musicexp.Header()
+ def set_if_exists(field, value):
+ if value:
+ header.set_field(field, utilities.escape_ly_output_string(value))
+ movement_title = tree.get_maybe_exist_named_child('movement-title')
+ movement_number = tree.get_maybe_exist_named_child('movement-number')
+ if movement_title:
+ set_if_exists('title', movement_title.get_text())
+ if movement_number:
+ set_if_exists('movementnumber', movement_number.get_text())
+ # set_if_exists('piece', movement_number.get_text()) # the movement number should be visible in the score.
+ work = tree.get_maybe_exist_named_child('work')
+ if work:
+ work_number = work.get_work_number()
+ work_title = work.get_work_title()
+ # Overwrite the title from movement-title with work->title
+ set_if_exists('title', work.get_work_title())
+ set_if_exists('opus', work.get_work_number())
+ # Use movement-title as subtitle
+ if movement_title:
+ set_if_exists('subtitle', movement_title.get_text())
+# TODO: Translation of opus element. Not to be confused with opus in LilyPond. MusicXML opus is a document element for opus DTD
+ identifications = tree.get_named_children('identification')
+ for ids in identifications:
+ set_if_exists('copyright', ids.get_rights())
+ set_if_exists('composer', ids.get_composer())
+ set_if_exists('arranger', ids.get_arranger())
+ set_if_exists('editor', ids.get_editor())
+ set_if_exists('poet', ids.get_poet())
+ set_if_exists('encodingsoftware', ids.get_encoding_software())
+ set_if_exists('encodingdate', ids.get_encoding_date())
+ set_if_exists('encoder', ids.get_encoding_person())
+ set_if_exists('encodingdescription', ids.get_encoding_description())
+ set_if_exists('source', ids.get_source())
+ set_if_exists('miscellaneous', ids.get_file_description());
+ # Finally, apply the required compatibility modes
+ # Some applications created wrong MusicXML files, so we need to
+ # apply some compatibility mode, e.g. ignoring some features/tags
+ # in those files
+ software = ids.get_encoding_software_list()
+ # Case 1: "Sibelius 5.1" with the "Dolet 3.4 for Sibelius" plugin
+ # is missing all beam ends => ignore all beaming information
+ ignore_beaming_software = {
+ "Dolet 4 for Sibelius, Beta 2": "Dolet 4 for Sibelius, Beta 2",
+ "Dolet 3.5 for Sibelius": "Dolet 3.5 for Sibelius",
+ "Dolet 3.4 for Sibelius": "Dolet 3.4 for Sibelius",
+ "Dolet 3.3 for Sibelius": "Dolet 3.3 for Sibelius",
+ "Dolet 3.2 for Sibelius": "Dolet 3.2 for Sibelius",
+ "Dolet 3.1 for Sibelius": "Dolet 3.1 for Sibelius",
+ "Dolet for Sibelius 1.3": "Dolet for Sibelius 1.3",
+ "Noteworthy Composer": "Noteworthy Composer's nwc2xm[",
+ }
+ for s in software:
+ app_description = ignore_beaming_software.get(s, False);
+ if app_description:
+ conversion_settings.ignore_beaming = True
+ ly.warning(_("Encountered file created by %s, containing "
+ "wrong beaming information. All beaming "
+ "information in the MusicXML file will be "
+ "ignored") % app_description)
+ credits = tree.get_named_children('credit')
+ has_composer = False
+ for cred in credits:
+ type = credit_dict.get(cred.get_type())
+ if(type == None):
+ type = credit_dict.get(cred.find_type(credits))
+ if(type == 'composer'):
+ if(has_composer):
+ type = 'poet'
+ else:
+ has_composer = True
+ set_if_exists(type, cred.get_text())
+ elif(type == 'title'):
+ if(not(work) and not(movement_title)):
+ set_if_exists('title', cred.get_text())
+ #elif(not(movement_title)): #bullshit!
+ # set_if_exists('subtitle', cred.get_text()) #bullshit! otherwise both title and subtitle show the work-title.
+ elif(type == None):
+ pass
+ else:
+ set_if_exists(type, cred.get_text())
+ # TODO: Check for other unsupported features
+ return header
+class PartGroupInfo:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.start = {}
+ self.end = {}
+ def is_empty(self):
+ return len(self.start) + len(self.end) == 0
+ def add_start(self, g):
+ self.start[getattr(g, 'number', "1")] = g
+ def add_end(self, g):
+ self.end[getattr(g, 'number', "1")] = g
+ def print_ly(self, printer):
+ ly.warning(_("Unprocessed PartGroupInfo %s encountered") % self)
+ def ly_expression(self):
+ ly.warning(_("Unprocessed PartGroupInfo %s encountered") % self)
+ return ''
+def musicxml_step_to_lily(step):
+ if step:
+ return (ord(step) - ord('A') + 7 - 2) % 7
+ else:
+ return None
+def staff_attributes_to_string_tunings(mxl_attr):
+ details = mxl_attr.get_maybe_exist_named_child('staff-details')
+ if not details:
+ return []
+ lines = 6
+ staff_lines = details.get_maybe_exist_named_child('staff-lines')
+ if staff_lines:
+ lines = string.atoi(staff_lines.get_text())
+ tunings = [musicexp.Pitch()] * lines
+ staff_tunings = details.get_named_children('staff-tuning')
+ for i in staff_tunings:
+ p = musicexp.Pitch()
+ line = 0
+ try:
+ line = string.atoi(i.line) - 1
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ tunings[line] = p
+ step = i.get_named_child(u'tuning-step')
+ step = step.get_text().strip()
+ p.step = musicxml_step_to_lily(step)
+ octave = i.get_named_child(u'tuning-octave')
+ octave = octave.get_text().strip()
+ p.octave = int(octave) - 4
+ alter = i.get_named_child(u'tuning-alter')
+ if alter:
+ p.alteration = int(alter.get_text().strip())
+ # lilypond seems to use the opposite ordering than MusicXML...
+ tunings.reverse()
+ return tunings
+def staff_attributes_to_lily_staff(mxl_attr):
+ if not mxl_attr:
+ return musicexp.Staff()
+ (staff_id, attributes) = mxl_attr.items()[0]
+ # distinguish by clef:
+ # percussion(percussion and rhythmic), tab, and everything else
+ clef_sign = None
+ clef = attributes.get_maybe_exist_named_child('clef')
+ if clef:
+ sign = clef.get_maybe_exist_named_child('sign')
+ if sign:
+ clef_sign = {"percussion": "percussion", "TAB": "tab"}.get(sign.get_text(), None)
+ lines = 5
+ details = attributes.get_named_children('staff-details')
+ for d in details:
+ staff_lines = d.get_maybe_exist_named_child('staff-lines')
+ if staff_lines:
+ lines = string.atoi(staff_lines.get_text())
+ # TODO: Handle other staff attributes like staff-space, etc.
+ staff = None
+ if clef_sign == "percussion" and lines == 1:
+ staff = musicexp.RhythmicStaff()
+ elif clef_sign == "percussion":
+ staff = musicexp.DrumStaff()
+ # staff.drum_style_table = ???
+ elif clef_sign == "tab":
+ staff = musicexp.TabStaff()
+ staff.string_tunings = staff_attributes_to_string_tunings(attributes)
+ # staff.tablature_format = ???
+ else:
+ staff = musicexp.Staff()
+ # TODO: Handle case with lines <> 5!
+ if(lines != 5):
+ staff.add_context_modification("\\override StaffSymbol #'line-count = #%s" % lines)
+ return staff
+def extract_instrument_sound(score_part):
+ score_instrument = score_part.get_maybe_exist_named_child('score-instrument')
+ if not score_instrument:
+ return None
+ sound = score_instrument.get_maybe_exist_named_child('instrument-sound')
+ if sound:
+ return utilities.musicxml_sound_to_lilypond_midi_instrument(sound.get_text())
+def extract_score_structure(part_list, staffinfo):
+ score = musicexp.Score()
+ structure = musicexp.StaffGroup(None)
+ score.set_contents(structure)
+ if not part_list:
+ return structure
+ def read_score_part(el):
+ if not isinstance(el, musicxml.Score_part):
+ return
+ # Depending on the attributes of the first measure, we create different
+ # types of staves(Staff, RhythmicStaff, DrumStaff, TabStaff, etc.)
+ staff = staff_attributes_to_lily_staff(staffinfo.get(, None))
+ if not staff:
+ return None
+ =
+ partname = el.get_maybe_exist_named_child('part-name')
+ # Finale gives unnamed parts the name "MusicXML Part" automatically!
+ if partname and partname.get_text() != "MusicXML Part":
+ staff.instrument_name = partname.get_text()
+ # part-name-display overrides part-name!
+ partname = el.get_maybe_exist_named_child("part-name-display")
+ if partname:
+ staff.instrument_name = extract_display_text(partname)
+ if hasattr(options, 'midi') and options.midi:
+ staff.sound = extract_instrument_sound(el)
+ if staff.instrument_name:
+ paper.indent = max(paper.indent, len(staff.instrument_name))
+ paper.instrument_names.append(staff.instrument_name)
+ partdisplay = el.get_maybe_exist_named_child('part-abbreviation')
+ if partdisplay:
+ staff.short_instrument_name = partdisplay.get_text()
+ # part-abbreviation-display overrides part-abbreviation!
+ partdisplay = el.get_maybe_exist_named_child("part-abbreviation-display")
+ if partdisplay:
+ staff.short_instrument_name = extract_display_text(partdisplay)
+ # TODO: Read in the MIDI device / instrument
+ if staff.short_instrument_name:
+ paper.short_indent = max(paper.short_indent, len(staff.short_instrument_name))
+ return staff
+ def read_score_group(el):
+ if not isinstance(el, musicxml.Part_group):
+ return
+ group = musicexp.StaffGroup()
+ if hasattr(el, 'number'):
+ id = el.number
+ = id
+ #currentgroups_dict[id] = group
+ #currentgroups.append(id)
+ if el.get_maybe_exist_named_child('group-name'):
+ group.instrument_name = el.get_maybe_exist_named_child('group-name').get_text()
+ if el.get_maybe_exist_named_child('group-abbreviation'):
+ group.short_instrument_name = el.get_maybe_exist_named_child('group-abbreviation').get_text()
+ if el.get_maybe_exist_named_child('group-symbol'):
+ group.symbol = el.get_maybe_exist_named_child('group-symbol').get_text()
+ if el.get_maybe_exist_named_child('group-barline'):
+ group.spanbar = el.get_maybe_exist_named_child('group-barline').get_text()
+ return group
+ parts_groups = part_list.get_all_children()
+ # the start/end group tags are not necessarily ordered correctly and groups
+ # might even overlap, so we can't go through the children sequentially!
+ # 1) Replace all Score_part objects by their corresponding Staff objects,
+ # also collect all group start/stop points into one PartGroupInfo object
+ staves = []
+ group_info = PartGroupInfo()
+ for el in parts_groups:
+ if isinstance(el, musicxml.Score_part):
+ if not group_info.is_empty():
+ staves.append(group_info)
+ group_info = PartGroupInfo()
+ staff = read_score_part(el)
+ if staff:
+ staves.append(staff)
+ elif isinstance(el, musicxml.Part_group):
+ if el.type == "start":
+ group_info.add_start(el)
+ elif el.type == "stop":
+ group_info.add_end(el)
+ if not group_info.is_empty():
+ staves.append(group_info)
+ # 2) Now, detect the groups:
+ group_starts = []
+ pos = 0
+ while pos < len(staves):
+ el = staves[pos]
+ if isinstance(el, PartGroupInfo):
+ prev_start = 0
+ if len(group_starts) > 0:
+ prev_start = group_starts[-1]
+ elif len(el.end) > 0: # no group to end here
+ el.end = {}
+ if len(el.end) > 0: # closes an existing group
+ ends = el.end.keys()
+ prev_started = staves[prev_start].start.keys()
+ grpid = None
+ intersection = filter(lambda x:x in ends, prev_started)
+ if len(intersection) > 0:
+ grpid = intersection[0]
+ else:
+ # Close the last started group
+ grpid = staves[prev_start].start.keys() [0]
+ # Find the corresponding closing tag and remove it!
+ j = pos + 1
+ foundclosing = False
+ while j < len(staves) and not foundclosing:
+ if isinstance(staves[j], PartGroupInfo) and staves[j].end.has_key(grpid):
+ foundclosing = True
+ del staves[j].end[grpid]
+ if staves[j].is_empty():
+ del staves[j]
+ j += 1
+ grpobj = staves[prev_start].start[grpid]
+ group = read_score_group(grpobj)
+ # remove the id from both the start and end
+ if el.end.has_key(grpid):
+ del el.end[grpid]
+ del staves[prev_start].start[grpid]
+ if el.is_empty():
+ del staves[pos]
+ # replace the staves with the whole group
+ for j in staves[(prev_start + 1):pos]:
+ group.append_staff(j)
+ del staves[(prev_start + 1):pos]
+ staves.insert(prev_start + 1, group)
+ # reset pos so that we continue at the correct position
+ pos = prev_start
+ # remove an empty start group
+ if staves[prev_start].is_empty():
+ del staves[prev_start]
+ group_starts.remove(prev_start)
+ pos -= 1
+ elif len(el.start) > 0: # starts new part groups
+ group_starts.append(pos)
+ pos += 1
+ for i in staves:
+ structure.append_staff(i)
+ return score
+def rational_to_lily_duration(rational_len):
+ d = musicexp.Duration()
+ rational_len.normalize_self()
+ d_log = {1: 0, 2: 1, 4:2, 8:3, 16:4, 32:5, 64:6, 128:7, 256:8, 512:9}.get(rational_len.denominator(), -1)
+ # Duration of the form 1/2^n or 3/2^n can be converted to a simple lilypond duration
+ dots = {1: 0, 3: 1, 7: 2, 15: 3, 31: 4, 63: 5, 127: 6}.get(rational_len.numerator(), -1)
+ if(d_log >= dots >= 0):
+ # account for the dots!
+ d.duration_log = d_log - dots
+ d.dots = dots
+ elif(d_log >= 0):
+ d.duration_log = d_log
+ d.factor = Rational(rational_len.numerator())
+ else:
+ ly.warning(_("Encountered rational duration with denominator %s, "
+ "unable to convert to lilypond duration") %
+ rational_len.denominator())
+ # TODO: Test the above error message
+ return None
+ return d
+def musicxml_partial_to_lily(partial_len):
+ if partial_len > 0:
+ p = musicexp.Partial()
+ p.partial = rational_to_lily_duration(partial_len)
+ return p
+ else:
+ return None
+# Detect repeats and alternative endings in the chord event list(music_list)
+# and convert them to the corresponding musicexp objects, containing nested
+# music
+def group_repeats(music_list):
+ repeat_replaced = True
+ music_start = 0
+ i = 0
+ # Walk through the list of expressions, looking for repeat structure
+ #(repeat start/end, corresponding endings). If we find one, try to find the
+ # last event of the repeat, replace the whole structure and start over again.
+ # For nested repeats, as soon as we encounter another starting repeat bar,
+ # treat that one first, and start over for the outer repeat.
+ while repeat_replaced and i < 100:
+ i += 1
+ repeat_start = -1 # position of repeat start / end
+ repeat_end = -1 # position of repeat start / end
+ repeat_times = 0
+ ending_start = -1 # position of current ending start
+ endings = [] # list of already finished endings
+ pos = 0
+ last = len(music_list) - 1
+ repeat_replaced = False
+ final_marker = 0
+ while pos < len(music_list) and not repeat_replaced:
+ e = music_list[pos]
+ repeat_finished = False
+ if isinstance(e, RepeatMarker):
+ if not repeat_times and e.times:
+ repeat_times = e.times
+ if e.direction == -1:
+ if repeat_end >= 0:
+ repeat_finished = True
+ else:
+ repeat_start = pos
+ repeat_end = -1
+ ending_start = -1
+ endings = []
+ elif e.direction == 1:
+ if repeat_start < 0:
+ repeat_start = 0
+ if repeat_end < 0:
+ repeat_end = pos
+ final_marker = pos
+ elif isinstance(e, EndingMarker):
+ if e.direction == -1:
+ if repeat_start < 0:
+ repeat_start = 0
+ if repeat_end < 0:
+ repeat_end = pos
+ ending_start = pos
+ elif e.direction == 1:
+ if ending_start < 0:
+ ending_start = 0
+ endings.append([ending_start, pos])
+ ending_start = -1
+ final_marker = pos
+ elif not isinstance(e, musicexp.BarLine):
+ # As soon as we encounter an element when repeat start and end
+ # is set and we are not inside an alternative ending,
+ # this whole repeat structure is finished => replace it
+ if repeat_start >= 0 and repeat_end > 0 and ending_start < 0:
+ repeat_finished = True
+ # Finish off all repeats without explicit ending bar(e.g. when
+ # we convert only one page of a multi-page score with repeats)
+ if pos == last and repeat_start >= 0:
+ repeat_finished = True
+ final_marker = pos
+ if repeat_end < 0:
+ repeat_end = pos
+ if ending_start >= 0:
+ endings.append([ending_start, pos])
+ ending_start = -1
+ if repeat_finished:
+ # We found the whole structure replace it!
+ r = musicexp.RepeatedMusic()
+ if repeat_times <= 0:
+ repeat_times = 2
+ r.repeat_count = repeat_times
+ # don't erase the first element for "implicit" repeats(i.e. no
+ # starting repeat bars at the very beginning)
+ start = repeat_start + 1
+ if repeat_start == music_start:
+ start = music_start
+ r.set_music(music_list[start:repeat_end])
+ for(start, end) in endings:
+ s = musicexp.SequentialMusic()
+ s.elements = music_list[start + 1:end]
+ r.add_ending(s)
+ del music_list[repeat_start:final_marker + 1]
+ music_list.insert(repeat_start, r)
+ repeat_replaced = True
+ pos += 1
+ # TODO: Implement repeats until the end without explicit ending bar
+ return music_list
+# Extract the settings for tuplets from the <notations><tuplet> and the
+# <time-modification> elements of the note:
+def musicxml_tuplet_to_lily(tuplet_elt, time_modification):
+ tsm = musicexp.TimeScaledMusic()
+ fraction =(1, 1)
+ if time_modification:
+ fraction = time_modification.get_fraction()
+ tsm.numerator = fraction[0]
+ tsm.denominator = fraction[1]
+ normal_type = tuplet_elt.get_normal_type()
+ if not normal_type and time_modification:
+ normal_type = time_modification.get_normal_type()
+ if not normal_type and time_modification:
+ note = time_modification.get_parent()
+ if note:
+ normal_type = note.get_duration_info()
+ if normal_type:
+ normal_note = musicexp.Duration()
+ (normal_note.duration_log, normal_note.dots) = normal_type
+ tsm.normal_type = normal_note
+ actual_type = tuplet_elt.get_actual_type()
+ if actual_type:
+ actual_note = musicexp.Duration()
+ (actual_note.duration_log, actual_note.dots) = actual_type
+ tsm.actual_type = actual_note
+ # Obtain non-default nrs of notes from the tuplet object!
+ tsm.display_numerator = tuplet_elt.get_normal_nr()
+ tsm.display_denominator = tuplet_elt.get_actual_nr()
+ if hasattr(tuplet_elt, 'bracket') and tuplet_elt.bracket == "no":
+ tsm.display_bracket = None
+ elif hasattr(tuplet_elt, 'line-shape') and getattr(tuplet_elt, 'line-shape') == "curved":
+ tsm.display_bracket = "curved"
+ else:
+ tsm.display_bracket = "bracket"
+ display_values = {"none": None, "actual": "actual", "both": "both"}
+ if hasattr(tuplet_elt, "show-number"):
+ tsm.display_number = display_values.get(getattr(tuplet_elt, "show-number"), "actual")
+ if hasattr(tuplet_elt, "show-type"):
+ tsm.display_type = display_values.get(getattr(tuplet_elt, "show-type"), None)
+ return tsm
+def group_tuplets(music_list, events):
+ """Collect Musics from
+ MUSIC_LIST demarcated by EVENTS_LIST in TimeScaledMusic objects.
+ """
+ indices = []
+ brackets = {}
+ j = 0
+ for(ev_chord, tuplet_elt, time_modification) in events:
+ while(j < len(music_list)):
+ if music_list[j] == ev_chord:
+ break
+ j += 1
+ nr = 0
+ if hasattr(tuplet_elt, 'number'):
+ nr = getattr(tuplet_elt, 'number')
+ if tuplet_elt.type == 'start':
+ tuplet_object = musicxml_tuplet_to_lily(tuplet_elt, time_modification)
+ tuplet_info = [j, None, tuplet_object]
+ indices.append(tuplet_info)
+ brackets[nr] = tuplet_info
+ elif tuplet_elt.type == 'stop':
+ bracket_info = brackets.get(nr, None)
+ if bracket_info:
+ bracket_info[1] = j # Set the ending position to j
+ del brackets[nr]
+ new_list = []
+ last = 0
+ for(i1, i2, tsm) in indices:
+ if i1 > i2:
+ continue
+ new_list.extend(music_list[last:i1])
+ seq = musicexp.SequentialMusic()
+ last = i2 + 1
+ seq.elements = music_list[i1:last]
+ tsm.element = seq
+ new_list.append(tsm)
+ #TODO: Handle nested tuplets!!!!
+ new_list.extend(music_list[last:])
+ return new_list
+def musicxml_clef_to_lily(attributes):
+ change = musicexp.ClefChange()
+ (change.type, change.position, change.octave) = attributes.get_clef_information()
+ return change
+def musicxml_time_to_lily(attributes):
+ change = musicexp.TimeSignatureChange()
+ # time signature function
+ if hasattr(options, 'shift_meter') and options.shift_meter:
+ tmp_meter = options.shift_meter.split("/",1)
+ sig = [int(tmp_meter[0]), int(tmp_meter[1])]
+ change.originalFractions = attributes.get_time_signature()
+ else:
+ sig = attributes.get_time_signature()
+ if not sig:
+ return None
+ change.fractions = sig
+ time_elm = attributes.get_maybe_exist_named_child('time')
+ if time_elm and hasattr(time_elm, 'symbol'):
+ = { 'single-number': "'single-digit",
+ 'cut': None,
+ 'common': None,
+ 'normal': "'()"}.get(time_elm.symbol, "'()")
+ else:
+ = "'()"
+ # TODO: Handle senza-misura measures
+ # TODO: Handle hidden time signatures(print-object="no")
+ # TODO: What shall we do if the symbol clashes with the sig? e.g. "cut"
+ # with 3/8 or "single-number" with(2+3)/8 or 3/8+2/4?
+ return change
+def musicxml_key_to_lily(attributes):
+ key_sig = attributes.get_key_signature()
+ if not key_sig or not(isinstance(key_sig, list) or isinstance(key_sig, tuple)):
+ ly.warning(_("Unable to extract key signature!"))
+ return None
+ change = musicexp.KeySignatureChange()
+ if len(key_sig) == 2 and not isinstance(key_sig[0], list):
+ # standard key signature,(fifths, mode)
+ (fifths, mode) = key_sig
+ change.mode = mode
+ start_pitch = musicexp.Pitch()
+ start_pitch.octave = 0
+ try:
+ (n, a) = {
+ 'major' : (0, 0),
+ 'minor' : (5, 0),
+ 'ionian' : (0, 0),
+ 'dorian' : (1, 0),
+ 'phrygian' : (2, 0),
+ 'lydian' : (3, 0),
+ 'mixolydian': (4, 0),
+ 'aeolian' : (5, 0),
+ 'locrian' : (6, 0),
+ }[mode]
+ start_pitch.step = n
+ start_pitch.alteration = a
+ except KeyError:
+ ly.warning(_("unknown mode %s, expecting 'major' or 'minor' "
+ "or a church mode!") % mode)
+ fifth = musicexp.Pitch()
+ fifth.step = 4
+ if fifths < 0:
+ fifths *= -1
+ fifth.step *= -1
+ fifth.normalize()
+ for x in range(fifths):
+ start_pitch = start_pitch.transposed(fifth)
+ change.tonic = start_pitch
+ else:
+ # Non-standard key signature of the form [[step,alter<,octave>],...]
+ # MusicXML contains C,D,E,F,G,A,B as steps, lily uses 0-7, so convert
+ alterations = []
+ for k in key_sig:
+ k[0] = musicxml_step_to_lily(k[0])
+ alterations.append(k)
+ change.non_standard_alterations = alterations
+ return change
+def musicxml_transpose_to_lily(attributes):
+ transpose = attributes.get_transposition()
+ if not transpose:
+ return None
+ shift = musicexp.Pitch()
+ octave_change = transpose.get_maybe_exist_named_child('octave-change')
+ if octave_change:
+ shift.octave = string.atoi(octave_change.get_text())
+ chromatic_shift = string.atoi(transpose.get_named_child('chromatic').get_text())
+ chromatic_shift_normalized = chromatic_shift % 12;
+ (shift.step, shift.alteration) = [
+ (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (2, -1), (2, 0),
+ (3, 0), (3, 1), (4, 0), (5, -1), (5, 0),
+ (6, -1), (6, 0)][chromatic_shift_normalized];
+ shift.octave += (chromatic_shift - chromatic_shift_normalized) / 12
+ diatonic = transpose.get_maybe_exist_named_child('diatonic')
+ if diatonic:
+ diatonic_step = string.atoi(diatonic.get_text()) % 7
+ if diatonic_step != shift.step:
+ # We got the alter incorrect!
+ old_semitones = shift.semitones()
+ shift.step = diatonic_step
+ new_semitones = shift.semitones()
+ shift.alteration += old_semitones - new_semitones
+ transposition = musicexp.Transposition()
+ transposition.pitch = musicexp.Pitch().transposed(shift)
+ return transposition
+def musicxml_staff_details_to_lily(attributes):
+ details = attributes.get_maybe_exist_named_child('staff-details')
+ if not details:
+ return None
+ ## TODO: Handle staff-type, staff-lines, staff-tuning, capo, staff-size
+ ret = []
+ stafflines = details.get_maybe_exist_named_child('staff-lines')
+ if stafflines:
+ lines = string.atoi(stafflines.get_text());
+ lines_event = musicexp.StaffLinesEvent(lines);
+ ret.append(lines_event);
+ return ret;
+def musicxml_attributes_to_lily(attrs):
+ elts = []
+ attr_dispatch = {
+ 'clef': musicxml_clef_to_lily,
+ 'time': musicxml_time_to_lily,
+ 'key': musicxml_key_to_lily,
+ 'transpose': musicxml_transpose_to_lily,
+ 'staff-details': musicxml_staff_details_to_lily,
+ }
+ for (k, func) in attr_dispatch.items():
+ children = attrs.get_named_children(k)
+ if children:
+ ev = func(attrs)
+ if isinstance(ev, list):
+ for e in ev:
+ elts.append(e)
+ elif ev:
+ elts.append(ev)
+ return elts
+def extract_display_text(el):
+ child = el.get_maybe_exist_named_child("display-text")
+ if child:
+ return child.get_text()
+ else:
+ return False
+def musicxml_print_to_lily(el):
+ # TODO: Implement other print attributes
+ # <!ELEMENT print (page-layout?, system-layout?, staff-layout*,
+ # measure-layout?, measure-numbering?, part-name-display?,
+ # part-abbreviation-display?)>
+ # <!ATTLIST print
+ # staff-spacing %tenths; #IMPLIED
+ # new-system %yes-no; #IMPLIED
+ # new-page %yes-no-number; #IMPLIED
+ # blank-page NMTOKEN #IMPLIED
+ # page-number CDATA #IMPLIED
+ # >
+ elts = []
+ if (hasattr(el, "new-system") and conversion_settings.convert_system_breaks):
+ val = getattr(el, "new-system")
+ if (val == "yes"):
+ elts.append(musicexp.Break("break"))
+ if (hasattr(el, "new-page") and conversion_settings.convert_page_breaks):
+ val = getattr(el, "new-page")
+ if (val == "yes"):
+ elts.append(musicexp.Break("pageBreak"))
+ child = el.get_maybe_exist_named_child("part-name-display")
+ if child:
+ elts.append(musicexp.SetEvent("Staff.instrumentName",
+ "\"%s\"" % extract_display_text(child)))
+ child = el.get_maybe_exist_named_child("part-abbreviation-display")
+ if child:
+ elts.append(musicexp.SetEvent("Staff.shortInstrumentName",
+ "\"%s\"" % extract_display_text(child)))
+ return elts
+class Marker(musicexp.Music):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.direction = 0
+ self.event = None
+ def print_ly(self, printer):
+ ly.warning(_("Encountered unprocessed marker %s\n") % self)
+ pass
+ def ly_expression(self):
+ return ""
+class RepeatMarker(Marker):
+ def __init__(self):
+ Marker.__init__(self)
+ self.times = 0
+class EndingMarker(Marker):
+ pass
+spanner_event_dict = {
+ 'beam' : musicexp.BeamEvent,
+ 'dashes' : musicexp.TextSpannerEvent,
+ 'bracket' : musicexp.BracketSpannerEvent,
+ 'glissando' : musicexp.GlissandoEvent,
+ 'octave-shift' : musicexp.OctaveShiftEvent,
+ 'pedal' : musicexp.PedalEvent,
+ 'slide' : musicexp.GlissandoEvent,
+ 'slur' : musicexp.SlurEvent,
+ 'wavy-line' : musicexp.TextSpannerEvent,
+ 'wedge' : musicexp.HairpinEvent
+spanner_type_dict = {
+ 'start':-1,
+ 'begin':-1,
+ 'crescendo':-1,
+ 'decreschendo':-1,
+ 'diminuendo':-1,
+ 'continue': 0,
+ 'change': 0,
+ 'up':-1,
+ 'down':-1,
+ 'stop': 1,
+ 'end' : 1
+def musicxml_spanner_to_lily_event(mxl_event):
+ ev = None
+ name = mxl_event.get_name()
+ func = spanner_event_dict.get(name)
+ if func:
+ ev = func()
+ else:
+ ly.warning(_('unknown span event %s') % mxl_event)
+ if name == "wavy-line":
+ type = mxl_event.get_type()
+ span_direction = spanner_type_dict.get(type)
+ # really check for None, because some types will be translated to 0, which
+ # would otherwise also lead to the unknown span warning
+ if span_direction != None:
+ ev.span_direction = span_direction
+ else:
+ ly.warning(_('unknown span type %s for %s') %(type, name))
+ ev.set_span_type(type)
+ ev.line_type = getattr(mxl_event, 'line-type', 'solid')
+ # assign the size, which is used for octave-shift, etc.
+ ev.size = mxl_event.get_size()
+ return ev
+def musicxml_direction_to_indicator(direction):
+ return { "above": 1, "upright": 1, "up": 1, "below":-1, "downright":-1, "down":-1, "inverted":-1 }.get(direction, 0)
+def musicxml_fermata_to_lily_event(mxl_event):
+ ev = musicexp.ArticulationEvent()
+ txt = mxl_event.get_text()
+ # The contents of the element defined the shape, possible are normal, angled and square
+ ev.type = { "angled": "shortfermata", "square": "longfermata" }.get(txt, "fermata")
+ fermata_types= { "angled": "shortfermata",
+ "square": "longfermata" }
+ # MusicXML fermata types can be specified in two different ways:
+ # 1. <fermata>angled</fermata> and
+ # 2. <fermata type="angled"/> -- both need to be handled.
+ if hasattr(mxl_event, 'type'):
+ fermata_type = fermata_types.get(mxl_event.type, 'fermata')
+ else:
+ fermata_type = fermata_types.get(mxl_event.get_text(), 'fermata')
+ ev.type = fermata_type
+ if hasattr(mxl_event, 'type'):
+ dir = musicxml_direction_to_indicator(mxl_event.type)
+ if dir and options.convert_directions:
+ ev.force_direction = dir
+ return ev
+def musicxml_arpeggiate_to_lily_event(mxl_event):
+ ev = musicexp.ArpeggioEvent()
+ ev.direction = musicxml_direction_to_indicator(getattr(mxl_event, 'direction', None))
+ return ev
+def musicxml_nonarpeggiate_to_lily_event(mxl_event):
+ ev = musicexp.ArpeggioEvent()
+ ev.non_arpeggiate = True
+ ev.direction = musicxml_direction_to_indicator(getattr(mxl_event, 'direction', None))
+ return ev
+def musicxml_tremolo_to_lily_event(mxl_event):
+ ev = musicexp.TremoloEvent()
+ txt = mxl_event.get_text()
+ if txt:
+ ev.strokes = txt
+ else:
+ # This is supposed to be a default for empty tremolo elements
+ # TODO: Add empty tremolo element to test cases in tremolo.xml
+ # TODO: Test empty tremolo element
+ # TODO: Consideration: Is 3 really a reasonable default?
+ ev.strokes = "3"
+ return ev
+def musicxml_falloff_to_lily_event(mxl_event):
+ ev = musicexp.BendEvent()
+ ev.alter = -4
+ return ev
+def musicxml_doit_to_lily_event(mxl_event):
+ ev = musicexp.BendEvent()
+ ev.alter = 4
+ return ev
+def musicxml_bend_to_lily_event(mxl_event):
+ ev = musicexp.BendEvent()
+ ev.alter = mxl_event.bend_alter()
+ return ev
+def musicxml_caesura_to_lily_event(mxl_event):
+ ev = musicexp.MarkupEvent()
+ # FIXME: default to straight or curved caesura?
+ ev.contents = "\\musicglyph #\"scripts.caesura.straight\""
+ ev.force_direction = 1
+ return ev
+def musicxml_fingering_event(mxl_event):
+ ev = musicexp.ShortArticulationEvent()
+ ev.type = mxl_event.get_text()
+ return ev
+def musicxml_string_event(mxl_event):
+ ev = musicexp.NoDirectionArticulationEvent()
+ ev.type = mxl_event.get_text()
+ return ev
+def musicxml_accidental_mark(mxl_event):
+ ev = musicexp.MarkupEvent()
+ contents = { "sharp": "\\sharp",
+ "natural": "\\natural",
+ "flat": "\\flat",
+ "double-sharp": "\\doublesharp",
+ "sharp-sharp": "\\sharp\\sharp",
+ "flat-flat": "\\flat\\flat",
+ "flat-flat": "\\doubleflat",
+ "natural-sharp": "\\natural\\sharp",
+ "natural-flat": "\\natural\\flat",
+ "quarter-flat": "\\semiflat",
+ "quarter-sharp": "\\semisharp",
+ "three-quarters-flat": "\\sesquiflat",
+ "three-quarters-sharp": "\\sesquisharp",
+ }.get(mxl_event.get_text())
+ if contents:
+ ev.contents = contents
+ return ev
+ else:
+ return None
+# translate articulations, ornaments and other notations into ArticulationEvents
+# possible values:
+# -) string (ArticulationEvent with that name)
+# -) function (function(mxl_event) needs to return a full ArticulationEvent-derived object
+# -) (class, name) (like string, only that a different class than ArticulationEvent is used)
+# TODO: Some translations are missing!
+articulations_dict = {
+ "accent": (musicexp.ShortArticulationEvent, ">"), # or "accent"
+ "accidental-mark": musicxml_accidental_mark,
+ "bend": musicxml_bend_to_lily_event,
+ "breath-mark": (musicexp.NoDirectionArticulationEvent, "breathe"),
+ "caesura": musicxml_caesura_to_lily_event,
+ #"delayed-turn": "?",
+ "detached-legato": (musicexp.ShortArticulationEvent, "_"), # or "portato"
+ "doit": musicxml_doit_to_lily_event,
+ #"double-tongue": "?",
+ "down-bow": "downbow",
+ "falloff": musicxml_falloff_to_lily_event,
+ "fingering": musicxml_fingering_event,
+ #"fingernails": "?",
+ #"fret": "?",
+ #"hammer-on": "?",
+ "harmonic": "flageolet",
+ #"heel": "?",
+ "inverted-mordent": "prall",
+ "inverted-turn": "reverseturn",
+ "mordent": "mordent",
+ "open-string": "open",
+ #"plop": "?",
+ #"pluck": "?",
+ #"pull-off": "?",
+ #"schleifer": "?",
+ #"scoop": "?",
+ #"shake": "?",
+ "snap-pizzicato": "snappizzicato",
+ #"spiccato": "?",
+ "staccatissimo": (musicexp.ShortArticulationEvent, "|"), # or "staccatissimo"
+ "staccato": (musicexp.ShortArticulationEvent, "."), # or "staccato"
+ "stopped": (musicexp.ShortArticulationEvent, "+"), # or "stopped"
+ #"stress": "?",
+ "string": musicxml_string_event,
+ "strong-accent": (musicexp.ShortArticulationEvent, "^"), # or "marcato"
+ #"tap": "?",
+ "tenuto": (musicexp.ShortArticulationEvent, "-"), # or "tenuto"
+ "thumb-position": "thumb",
+ #"toe": "?",
+ "turn": "turn",
+ "tremolo": musicxml_tremolo_to_lily_event,
+ "trill-mark": "trill",
+ #"triple-tongue": "?",
+ #"unstress": "?"
+ "up-bow": "upbow",
+ #"wavy-line": "?",
+articulation_spanners = [ "wavy-line" ]
+def OrnamenthasWhat(mxl_event):
+ wavy = trilly = ignore = start = stop = False
+ for i in mxl_event._parent._children:
+ if i._name == "wavy-line": wavy = True
+ elif i._name == "trill-mark": trilly = True
+ try:
+ if i.type == "continue": ignore = True
+ elif i.type == "start": start = True
+ elif i.type == "stop": stop = True
+ except:
+ pass
+ if start == True:
+ if wavy == True and trilly == False: musicexp.whatOrnament = "wave"
+ else: musicexp.whatOrnament = "trill"
+ if ignore == True: return "ignore"
+ elif stop == True: return "stop"
+ elif wavy == True and trilly == True: return "trill and wave"
+ elif wavy == True: return "wave"
+ elif trilly == True: return "trill"
+def OrnamenthasWavyline(mxl_event):
+ for i in mxl_event._parent._children:
+ if i._name == "wavy-line": return True
+ return False
+def musicxml_articulation_to_lily_event(mxl_event):
+ # wavy-line elements are treated as trill spanners, not as articulation ornaments
+ if mxl_event.get_name() in articulation_spanners:
+ return musicxml_spanner_to_lily_event(mxl_event)
+ tmp_tp = articulations_dict.get(mxl_event.get_name())
+ if OrnamenthasWavyline(mxl_event):
+ return
+ if not tmp_tp:
+ return
+ if isinstance(tmp_tp, str):
+ ev = musicexp.ArticulationEvent()
+ ev.type = tmp_tp
+ elif isinstance(tmp_tp, tuple):
+ ev = tmp_tp[0]()
+ ev.type = tmp_tp[1]
+ else:
+ ev = tmp_tp(mxl_event)
+ # Some articulations use the type attribute, other the placement...
+ dir = None
+ if hasattr(mxl_event, 'type') and hasattr(options, 'convert_directions') and options.convert_directions:
+ dir = musicxml_direction_to_indicator(mxl_event.type)
+ if hasattr(mxl_event, 'placement') and hasattr(options, 'convert_directions') and options.convert_directions:
+ dir = musicxml_direction_to_indicator(mxl_event.placement)
+ if dir:
+ ev.force_direction = dir
+ return ev
+def musicxml_dynamics_to_lily_event(dynentry):
+ dynamics_available = (
+ "ppppp", "pppp", "ppp", "pp", "p", "mp", "mf",
+ "f", "ff", "fff", "ffff", "fp", "sf", "sff", "sp", "spp", "sfz", "rfz")
+ dynamicsname = dynentry.get_name()
+ if dynamicsname == "other-dynamics":
+ dynamicsname = dynentry.get_text()
+ if not dynamicsname or dynamicsname == "#text":
+ return None
+ if not dynamicsname in dynamics_available:
+ # Get rid of - in tag names (illegal in ly tags!)
+ dynamicstext = dynamicsname
+ dynamicsname = string.replace(dynamicsname, "-", "")
+ additional_definitions[dynamicsname] = dynamicsname + \
+ " = #(make-dynamic-script \"" + dynamicstext + "\")"
+ needed_additional_definitions.append(dynamicsname)
+ event = musicexp.DynamicsEvent()
+ event.type = dynamicsname
+ return event
+# Convert single-color two-byte strings to numbers 0.0 - 1.0
+def hexcolorval_to_nr(hex_val):
+ try:
+ v = int(hex_val, 16)
+ if v == 255:
+ v = 256
+ return v / 256.
+ except ValueError:
+ return 0.
+def hex_to_color(hex_val):
+ res = re.match(r'#([0-9a-f][0-9a-f]|)([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])$', hex_val, re.IGNORECASE)
+ if res:
+ return map(lambda x: hexcolorval_to_nr(x),, 3, 4))
+ else:
+ return None
+def font_size_number_to_lily_command(size):
+ d = {
+ (0, 8): r'\teeny',
+ (8, 10): r'\tiny',
+ (10, 12): r'\small',
+ (12, 16): r'',
+ (16, 24): r'\large',
+ (24, float('inf')): r'\huge',
+ }
+ result = None
+ for r in d.keys():
+ if r[0] <= size < r[1]:
+ result = d[r]
+ break
+ return result
+def font_size_word_to_lily_command(size):
+ font_size_dict = {
+ "xx-small": '\\teeny',
+ "x-small": '\\tiny',
+ "small": '\\small',
+ "medium": '',
+ "large": '\\large',
+ "x-large": '\\huge',
+ "xx-large": '\\larger\\huge'
+ }
+ return font_size_dict.get(size, '')
+def get_font_size(size):
+ try:
+ size = float(size)
+ return font_size_number_to_lily_command(size)
+ except ValueError:
+ return font_size_word_to_lily_command(size)
+def musicxml_words_to_lily_event(words):
+ event = musicexp.TextEvent()
+ text = words.get_text()
+ text = re.sub('^ *\n? *', '', text) #remove white spaces and line breaks before text
+ text = re.sub(' *\n? *$', '', text) #remove white spaces and line breaks before text
+ event.text = text
+ if hasattr(words, 'default-y') and hasattr(options, 'convert_directions') and options.convert_directions:
+ offset = getattr(words, 'default-y')
+ try:
+ off = string.atoi(offset)
+ if off > 0:
+ event.force_direction = 1
+ else:
+ event.force_direction = -1
+ except ValueError:
+ event.force_direction = 0
+ if hasattr(words, 'font-weight'):
+ font_weight = { "normal": '', "bold": '\\bold' }.get(getattr(words, 'font-weight'), '')
+ if font_weight:
+ event.markup += font_weight
+ if hasattr(words, 'font-size'):
+ size = getattr(words, 'font-size')
+ # font_size = font_size_dict.get(size, '')
+ font_size = get_font_size(size)
+ if font_size:
+ event.markup += font_size
+ if hasattr(words, 'color'):
+ color = getattr(words, 'color')
+ rgb = hex_to_color(color)
+ if rgb:
+ event.markup += "\\with-color #(rgb-color %s %s %s)" % (rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2])
+ if hasattr(words, 'font-style'):
+ font_style = { "italic": '\\italic' }.get(getattr(words, 'font-style'), '')
+ if font_style:
+ event.markup += font_style
+ # TODO: How should I best convert the font-family attribute?
+ # TODO: How can I represent the underline, overline and line-through
+ # attributes in LilyPond? Values of these attributes indicate
+ # the number of lines
+ return event
+# convert accordion-registration to lilypond.
+# Since lilypond does not have any built-in commands, we need to create
+# the markup commands manually and define our own variables.
+# Idea was taken from:
+def musicxml_accordion_to_markup(mxl_event):
+ commandname = "accReg"
+ command = ""
+ high = mxl_event.get_maybe_exist_named_child('accordion-high')
+ if high:
+ commandname += "H"
+ command += """\\combine
+ \\raise #2.5 \\musicglyph #\"\"
+ """
+ middle = mxl_event.get_maybe_exist_named_child('accordion-middle')
+ if middle:
+ # By default, use one dot (when no or invalid content is given). The
+ # MusicXML spec is quiet about this case...
+ txt = 1
+ try:
+ txt = string.atoi(middle.get_text())
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ if txt == 3:
+ commandname += "MMM"
+ command += """\\combine
+ \\raise #1.5 \\musicglyph #\"\"
+ \\combine
+ \\raise #1.5 \\translate #(cons 1 0) \\musicglyph #\"\"
+ \\combine
+ \\raise #1.5 \\translate #(cons -1 0) \\musicglyph #\"\"
+ """
+ elif txt == 2:
+ commandname += "MM"
+ command += """\\combine
+ \\raise #1.5 \\translate #(cons 0.5 0) \\musicglyph #\"\"
+ \\combine
+ \\raise #1.5 \\translate #(cons -0.5 0) \\musicglyph #\"\"
+ """
+ elif not txt <= 0:
+ commandname += "M"
+ command += """\\combine
+ \\raise #1.5 \\musicglyph #\"\"
+ """
+ low = mxl_event.get_maybe_exist_named_child('accordion-low')
+ if low:
+ commandname += "L"
+ command += """\\combine
+ \\raise #0.5 \musicglyph #\"\"
+ """
+ command += "\musicglyph #\"accordion.discant\""
+ command = "\\markup { \\normalsize %s }" % command
+ # Define the newly built command \accReg[H][MMM][L]
+ additional_definitions[commandname] = "%s = %s" % (commandname, command)
+ needed_additional_definitions.append(commandname)
+ return "\\%s" % commandname
+def musicxml_accordion_to_ly(mxl_event):
+ txt = musicxml_accordion_to_markup(mxl_event)
+ if txt:
+ ev = musicexp.MarkEvent(txt)
+ return ev
+ return
+def musicxml_rehearsal_to_ly_mark(mxl_event):
+ text = mxl_event.get_text()
+ if not text:
+ return
+ # default is boxed rehearsal marks!
+ encl = "box"
+ if hasattr(mxl_event, 'enclosure'):
+ encl = {"none": None, "square": "box", "circle": "circle" }.get(mxl_event.enclosure, None)
+ if encl:
+ text = "\\%s { %s }" % (encl, text)
+ ev = musicexp.MarkEvent("\\markup { %s }" % text)
+ return ev
+def musicxml_harp_pedals_to_ly(mxl_event):
+ count = 0
+ result = "\\harp-pedal #\""
+ for t in mxl_event.get_named_children('pedal-tuning'):
+ alter = t.get_named_child('pedal-alter')
+ if alter:
+ val = int(alter.get_text().strip())
+ result += {1: "v", 0: "-", -1: "^"}.get(val, "")
+ count += 1
+ if count == 3:
+ result += "|"
+ ev = musicexp.MarkupEvent()
+ ev.contents = result + "\""
+ return ev
+def musicxml_eyeglasses_to_ly(mxl_event):
+ needed_additional_definitions.append("eyeglasses")
+ return musicexp.MarkEvent("\\markup { \\eyeglasses }")
+def next_non_hash_index(lst, pos):
+ pos += 1
+ while pos < len(lst) and isinstance(lst[pos], musicxml.Hash_text):
+ pos += 1
+ return pos
+def musicxml_metronome_to_ly(mxl_event):
+ children = mxl_event.get_all_children()
+ if not children:
+ return
+ index = -1
+ index = next_non_hash_index(children, index)
+ if isinstance(children[index], musicxml.BeatUnit):
+ # first form of metronome-mark, using unit and beats/min or other unit
+ ev = musicexp.TempoMark()
+ if hasattr(mxl_event, 'parentheses'):
+ ev.set_parentheses(mxl_event.parentheses == "yes")
+ d = musicexp.Duration()
+ d.duration_log = utilities.musicxml_duration_to_log(
+ children[index].get_text())
+ index = next_non_hash_index(children, index)
+ if isinstance(children[index], musicxml.BeatUnitDot):
+ d.dots = 1
+ index = next_non_hash_index(children, index)
+ ev.set_base_duration(d)
+ if isinstance(children[index], musicxml.BeatUnit):
+ # Form "note = newnote"
+ newd = musicexp.Duration()
+ newd.duration_log = utilities.musicxml_duration_to_log(
+ children[index].get_text())
+ index = next_non_hash_index(children, index)
+ if isinstance(children[index], musicxml.BeatUnitDot):
+ newd.dots = 1
+ index = next_non_hash_index(children, index)
+ ev.set_new_duration(newd)
+ elif isinstance(children[index], musicxml.PerMinute):
+ # Form "note = bpm"
+ try:
+ beats = int(children[index].get_text())
+ ev.set_beats_per_minute(beats)
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ ly.warning(_("Unknown metronome mark, ignoring"))
+ return
+ return ev
+ else:
+ #TODO: Implement the other (more complex) way for tempo marks!
+ ly.warning(_("Metronome marks with complex relations (<metronome-note> in MusicXML) are not yet implemented."))
+ return
+# translate directions into Events, possible values:
+# -) string (MarkEvent with that command)
+# -) function (function(mxl_event) needs to return a full Event-derived object
+# -) (class, name) (like string, only that a different class than MarkEvent is used)
+directions_dict = {
+ 'accordion-registration' : musicxml_accordion_to_ly,
+ 'coda' : (musicexp.MusicGlyphMarkEvent, "coda"),
+# 'damp' : ???
+# 'damp-all' : ???
+ 'eyeglasses': musicxml_eyeglasses_to_ly,
+ 'harp-pedals' : musicxml_harp_pedals_to_ly,
+# 'image' : ???
+ 'metronome' : musicxml_metronome_to_ly,
+ 'rehearsal' : musicxml_rehearsal_to_ly_mark,
+# 'scordatura' : ???
+ 'segno' : (musicexp.MusicGlyphMarkEvent, "segno"),
+ 'words' : musicxml_words_to_lily_event,
+directions_spanners = [ 'octave-shift', 'pedal', 'wedge', 'dashes', 'bracket' ]
+def musicxml_direction_to_lily(n):
+ # TODO: Handle the <staff> element!
+ res = []
+ # placement applies to all children!
+ dir = None
+ if hasattr(n, 'placement') and hasattr(options, 'convert_directions') and options.convert_directions:
+ dir = musicxml_direction_to_indicator(n.placement)
+ dirtype_children = []
+ # TODO: The direction-type is used for grouping (e.g. dynamics with text),
+ # so we can't simply flatten them out!
+ for dt in n.get_typed_children(musicxml.DirType):
+ dirtype_children += dt.get_all_children()
+ for entry in dirtype_children:
+ # brackets, dashes, octave shifts. pedal marks, hairpins etc. are spanners:
+ if entry.get_name() in directions_spanners:
+ event = musicxml_spanner_to_lily_event(entry)
+ if event:
+ event.force_direction=dir
+ res.append(event)
+ continue
+ # now treat all the "simple" ones, that can be translated using the dict
+ ev = None
+ tmp_tp = directions_dict.get(entry.get_name(), None)
+ if isinstance(tmp_tp, str): # string means MarkEvent
+ ev = musicexp.MarkEvent(tmp_tp)
+ elif isinstance(tmp_tp, tuple): # tuple means (EventClass, "text")
+ ev = tmp_tp[0](tmp_tp[1])
+ elif tmp_tp:
+ ev = tmp_tp(entry)
+ if ev:
+ # TODO: set the correct direction! Unfortunately, \mark in ly does
+ # not seem to support directions!
+ ev.force_direction = dir
+ res.append(ev)
+ continue
+ if entry.get_name() == "dynamics":
+ for dynentry in entry.get_all_children():
+ ev = musicxml_dynamics_to_lily_event(dynentry)
+ if ev:
+ ev.force_direction = dir
+ res.append(ev)
+ return res
+notehead_styles_dict = {
+ 'slash': '\'slash',
+ 'triangle': '\'triangle',
+ 'diamond': '\'diamond',
+ 'square': '\'la', # TODO: Proper squared note head
+ 'cross': None, # TODO: + shaped note head
+ 'x': '\'cross',
+ 'circle-x': '\'xcircle',
+ 'inverted triangle': None, # TODO: Implement
+ 'arrow down': None, # TODO: Implement
+ 'arrow up': None, # TODO: Implement
+ 'slashed': None, # TODO: Implement
+ 'back slashed': None, # TODO: Implement
+ 'normal': None,
+ 'cluster': None, # TODO: Implement
+ 'none': '#f',
+ 'do': '\'do',
+ 're': '\'re',
+ 'mi': '\'mi',
+ 'fa': '\'fa',
+ 'so': None,
+ 'la': '\'la',
+ 'ti': '\'ti',
+ }
+def musicxml_chordpitch_to_lily(mxl_cpitch):
+ r = musicexp.ChordPitch()
+ r.alteration = mxl_cpitch.get_alteration()
+ r.step = musicxml_step_to_lily(mxl_cpitch.get_step())
+ return r
+chordkind_dict = {
+ 'major': r'{}:5',
+ 'minor': r'{}:m5',
+ 'augmented': r'{}:aug5',
+ 'diminished': r'{}:dim5',
+ # Sevenths:
+ 'dominant': r'{}:7',
+ 'dominant-seventh': r'{}:7',
+ 'major-seventh': r'{}:maj7',
+ 'minor-seventh': r'{}:m7',
+ 'diminished-seventh': r'{}:dim7',
+ 'augmented-seventh': r'{}:aug7',
+ 'half-diminished': r'{}:dim5m7',
+ 'major-minor': r'{}:maj7m5',
+ # Sixths:
+ 'major-sixth': r'{}:6',
+ 'minor-sixth': r'{}:m6',
+ # Ninths:
+ 'dominant-ninth': r'{}:9',
+ 'major-ninth': r'{}:maj9',
+ 'minor-ninth': r'{}:m9',
+ # 11ths (usually as the basis for alteration):
+ 'dominant-11th': r'{}:11',
+ 'major-11th': r'{}:maj11',
+ 'minor-11th': r'{}:m11',
+ # 13ths (usually as the basis for alteration):
+ 'dominant-13th': r'{}:13.11',
+ 'major-13th': r'{}:maj13.11',
+ 'minor-13th': r'{}:m13',
+ # Suspended:
+ 'suspended-second': r'{}:sus2',
+ 'suspended-fourth': r'{}:sus4',
+ # Functional sixths:
+ # TODO
+ #'Neapolitan': '???',
+ #'Italian': '???',
+ #'French': '???',
+ #'German': '???',
+ # Other:
+ #'pedal': '???',(pedal-point bass)
+ 'power': r'\powerChords {}:1.5',
+ #'Tristan': '???',
+ 'other': r'{}:1',
+ 'none': None,
+def musicxml_chordkind_to_lily(kind):
+ res = chordkind_dict.get(kind, None)
+ # Check for None, since a major chord is converted to ''
+ if res == None:
+ ly.warning(_("Unable to convert chord type %s to lilypond.") % kind)
+ return res
+# Global variable for guitar string tunings
+string_tunings = None
+def musicxml_get_string_tunings(lines):
+ global string_tunings
+ if (string_tunings == None):
+ if not lines:
+ lines = 6
+ string_tunings = [musicexp.Pitch()] * lines
+ for i in range(0, lines):
+ p = musicexp.Pitch()
+ p.step = musicxml_step_to_lily(((("E","A","D","G","B")*(lines/5+1))[0:lines])[i])
+ p.octave = (([-2+int(x%5>1)+2*(x/5) for x in range(0,lines)][0:lines])[i])
+ p.alteration = 0
+ p._force_absolute_pitch = True
+ string_tunings[i] = p
+ string_tunings = string_tunings[::-1]
+ return string_tunings[0:lines]
+def musicxml_frame_to_lily_event(frame):
+ ev = musicexp.FretEvent()
+ ev.strings = frame.get_strings()
+ ev.frets = frame.get_frets()
+ #offset = frame.get_first_fret() - 1
+ #offset = frame.get_first_fret()
+ barre = []
+ open_strings = range(1,ev.strings+1)
+ for fn in frame.get_named_children('frame-note'):
+ fret = fn.get_fret()
+ if fret <= 0:
+ fret = "o"
+ el = [ fn.get_string(), fret ]
+ fingering = fn.get_fingering()
+ if fingering >= 0:
+ el.append(fingering)
+ ev.elements.append(el)
+ open_strings.remove(fn.get_string())
+ b = fn.get_barre()
+ if b == 'start':
+ barre.append(el[0]) # start string
+ barre.append(el[1]) # fret
+ elif b == 'stop':
+ barre.insert(1, el[0]) # end string
+ for string in open_strings:
+ ev.elements.append([string, 'x'])
+ ev.elements.sort()
+ ev.elements.reverse()
+ if barre:
+ ev.barre = barre
+ return ev
+def musicxml_harmony_to_lily(n):
+ res = []
+ for f in n.get_named_children('frame'):
+ ev = musicxml_frame_to_lily_event(f)
+ if ev:
+ res.append(ev)
+ return res
+def musicxml_harmony_to_lily_fretboards(n):
+ res = []
+ frame = n.get_maybe_exist_named_child('frame')
+ if frame:
+ strings = frame.get_strings()
+ if not strings:
+ strings = 6
+ tunings = musicxml_get_string_tunings(strings)
+ ev = musicexp.FretBoardEvent()
+ #barre = []
+ for fn in frame.get_named_children('frame-note'):
+ fbn = musicexp.FretBoardNote()
+ string = fn.get_string()
+ fbn.string = string
+ fingering = fn.get_fingering()
+ if fingering >= 0:
+ fbn.fingering = fingering
+ p = tunings[string-1].copy()
+ p.add_semitones(fn.get_fret())
+ fbn.pitch = p
+ ev.append(fbn)
+ res.append(ev)
+ return res
+def musicxml_harmony_to_lily_chordname(n):
+ res = []
+ root = n.get_maybe_exist_named_child('root')
+ if root:
+ ev = musicexp.ChordNameEvent()
+ ev.root = musicxml_chordpitch_to_lily(root)
+ kind = n.get_maybe_exist_named_child('kind')
+ if kind:
+ ev.kind = musicxml_chordkind_to_lily(kind.get_text())
+ if not ev.kind:
+ return res
+ bass = n.get_maybe_exist_named_child('bass')
+ if bass:
+ ev.bass = musicxml_chordpitch_to_lily(bass)
+ inversion = n.get_maybe_exist_named_child('inversion')
+ if inversion:
+ # TODO: LilyPond does not support inversions, does it?
+ # Mail from Carl Sorensen on lilypond-devel, June 11, 2008:
+ # 4. LilyPond supports the first inversion in the form of added
+ # bass notes. So the first inversion of C major would be c:/g.
+ # To get the second inversion of C major, you would need to do
+ # e:6-3-^5 or e:m6-^5. However, both of these techniques
+ # require you to know the chord and calculate either the fifth
+ # pitch (for the first inversion) or the third pitch (for the
+ # second inversion) so they may not be helpful for musicxml2ly.
+ inversion_count = string.atoi(inversion.get_text())
+ if inversion_count == 1:
+ # TODO: Calculate the bass note for the inversion...
+ pass
+ pass
+ for deg in n.get_named_children('degree'):
+ d = musicexp.ChordModification()
+ d.type = deg.get_type()
+ d.step = deg.get_value()
+ d.alteration = deg.get_alter()
+ ev.add_modification(d)
+ #TODO: convert the user-symbols attribute:
+ #major: a triangle, like Unicode 25B3
+ #minor: -, like Unicode 002D
+ #augmented: +, like Unicode 002B
+ #diminished: (degree), like Unicode 00B0
+ #half-diminished: (o with slash), like Unicode 00F8
+ if ev and ev.root:
+ res.append(ev)
+ return res
+def musicxml_figured_bass_note_to_lily(n):
+ res = musicexp.FiguredBassNote()
+ suffix_dict = { 'sharp' : "+",
+ 'flat' : "-",
+ 'natural' : "!",
+ 'double-sharp' : "++",
+ 'flat-flat' : "--",
+ 'sharp-sharp' : "++",
+ 'slash' : "/" }
+ prefix = n.get_maybe_exist_named_child('prefix')
+ if prefix:
+ res.set_prefix(suffix_dict.get(prefix.get_text(), ""))
+ fnumber = n.get_maybe_exist_named_child('figure-number')
+ if fnumber:
+ res.set_number(fnumber.get_text())
+ suffix = n.get_maybe_exist_named_child('suffix')
+ if suffix:
+ res.set_suffix(suffix_dict.get(suffix.get_text(), ""))
+ if n.get_maybe_exist_named_child('extend'):
+ # TODO: Implement extender lines (unfortunately, in lilypond you have
+ # to use \set useBassFigureExtenders = ##t, which turns them on
+ # globally, while MusicXML has a property for each note...
+ # I'm not sure there is a proper way to implement this cleanly
+ #n.extend
+ pass
+ return res
+def musicxml_figured_bass_to_lily(n):
+ if not isinstance(n, musicxml.FiguredBass):
+ return
+ res = musicexp.FiguredBassEvent()
+ for i in n.get_named_children('figure'):
+ note = musicxml_figured_bass_note_to_lily(i)
+ if note:
+ res.append(note)
+ dur = n.get_maybe_exist_named_child('duration')
+ if dur:
+ # apply the duration to res
+ length = Rational(int(dur.get_text()), n._divisions) * Rational(1, 4)
+ res.set_real_duration(length)
+ duration = rational_to_lily_duration(length)
+ if duration:
+ res.set_duration(duration)
+ if hasattr(n, 'parentheses') and n.parentheses == "yes":
+ res.set_parentheses(True)
+ return res
+instrument_drumtype_dict = {
+ 'Acoustic Snare Drum': 'acousticsnare',
+ 'Side Stick': 'sidestick',
+ 'Open Triangle': 'opentriangle',
+ 'Mute Triangle': 'mutetriangle',
+ 'Tambourine': 'tambourine',
+ 'Bass Drum': 'bassdrum',
+def musicxml_lyrics_to_text(lyrics, ignoremelismata):
+ # TODO: Implement text styles for lyrics syllables
+ continued = False
+ extended = False
+ text = ''
+ for e in lyrics.get_all_children():
+ if isinstance(e, musicxml.Syllabic):
+ continued = e.continued()
+ elif isinstance(e, musicxml.Text):
+ # We need to convert soft hyphens to -, otherwise the ascii codec as well
+ # as lilypond will barf on that character
+ text += string.replace(e.get_text(), u'\xad', '-')
+ elif isinstance(e, musicxml.Elision):
+ if text:
+ text += " "
+ continued = False
+ extended = False
+ elif isinstance(e, musicxml.Extend):
+ if text:
+ text += " "
+ extended = True
+ if text == "-" and continued:
+ return "--"
+ elif text == "_" and extended:
+ return "__"
+ elif continued and text:
+ if hasattr(options, 'convert_beaming') and options.convert_beaming:
+ if (ignoremelismata == "on"):
+ return " \set ignoreMelismata = ##t " + utilities.escape_ly_output_string (text)
+ elif (ignoremelismata == "off"):
+ return " " + utilities.escape_ly_output_string(text) + " -- \unset ignoreMelismata"
+ else:
+ return " " + utilities.escape_ly_output_string(text) + " --"
+ else:
+ return " " + utilities.escape_ly_output_string(text) + " -- "
+ elif continued:
+ return "--"
+ elif extended and text:
+ return " " + utilities.escape_ly_output_string(text) + " __"
+ elif extended:
+ return "__"
+ elif text:
+ return " " + utilities.escape_ly_output_string(text)
+ else:
+ return ""
+## TODO
+class NegativeSkip:
+ def __init__(self, here, dest):
+ = here
+ self.dest = dest
+class LilyPondVoiceBuilder:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.elements = []
+ self.pending_dynamics = []
+ self.end_moment = Rational(0)
+ self.begin_moment = Rational(0)
+ self.pending_multibar = Rational(0)
+ self.ignore_skips = False
+ self.has_relevant_elements = False
+ self.measure_length = Rational(4, 4)
+ self.stay_here = False
+ def _insert_multibar(self):
+ layout_information.set_context_item('Score', 'skipBars = ##t')
+ r = musicexp.MultiMeasureRest()
+ lenfrac = self.measure_length
+ r.duration = rational_to_lily_duration(lenfrac)
+ r.duration.factor *= self.pending_multibar / lenfrac
+ self.elements.append(r)
+ self.begin_moment = self.end_moment
+ self.end_moment = self.begin_moment + self.pending_multibar
+ self.pending_multibar = Rational(0)
+ def set_measure_length(self, mlen):
+ if (mlen != self.measure_length) and self.pending_multibar:
+ self._insert_multibar()
+ self.measure_length = mlen
+ def add_multibar_rest(self, duration):
+ self.pending_multibar += duration
+ def set_duration(self, duration):
+ self.end_moment = self.begin_moment + duration
+ def current_duration(self):
+ return self.end_moment - self.begin_moment
+ def add_pending_dynamics(self):
+ for d in self.pending_dynamics:
+ self.elements.append(d)
+ self.pending_dynamics = []
+ def add_music(self, music, duration, relevant=True):
+ assert isinstance(music, musicexp.Music)
+ if self.pending_multibar > Rational(0):
+ self._insert_multibar()
+ self.has_relevant_elements = self.has_relevant_elements or relevant
+ if isinstance(music, musicexp.BarLine):
+ if self.pending_dynamics:
+ for d in self.pending_dynamics:
+ if not isinstance(d, (musicexp.SpanEvent, musicexp.DynamicsEvent)):
+ index = self.pending_dynamics.index(d)
+ dyn = self.pending_dynamics.pop(index)
+ self.elements.append(dyn)
+ self.elements.append(music)
+ self.begin_moment = self.end_moment
+ self.set_duration(duration)
+ # Insert all pending dynamics right after the note/rest:
+ if isinstance(music, musicexp.ChordEvent) and self.pending_dynamics:
+ self.add_pending_dynamics()
+ # Insert some music command that does not affect the position in the measure
+ def add_command(self, command, relevant=True):
+ assert isinstance(command, musicexp.Music)
+ if self.pending_multibar > Rational(0):
+ self._insert_multibar()
+ self.has_relevant_elements = self.has_relevant_elements or relevant
+ self.elements.append(command)
+ def add_barline(self, barline, relevant=False):
+ # Insert only if we don't have a barline already
+ # TODO: Implement proper merging of default barline and custom bar line
+ has_relevant = self.has_relevant_elements
+ if (not (self.elements) or
+ not (isinstance (self.elements[-1], musicexp.BarLine)) or
+ (self.pending_multibar > Rational(0))):
+ self.add_music(barline, Rational(0))
+ self.has_relevant_elements = has_relevant or relevant
+ def add_partial(self, command):
+ self.ignore_skips = True
+ # insert the partial, but restore relevant_elements (partial is not relevant)
+ relevant = self.has_relevant_elements
+ self.add_command(command)
+ self.has_relevant_elements = relevant
+ def add_dynamics(self, dynamic):
+ # store the dynamic item(s) until we encounter the next note/rest:
+ self.pending_dynamics.append(dynamic)
+ def add_bar_check(self, number):
+ # re/store has_relevant_elements, so that a barline alone does not
+ # trigger output for figured bass, chord names
+ b = musicexp.BarLine()
+ b.bar_number = number
+ self.add_barline(b)
+ def jumpto(self, moment):
+ if (not self.stay_here):
+ current_end = self.end_moment + self.pending_multibar
+ diff = moment - current_end
+ if diff < Rational(0):
+ ly.warning(_('Negative skip %s (from position %s to %s)') %
+ (diff, current_end, moment))
+ diff = Rational(0)
+ if diff > Rational(0) and not(self.ignore_skips and moment == 0):
+ skip = musicexp.SkipEvent()
+ duration_factor = 1
+ duration_log = {1: 0, 2: 1, 4:2, 8:3, 16:4, 32:5, 64:6, 128:7, 256:8, 512:9}.get(diff.denominator(), -1)
+ duration_dots = 0
+ # TODO: Use the time signature for skips, too. Problem: The skip
+ # might not start at a measure boundary!
+ if duration_log > 0: # denominator is a power of 2...
+ if diff.numerator() == 3:
+ duration_log -= 1
+ duration_dots = 1
+ else:
+ duration_factor = Rational(diff.numerator())
+ else:
+ # for skips of a whole or more, simply use s1*factor
+ duration_log = 0
+ duration_factor = diff
+ skip.duration.duration_log = duration_log
+ skip.duration.factor = duration_factor
+ skip.duration.dots = duration_dots
+ evc = musicexp.ChordEvent()
+ evc.elements.append(skip)
+ self.add_music(evc, diff, False)
+ if diff > Rational(0) and moment == 0:
+ self.ignore_skips = False
+ def last_event_chord(self, starting_at):
+ value = None
+ # if the position matches, find the last ChordEvent, do not cross a bar line!
+ at = len(self.elements) - 1
+ while (at >= 0 and
+ not isinstance(self.elements[at], musicexp.ChordEvent) and
+ not isinstance(self.elements[at], musicexp.BarLine)):
+ at -= 1
+ if (self.elements
+ and at >= 0
+ and isinstance(self.elements[at], musicexp.ChordEvent)
+ and self.begin_moment == starting_at):
+ value = self.elements[at]
+ else:
+ self.jumpto(starting_at)
+ value = None
+ return value
+ def correct_negative_skip(self, goto):
+ self.end_moment = goto
+ self.begin_moment = goto
+ evc = musicexp.ChordEvent()
+ self.elements.append(evc)
+class VoiceData:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.voicename = None
+ self.voicedata = None
+ self.ly_voice = None
+ self.figured_bass = None
+ self.chordnames = None
+ self.fretboards = None
+ self.lyrics_dict = {}
+ self.lyrics_order = []
+def measure_length_from_attributes(attr, current_measure_length):
+ len = attr.get_measure_length()
+ if not len:
+ len = current_measure_length
+ return len
+def music_xml_voice_name_to_lily_name(part_id, name):
+ str = "Part%sVoice%s" % (part_id, name)
+ return musicxml_id_to_lily(str)
+def music_xml_lyrics_name_to_lily_name(part_id, name, lyricsnr):
+ str = music_xml_voice_name_to_lily_name(part_id, name)+("Lyrics%s" % lyricsnr)
+ return musicxml_id_to_lily(str)
+def music_xml_figuredbass_name_to_lily_name(part_id, voicename):
+ str = music_xml_voice_name_to_lily_name(part_id, voicename)+"FiguredBass"
+ return musicxml_id_to_lily(str)
+def music_xml_chordnames_name_to_lily_name(part_id, voicename):
+ str = music_xml_voice_name_to_lily_name(part_id, voicename)+"Chords"
+ return musicxml_id_to_lily(str)
+def music_xml_fretboards_name_to_lily_name(part_id, voicename):
+ str = music_xml_voice_name_to_lily_name(part_id, voicename)+"FretBoards"
+ return musicxml_id_to_lily(str)
+def get_all_lyric_parts_in_voice(voice):
+ '''
+ Collect the indexes of all lyric parts in this voice.
+ In case not all of the current lyric parts are active (a typical case would be
+ a refrain/chorus), the current implementation inserts \skip-commands in the
+ inactive parts to keep them in sync.
+ '''
+ all_lyric_parts = []
+ for elem in voice._elements:
+ lyrics = elem.get_typed_children(musicxml.Lyric)
+ if lyrics:
+ for lyric in lyrics:
+ index = lyric.number
+ if not index in all_lyric_parts:
+ all_lyric_parts.append(index)
+ return all_lyric_parts
+def extract_lyrics(voice, lyric_key, lyrics_dict):
+ curr_number = None
+ result = []
+ def is_note(elem):
+ return isinstance(elem, musicxml.Note)
+ def is_rest(elem):
+ return elem.get_typed_children(musicxml.Rest)
+ def is_note_and_not_rest(elem):
+ return is_note(elem) and not is_rest(elem)
+ def get_lyric_elements(note):
+ return note.get_typed_children(musicxml.Lyric)
+ def has_lyric_belonging_to_lyric_part(note, lyric_part_id):
+ lyric_elements = get_lyric_elements(note)
+ lyric_numbers = [lyric.number for lyric in lyric_elements]
+ return any([lyric_number == lyric_part_id for lyric_number in lyric_numbers])
+ for idx, elem in enumerate(voice._elements):
+ lyrics = get_lyric_elements(elem)
+ lyric_keys = [lyric.number for lyric in lyrics]
+ note_has_lyric_belonging_to_lyric_part = lyric_key in lyric_keys
+ # Current note has lyric with 'number' matching 'lyric_key'.
+ if note_has_lyric_belonging_to_lyric_part:
+ for lyric in lyrics:
+ if lyric.number == lyric_key:
+ text = musicxml_lyrics_to_text(lyric, None)
+ result.append(text)
+ # Note has any lyric.
+ elif get_lyric_elements(elem) and \
+ not note_has_lyric_belonging_to_lyric_part:
+ result.append('\skip1 ')
+ # Note does not have any lyric attached to it.
+ elif is_note_and_not_rest(elem):
+ result.append('\skip1 ')
+ lyrics_dict[lyric_key].extend(result)
+def musicxml_voice_to_lily_voice(voice):
+ tuplet_events = []
+ modes_found = {}
+ lyrics = {}
+ return_value = VoiceData()
+ return_value.voicedata = voice
+ # First pitch needed for relative mode (if selected in command-line options)
+ first_pitch = None
+ # Needed for melismata detection (ignore lyrics on those notes!):
+ inside_slur = False
+ is_tied = False
+ is_chord = False
+ is_beamed = False
+ ignore_lyrics = False
+ current_staff = None
+ pending_figured_bass = []
+ pending_chordnames = []
+ pending_fretboards = []
+ # Make sure that the keys in the dict don't get reordered, since
+ # we need the correct ordering of the lyrics stanzas! By default,
+ # a dict will reorder its keys
+ return_value.lyrics_order = voice.get_lyrics_numbers()
+ for k in return_value.lyrics_order:
+ lyrics[k] = []
+ voice_builder = LilyPondVoiceBuilder()
+ figured_bass_builder = LilyPondVoiceBuilder()
+ chordnames_builder = LilyPondVoiceBuilder()
+ fretboards_builder = LilyPondVoiceBuilder()
+ current_measure_length = Rational(4, 4)
+ voice_builder.set_measure_length(current_measure_length)
+ in_slur = False
+ all_lyric_parts = set(get_all_lyric_parts_in_voice(voice))
+ if lyrics.keys():
+ for number in lyrics.keys():
+ extracted_lyrics = extract_lyrics(voice, number, lyrics)
+ for idx, n in enumerate(voice._elements):
+ tie_started = False
+ if n.get_name() == 'forward':
+ continue
+ staff = n.get_maybe_exist_named_child('staff')
+ if staff:
+ staff = staff.get_text()
+ if current_staff and staff <> current_staff and not n.get_maybe_exist_named_child('chord'):
+ voice_builder.add_command(musicexp.StaffChange(staff))
+ current_staff = staff
+ if isinstance(n, musicxml.Partial) and n.partial > 0:
+ a = musicxml_partial_to_lily(n.partial)
+ if a:
+ voice_builder.add_partial(a)
+ figured_bass_builder.add_partial(a)
+ chordnames_builder.add_partial(a)
+ fretboards_builder.add_partial(a)
+ continue
+ is_chord = n.get_maybe_exist_named_child('chord')
+ is_after_grace =(isinstance(n, musicxml.Note) and n.is_after_grace());
+ if not is_chord and not is_after_grace:
+ try:
+ voice_builder.jumpto(n._when)
+ figured_bass_builder.jumpto(n._when)
+ chordnames_builder.jumpto(n._when)
+ fretboards_builder.jumpto(n._when)
+ except NegativeSkip, neg:
+ voice_builder.correct_negative_skip(n._when)
+ figured_bass_builder.correct_negative_skip(n._when)
+ chordnames_builder.correct_negative_skip(n._when)
+ fretboards_builder.correct_negative_skip(n._when)
+ n.message(_("Negative skip found: from %s to %s, difference is %s") % (, neg.dest, neg.dest -
+ if isinstance(n, musicxml.Barline):
+ barlines = n.to_lily_object()
+ for a in barlines:
+ if isinstance(a, musicexp.BarLine):
+ voice_builder.add_barline(a)
+ figured_bass_builder.add_barline(a, False)
+ chordnames_builder.add_barline(a, False)
+ fretboards_builder.add_barline(a, False)
+ elif isinstance(a, RepeatMarker) or isinstance(a, EndingMarker):
+ voice_builder.add_command(a)
+ figured_bass_builder.add_barline(a, False)
+ chordnames_builder.add_barline(a, False)
+ fretboards_builder.add_barline(a, False)
+ continue
+ if isinstance(n, musicxml.Print):
+ for a in musicxml_print_to_lily(n):
+ voice_builder.add_command(a, False)
+ continue
+ # Continue any multimeasure-rests before trying to add bar checks!
+ # Don't handle new MM rests yet, because for them we want bar checks!
+ rest = n.get_maybe_exist_typed_child(musicxml.Rest)
+ if (rest and rest.is_whole_measure()
+ and voice_builder.pending_multibar > Rational(0)):
+ voice_builder.add_multibar_rest(n._duration)
+ continue
+ # print a bar check at the beginning of each measure!
+ if n.is_first() and n._measure_position == Rational(0) and n != voice._elements[0]:
+ try:
+ num = int(n.get_parent().number)
+ except ValueError:
+ num = 0
+ if num > 0:
+ voice_builder.add_bar_check(num)
+ figured_bass_builder.add_bar_check(num)
+ chordnames_builder.add_bar_check(num)
+ fretboards_builder.add_bar_check(num)
+ if isinstance(n, musicxml.Direction):
+ # check if Direction already has been converted in another voice.
+ if n.converted:
+ continue
+ else:
+ n.converted = True
+ for direction in musicxml_direction_to_lily(n):
+ if direction.wait_for_note():
+ voice_builder.add_dynamics(direction)
+ else:
+ voice_builder.add_command(direction)
+ continue
+ # Start any new multimeasure rests
+ if (rest and rest.is_whole_measure()):
+ if pending_chordnames:
+ chordnames_builder.jumpto(n._when)
+ chordnames_builder.stay_here = True
+ if pending_figured_bass:
+ figured_bass_builder.jumpto(n._when)
+ figured_bass_builder.stay_here = True
+ if pending_fretboards:
+ fretboards_builder.jumpto(n._when)
+ fretboards_builder.stay_here = True
+ voice_builder.add_multibar_rest(n._duration)
+ continue
+ if isinstance(n, musicxml.Harmony):
+ if (options.fretboards):
+ # Makes fretboard diagrams in a separate FretBoards voice
+ for a in musicxml_harmony_to_lily_fretboards(n):
+ pending_fretboards.append(a)
+ else:
+ # Makes markup fretboard-diagrams inside the voice
+ for a in musicxml_harmony_to_lily(n):
+ if a.wait_for_note():
+ voice_builder.add_dynamics(a)
+ else:
+ voice_builder.add_command(a)
+ for a in musicxml_harmony_to_lily_chordname(n):
+ pending_chordnames.append(a)
+ continue
+ if isinstance(n, musicxml.FiguredBass):
+ a = musicxml_figured_bass_to_lily(n)
+ if a:
+ pending_figured_bass.append(a)
+ continue
+ if isinstance(n, musicxml.Attributes):
+ for a in musicxml_attributes_to_lily(n):
+ voice_builder.add_command(a)
+ measure_length = measure_length_from_attributes(n, current_measure_length)
+ if current_measure_length != measure_length:
+ current_measure_length = measure_length
+ voice_builder.set_measure_length(current_measure_length)
+ continue
+ if not n.__class__.__name__ == 'Note':
+ n.message(_('unexpected %s; expected %s or %s or %s') % (n, 'Note', 'Attributes', 'Barline'))
+ continue
+# if not hasattr(conversion_settings, 'convert_rest_positions'):
+# conversion_settings.convert_rest_positions = True
+ main_event = n.to_lily_object(
+ convert_stem_directions=conversion_settings.convert_stem_directions,
+ convert_rest_positions=conversion_settings.convert_rest_positions)
+ if main_event and not first_pitch:
+ first_pitch = main_event.pitch
+ # ignore lyrics for notes inside a slur, tie, chord or beam
+ ignore_lyrics = is_tied or is_chord #or is_beamed or inside_slur
+ if main_event and hasattr(main_event, 'drum_type') and main_event.drum_type:
+ modes_found['drummode'] = True
+ ev_chord = voice_builder.last_event_chord(n._when)
+ if not ev_chord:
+ ev_chord = musicexp.ChordEvent()
+ voice_builder.add_music(ev_chord, n._duration)
+ # For grace notes:
+ grace = n.get_maybe_exist_typed_child(musicxml.Grace)
+ if n.is_grace():
+ is_after_grace = ev_chord.has_elements() or n.is_after_grace();
+ is_chord = n.get_maybe_exist_typed_child(musicxml.Chord)
+ grace_chord = None
+ # after-graces and other graces use different lists; Depending on
+ # whether we have a chord or not, obtain either a new ChordEvent or
+ # the previous one to create a chord
+ if is_after_grace:
+ if ev_chord.after_grace_elements and n.get_maybe_exist_typed_child(musicxml.Chord):
+ grace_chord = ev_chord.after_grace_elements.get_last_event_chord()
+ if not grace_chord:
+ grace_chord = musicexp.ChordEvent()
+ ev_chord.append_after_grace(grace_chord)
+ elif n.is_grace():
+ if ev_chord.grace_elements and n.get_maybe_exist_typed_child(musicxml.Chord):
+ grace_chord = ev_chord.grace_elements.get_last_event_chord()
+ if not grace_chord:
+ grace_chord = musicexp.ChordEvent()
+ ev_chord.append_grace(grace_chord)
+ if hasattr(grace, 'slash') and not is_after_grace:
+ # TODO: use grace_type = "appoggiatura" for slurred grace notes
+ if grace.slash == "yes":
+ ev_chord.grace_type = "acciaccatura"
+ # now that we have inserted the chord into the grace music, insert
+ # everything into that chord instead of the ev_chord
+ ev_chord = grace_chord
+ ev_chord.append(main_event)
+ ignore_lyrics = True
+ else:
+ ev_chord.append(main_event)
+ # When a note/chord has grace notes (duration==0), the duration of the
+ # event chord is not yet known, but the event chord was already added
+ # with duration 0. The following correct this when we hit the real note!
+ if voice_builder.current_duration() == 0 and n._duration > 0:
+ voice_builder.set_duration(n._duration)
+ # if we have a figured bass, set its voice builder to the correct position
+ # and insert the pending figures
+ if pending_figured_bass:
+ try:
+ figured_bass_builder.jumpto(n._when)
+ if (figured_bass_builder.stay_here):
+ figured_bass_builder.stay_here = False
+ except NegativeSkip, neg:
+ pass
+ for fb in pending_figured_bass:
+ # if a duration is given, use that, otherwise the one of the note
+ dur = fb.real_duration
+ if not dur:
+ dur = ev_chord.get_length()
+ if not fb.duration:
+ fb.duration = ev_chord.get_duration()
+ figured_bass_builder.add_music(fb, dur)
+ pending_figured_bass = []
+ if pending_chordnames:
+ try:
+ chordnames_builder.jumpto(n._when)
+ if (chordnames_builder.stay_here):
+ chordnames_builder.stay_here = False
+ except NegativeSkip, neg:
+ pass
+ for cn in pending_chordnames:
+ # Assign the duration of the EventChord
+ cn.duration = ev_chord.get_duration()
+ chordnames_builder.add_music(cn, ev_chord.get_length())
+ pending_chordnames = []
+ if pending_fretboards:
+ try:
+ fretboards_builder.jumpto(n._when)
+ if (fretboards_builder.stay_here):
+ fretboards_builder.stay_here = False
+ except NegativeSkip, neg:
+ pass
+ for fb in pending_fretboards:
+ # Assign the duration of the EventChord
+ fb.duration = ev_chord.get_duration()
+ fretboards_builder.add_music(fb, ev_chord.get_length())
+ pending_fretboards = []
+ notations_children = n.get_typed_children(musicxml.Notations)
+ tuplet_event = None
+ span_events = []
+ # The <notation> element can have the following children (+ means implemented, ~ partially, - not):
+ # +tied | +slur | +tuplet | glissando | slide |
+ # ornaments | technical | articulations | dynamics |
+ # +fermata | arpeggiate | non-arpeggiate |
+ # accidental-mark | other-notation
+ for notations in notations_children:
+ for tuplet_event in notations.get_tuplets():
+ time_mod = n.get_maybe_exist_typed_child(musicxml.Time_modification)
+ tuplet_events.append((ev_chord, tuplet_event, time_mod))
+ # First, close all open slurs, only then start any new slur
+ # TODO: Record the number of the open slur to dtermine the correct
+ # closing slur!
+ endslurs = [s for s in notations.get_named_children('slur')
+ if s.get_type() in ('stop')]
+ if endslurs and not inside_slur:
+ endslurs[0].message(_('Encountered closing slur, but no slur is open'))
+ elif endslurs:
+ if len(endslurs) > 1:
+ endslurs[0].message(_('Cannot have two simultaneous (closing) slurs'))
+ # record the slur status for the next note in the loop
+ inside_slur = False
+ lily_ev = musicxml_spanner_to_lily_event(endslurs[0])
+ ev_chord.append(lily_ev)
+ startslurs = [s for s in notations.get_named_children('slur')
+ if s.get_type() in('start')]
+ if startslurs and inside_slur:
+ startslurs[0].message(_('Cannot have a slur inside another slur'))
+ elif startslurs:
+ if len(startslurs) > 1:
+ startslurs[0].message(_('Cannot have two simultaneous slurs'))
+ # record the slur status for the next note in the loop
+ inside_slur = True
+ lily_ev = musicxml_spanner_to_lily_event(startslurs[0])
+ ev_chord.append(lily_ev)
+ if not grace:
+ mxl_tie = notations.get_tie()
+ if mxl_tie and mxl_tie.type == 'start':
+ ev_chord.append(musicexp.TieEvent())
+ is_tied = True
+ tie_started = True
+ else:
+ is_tied = False
+ fermatas = notations.get_named_children('fermata')
+ for a in fermatas:
+ ev = musicxml_fermata_to_lily_event(a)
+ if ev:
+ ev_chord.append(ev)
+ arpeggiate = notations.get_named_children('arpeggiate')
+ for a in arpeggiate:
+ ev = musicxml_arpeggiate_to_lily_event(a)
+ if ev:
+ ev_chord.append(ev)
+ arpeggiate = notations.get_named_children('non-arpeggiate')
+ for a in arpeggiate:
+ ev = musicxml_nonarpeggiate_to_lily_event(a)
+ if ev:
+ ev_chord.append(ev)
+ glissandos = notations.get_named_children('glissando')
+ glissandos += notations.get_named_children('slide')
+ for a in glissandos:
+ ev = musicxml_spanner_to_lily_event(a)
+ if ev:
+ ev_chord.append(ev)
+ # accidental-marks are direct children of <notation>!
+ for a in notations.get_named_children('accidental-mark'):
+ ev = musicxml_articulation_to_lily_event(a)
+ if ev:
+ ev_chord.append(ev)
+ # Articulations can contain the following child elements:
+ # accent | strong-accent | staccato | tenuto |
+ # detached-legato | staccatissimo | spiccato |
+ # scoop | plop | doit | falloff | breath-mark |
+ # caesura | stress | unstress
+ # Technical can contain the following child elements:
+ # up-bow | down-bow | harmonic | open-string |
+ # thumb-position | fingering | pluck | double-tongue |
+ # triple-tongue | stopped | snap-pizzicato | fret |
+ # string | hammer-on | pull-off | bend | tap | heel |
+ # toe | fingernails | other-technical
+ # Ornaments can contain the following child elements:
+ # trill-mark | turn | delayed-turn | inverted-turn |
+ # shake | wavy-line | mordent | inverted-mordent |
+ # schleifer | tremolo | other-ornament, accidental-mark
+ ornaments = notations.get_named_children('ornaments')
+ ornaments += notations.get_named_children('articulations')
+ ornaments += notations.get_named_children('technical')
+ for a in ornaments:
+ for ch in a.get_all_children():
+ ev = musicxml_articulation_to_lily_event(ch)
+ if ev:
+ ev_chord.append(ev)
+ dynamics = notations.get_named_children('dynamics')
+ for a in dynamics:
+ for ch in a.get_all_children():
+ ev = musicxml_dynamics_to_lily_event(ch)
+ if ev:
+ ev_chord.append(ev)
+ mxl_beams = [b for b in n.get_named_children('beam')
+ if (b.get_type() in('begin', 'end')
+ and b.is_primary())]
+ if mxl_beams and not conversion_settings.ignore_beaming:
+ beam_ev = musicxml_spanner_to_lily_event(mxl_beams[0])
+ if beam_ev:
+ ev_chord.append(beam_ev)
+ if beam_ev.span_direction == -1: # beam and thus melisma starts here
+ is_beamed = True
+ elif beam_ev.span_direction == 1: # beam and thus melisma ends here
+ is_beamed = False
+ # Assume that a <tie> element only lasts for one note.
+ # This might not be correct MusicXML interpretation, but works for
+ # most cases and fixes broken files, which have the end tag missing
+ if is_tied and not tie_started:
+ is_tied = False
+ # force trailing mm rests to be written out.
+ # voice_builder.add_music (musicexp.ChordEvent(), Rational(0))
+ if hasattr(options, 'shift_meter') and options.shift_meter:
+ for event in voice_builder.elements:
+ if isinstance(event, musicexp.TimeSignatureChange):
+ sd = []
+ for i in range(0,5):
+ sd.append(musicexp.ShiftDurations())
+ sd[i].set_shift_durations_parameters(event)
+ break;
+ ly_voice = group_tuplets(voice_builder.elements, tuplet_events)
+ ly_voice = group_repeats(ly_voice)
+ seq_music = musicexp.SequentialMusic()
+ if 'drummode' in modes_found.keys():
+ ## \key <pitch> barfs in drummode.
+ ly_voice = [e for e in ly_voice
+ if not isinstance(e, musicexp.KeySignatureChange)]
+ seq_music.elements = ly_voice
+ for k in lyrics.keys():
+ return_value.lyrics_dict[k] = musicexp.Lyrics()
+ return_value.lyrics_dict[k].lyrics_syllables = lyrics[k]
+ if len(modes_found) > 1:
+ ly.warning(_('cannot simultaneously have more than one mode: %s') % modes_found.keys())
+ if hasattr(options, 'shift_meter') and options.shift_meter:
+ sd[-1].element = seq_music
+ seq_music = sd[-1]
+ sd.pop()
+ if hasattr(options, 'relative') and options.relative:
+ v = musicexp.RelativeMusic()
+ v.element = seq_music
+ v.basepitch = first_pitch
+ seq_music = v
+ return_value.ly_voice = seq_music
+ for mode in modes_found.keys():
+ v = musicexp.ModeChangingMusicWrapper()
+ v.element = seq_music
+ v.mode = mode
+ return_value.ly_voice = v
+ # create \figuremode { figured bass elements }
+ if figured_bass_builder.has_relevant_elements:
+ fbass_music = musicexp.SequentialMusic()
+ fbass_music.elements = group_repeats(figured_bass_builder.elements)
+ v = musicexp.ModeChangingMusicWrapper()
+ v.mode = 'figuremode'
+ v.element = fbass_music
+ if hasattr(options, 'shift_meter') and options.shift_meter:
+ sd[-1].element = v
+ v = sd[-1]
+ sd.pop()
+ return_value.figured_bass = v
+ # create \chordmode { chords }
+ if chordnames_builder.has_relevant_elements:
+ cname_music = musicexp.SequentialMusic()
+ cname_music.elements = group_repeats(chordnames_builder.elements)
+ v = musicexp.ModeChangingMusicWrapper()
+ v.mode = 'chordmode'
+ v.element = cname_music
+ if hasattr(options, 'shift_meter') and options.shift_meter:
+ sd[-1].element = v
+ v = sd[-1]
+ sd.pop()
+ return_value.chordnames = v
+ # create diagrams for FretBoards engraver
+ if fretboards_builder.has_relevant_elements:
+ fboard_music = musicexp.SequentialMusic()
+ fboard_music.elements = group_repeats(fretboards_builder.elements)
+ v = musicexp.MusicWrapper()
+ v.element = fboard_music
+ if hasattr(options, 'shift_meter') and options.shift_meter:
+ sd[-1].element = v
+ v = sd[-1]
+ sd.pop()
+ return_value.fretboards = v
+ # coll = []
+ # pending = []
+ # for elt in return_value.ly_voice.element.elements:
+ # if isinstance(elt, musicexp.TimeScaledMusic):
+ # print elt.element.elements
+ # pending.append(elt)
+ # else:
+ # coll.append(elt)
+ # if pending:
+ # coll.extend(pending)
+ # return_value.ly_voice.element.elements = coll
+ return return_value
+def musicxml_id_to_lily(id):
+ digits = ['Zero', 'One', 'Two', 'Three', 'Four', 'Five',
+ 'Six', 'Seven', 'Eight', 'Nine', 'Ten']
+ for digit in digits:
+ d = digits.index(digit)
+ id = re.sub('%d' % d, digit, id)
+ id = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z]', 'X', id)
+ return id
+def voices_in_part(part):
+ """Return a Name -> Voice dictionary for PART"""
+ part.interpret()
+ part.extract_voices()
+ voices = part.get_voices()
+ part_info = part.get_staff_attributes()
+ return (voices, part_info)
+def voices_in_part_in_parts(parts):
+ """return a Part -> Name -> Voice dictionary"""
+ # don't crash if Part doesn't have an id (that's invalid MusicXML,
+ # but such files are out in the wild!)
+ dictionary = {}
+ for p in parts:
+ voices = voices_in_part(p)
+ if (hasattr(p, "id")):
+ dictionary[] = voices
+ else:
+ # TODO: extract correct part id from other sources
+ dictionary[None] = voices
+ return dictionary;
+def get_all_voices(parts):
+ all_voices = voices_in_part_in_parts(parts)
+ all_ly_voices = {}
+ all_ly_staffinfo = {}
+ for p, (name_voice, staff_info) in all_voices.items():
+ part_ly_voices = {}
+ for n, v in name_voice.items():
+ ly.progress(_("Converting to LilyPond expressions..."), True)
+ # musicxml_voice_to_lily_voice returns (lily_voice, {nr->lyrics, nr->lyrics})
+ voice = musicxml_voice_to_lily_voice(v)
+ part_ly_voices[n] = voice
+ all_ly_voices[p] = part_ly_voices
+ all_ly_staffinfo[p] = staff_info
+ return (all_ly_voices, all_ly_staffinfo)
+def option_parser():
+ p = ly.get_option_parser(usage=_("musicxml2ly [OPTION]... FILE.xml"),
+ description=
+_("""Convert MusicXML from FILE.xml to LilyPond input.
+If the given filename is -, musicxml2ly reads from the command line.
+"""), add_help_option=False)
+ p.add_option("-h", "--help",
+ action="help",
+ help=_("show this help and exit"))
+ p.version = ('''%prog (dev) v0.2.41\n\n'''
+_ ("""Copyright (c) 2005--2015 by
+ Han-Wen Nienhuys <>,
+ Jan Nieuwenhuizen <> and
+ Reinhold Kainhofer <>
+ Patrick L. Schmidt <>
+This program is free software. It is covered by the GNU General Public
+License and you are welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it
+under certain conditions. Invoke as `%s --warranty' for more
+information.""") % 'lilypond')
+ p.add_option("--version",
+ action="version",
+ help=_ ("show version number and exit"))
+ p.add_option('-v', '--verbose',
+ action="callback",
+ callback=ly.handle_loglevel_option,
+ callback_args=("DEBUG",),
+ help=_ ("be verbose"))
+ p.add_option('', '--lxml',
+ action="store_true",
+ default=False,
+ dest="use_lxml",
+ help=_ ("use lxml.etree; uses less memory and cpu time"))
+ p.add_option('-z', '--compressed',
+ action="store_true",
+ dest='compressed',
+ default=False,
+ help=_ ("input file is a zip-compressed MusicXML file"))
+ p.add_option('-r', '--relative',
+ action="store_true",
+ default=True,
+ dest="relative",
+ help=_ ("convert pitches in relative mode (default)"))
+ p.add_option('-a', '--absolute',
+ action="store_false",
+ dest="relative",
+ help=_ ("convert pitches in absolute mode"))
+ p.add_option('-l', '--language',
+ metavar=_ ("LANG"),
+ action="store",
+ help=_ ("use LANG for pitch names, e.g. 'deutsch' for note names in German"))
+ p.add_option("--loglevel",
+ help=_ ("Print log messages according to LOGLEVEL "
+ metavar=_ ("LOGLEVEL"),
+ action='callback',
+ callback=ly.handle_loglevel_option,
+ type='string')
+ p.add_option('--nd', '--no-articulation-directions',
+ action="store_false",
+ default=True,
+ dest="convert_directions",
+ help=_ ("do not convert directions (^, _ or -) for articulations, dynamics, etc."))
+ p.add_option('--nrp', '--no-rest-positions',
+ action="store_false",
+ default=True,
+ dest="convert_rest_positions",
+ help=_ ("do not convert exact vertical positions of rests"))
+ p.add_option('--nsb', '--no-system-breaks',
+ action="store_false",
+ default=True,
+ dest="convert_system_breaks",
+ help=_ ("ignore system breaks"))
+ p.add_option('--npb', '--no-page-breaks',
+ action="store_false",
+ default=True,
+ dest="convert_page_breaks",
+ help=_ ("ignore page breaks"))
+ p.add_option('--npm', '--no-page-margins',
+ action="store_false",
+ default=True,
+ dest="convert_page_margins",
+ help=_ ("ignore page margins"))
+ p.add_option('--npl', '--no-page-layout',
+ action="store_false",
+ default=True,
+ dest="convert_page_layout",
+ help=_ ("do not convert the exact page layout and breaks (shortcut for \"--nsb --npb --npm\" options)"))
+ p.add_option('--nsd', '--no-stem-directions',
+ action="store_false",
+ default=True,
+ dest="convert_stem_directions",
+ help=_ ("ignore stem directions from MusicXML, use lilypond's automatic stemming instead"))
+ p.add_option('--nb', '--no-beaming',
+ action="store_false",
+ default=True,
+ dest="convert_beaming",
+ help=_ ("do not convert beaming information, use lilypond's automatic beaming instead"))
+ p.add_option('-o', '--output',
+ metavar=_ ("FILE"),
+ action="store",
+ default=None,
+ type='string',
+ dest='output_name',
+ help=_ ("set output filename to FILE, stdout if -"))
+ p.add_option('-m', '--midi',
+ action="store_true",
+ default=False,
+ dest="midi",
+ help=_("activate midi-block in .ly file"))
+ # transpose function
+ p.add_option('--transpose',
+ metavar=_ ("TOPITCH"),
+ action="store",
+ dest="transpose",
+ help=_ ("set pitch to transpose by the interval between pitch 'c' and TOPITCH"))
+ # time signature changing function
+ p.add_option('--sm', '--shift-meter',
+ metavar=_ ("BEATS/BEATTYPE"),
+ action="store",
+ dest="shift_meter",
+ help=_ ("change the length|duration of notes as a function of a given time signature to make the score look faster or slower, (eg. '4/4' or '2/2')"))
+ # switch tabstaff clef
+ p.add_option('--tc', '--tab-clef',
+ metavar=_ ("TABCLEFNAME"),
+ action="store",
+ dest="tab_clef",
+ help=_ ("switch between two versions of tab clefs (\"tab\" and \"moderntab\")"))
+ # StringNumber stencil on/off
+ p.add_option('--sn', '--string-numbers',
+ metavar=_ ("t[rue]/f[alse]"),
+ action="store",
+ dest="string_numbers",
+ help=_ ("deactivate string number stencil with --string-numbers f[alse]. Default is t[rue]"))
+ # StringNumber stencil on/off
+ p.add_option('--fb', '--fretboards',
+ action="store_true",
+ default=False,
+ dest="fretboards",
+ help=_("converts '<frame>' events to a separate FretBoards voice instead of markups"))
+ p.add_option_group('',
+ description=(
+ _ ("Report bugs via %s")
+ % ''
+ '?group=gmane.comp.gnu.lilypond.bugs') + '\n')
+ return p
+def print_voice_definitions (printer, part_list, voices):
+ for part in part_list:
+ part_id =
+ nv_dict = voices.get (part_id, {})
+ for (name, voice) in nv_dict.items ():
+ k = music_xml_voice_name_to_lily_name (part_id, name)
+ printer.dump ('%s = ' % k)
+ voice.ly_voice.print_ly (printer)
+ printer.newline()
+ if voice.chordnames:
+ cnname = music_xml_chordnames_name_to_lily_name (part_id, name)
+ printer.dump ('%s = ' % cnname)
+ voice.chordnames.print_ly (printer)
+ printer.newline()
+ for l in voice.lyrics_order:
+ lname = music_xml_lyrics_name_to_lily_name (part_id, name, l)
+ printer.dump ('%s = ' % lname)
+ voice.lyrics_dict[l].print_ly (printer)
+ printer.newline()
+ if voice.figured_bass:
+ fbname = music_xml_figuredbass_name_to_lily_name (part_id, name)
+ printer.dump ('%s = ' % fbname)
+ voice.figured_bass.print_ly (printer)
+ printer.newline()
+ if voice.fretboards:
+ fbdname = music_xml_fretboards_name_to_lily_name (part_id, name)
+ printer.dump ('%s = ' % fbdname)
+ voice.fretboards.print_ly (printer)
+ printer.newline()
+def uniq_list(l):
+ return dict([(elt, 1) for elt in l]).keys()
+# format the information about the staff in the form
+# [staffid,
+# [
+# [voiceid1, [lyricsid11, lyricsid12,...], figuredbassid1],
+# [voiceid2, [lyricsid21, lyricsid22,...], figuredbassid2],
+# ...
+# ]
+# ]
+# raw_voices is of the form [(voicename, lyricsids, havefiguredbass)*]
+def format_staff_info(part_id, staff_id, raw_voices):
+ voices = []
+ for (v, lyricsids, figured_bass, chordnames, fretboards) in raw_voices:
+ voice_name = music_xml_voice_name_to_lily_name(part_id, v)
+ voice_lyrics = [music_xml_lyrics_name_to_lily_name(part_id, v, l)
+ for l in lyricsids]
+ figured_bass_name = ''
+ if figured_bass:
+ figured_bass_name = music_xml_figuredbass_name_to_lily_name(part_id, v)
+ chordnames_name = ''
+ if chordnames:
+ chordnames_name = music_xml_chordnames_name_to_lily_name(part_id, v)
+ fretboards_name = ''
+ if fretboards:
+ fretboards_name = music_xml_fretboards_name_to_lily_name(part_id, v)
+ voices.append([voice_name, voice_lyrics, figured_bass_name, chordnames_name, fretboards_name])
+ return [staff_id, voices]
+def update_score_setup(score_structure, part_list, voices, parts):
+ for part_definition in part_list:
+ part_id =
+ nv_dict = voices.get(part_id)
+ if not nv_dict:
+ ly.warning(_('unknown part in part-list: %s') % part_id)
+ continue
+ staves = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y,
+ [voice.voicedata._staves.keys()
+ for voice in nv_dict.values()],
+ [])
+ staves_info = []
+ if len(staves) > 1:
+ staves_info = []
+ staves = uniq_list(staves)
+ staves.sort()
+ for s in staves:
+ thisstaff_raw_voices = [(voice_name, voice.lyrics_order, voice.figured_bass, voice.chordnames, voice.fretboards)
+ for (voice_name, voice) in nv_dict.items()
+ if voice.voicedata._start_staff == s]
+ staves_info.append(format_staff_info(part_id, s, thisstaff_raw_voices))
+ else:
+ thisstaff_raw_voices = [(voice_name, voice.lyrics_order, voice.figured_bass, voice.chordnames, voice.fretboards)
+ for (voice_name, voice) in nv_dict.items()]
+ staves_info.append(format_staff_info(part_id, None, thisstaff_raw_voices))
+ score_structure.set_part_information(part_id, staves_info)
+ sounds = []
+ for part in parts:
+ for measure in part.get_typed_children(musicxml.Measure):
+ for sound in measure.get_typed_children(musicxml.Sound):
+ sounds.append(sound)
+ for direction in measure.get_typed_children(musicxml.Direction):
+ for sound in direction.get_typed_children(musicxml.Sound):
+ sounds.append(sound)
+ score_structure.set_tempo('100')
+ if len(sounds) != 0:
+ for sound in sounds:
+ if (sound.get_tempo() != None and sound.get_tempo() != ""):
+ score_structure.set_tempo(sound.get_tempo())
+ break
+# Set global values in the \layout block, like auto-beaming etc.
+def update_layout_information():
+ if not conversion_settings.ignore_beaming and layout_information:
+ layout_information.set_context_item('Score', 'autoBeaming = ##f')
+ if musicexp.get_string_numbers() == "f":
+ layout_information.set_context_item('Score', '\\override StringNumber #\'stencil = ##f')
+# \n\t\t\t\t\\override StringNumber #\'stencil = ##f
+def print_ly_preamble(printer, filename):
+ printer.dump_version()
+ printer.print_verbatim('% automatically converted by philomelos musicxml2ly v0.2.41\n')
+ printer.newline()
+ printer.dump(r'\pointAndClickOff')
+ printer.newline()
+ if options.midi:
+ printer.newline()
+ printer.dump(r'\include ""')
+ printer.newline()
+def print_ly_additional_definitions(printer, filename=None):
+ if needed_additional_definitions:
+ printer.newline()
+ printer.print_verbatim('%% additional definitions required by the score:')
+ printer.newline()
+ for a in set(needed_additional_definitions):
+ printer.print_verbatim(additional_definitions.get(a, ''))
+ printer.newline()
+ printer.newline()
+# Read in the tree from the given I/O object (either file or string) and
+# demarshall it using the classes from the file
+def read_xml(io_object, use_lxml):
+ if use_lxml:
+ import lxml.etree
+ tree = lxml.etree.parse(io_object)
+ mxl_tree = musicxml.lxml_demarshal_node(tree.getroot())
+ return mxl_tree
+ else:
+ from xml.dom import minidom, Node
+ doc = minidom.parse(io_object)
+ node = doc.documentElement
+ return musicxml.minidom_demarshal_node(node)
+ return None
+def read_musicxml(filename, compressed, use_lxml):
+ raw_string = None
+ if compressed:
+ if filename == "-":
+ ly.progress(_("Input is compressed, extracting raw MusicXML data from stdin"), True)
+ # unfortunately, zipfile.ZipFile can't read directly from
+ # stdin, so copy everything from stdin to a temp file and read
+ # that. TemporaryFile() will remove the file when it is closed.
+ tmp = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
+ sys.stdin = os.fdopen(sys.stdin.fileno(), 'rb', 0) # Make sys.stdin binary
+ bytes_read =
+ while bytes_read:
+ for b in bytes_read:
+ tmp.write(b)
+ bytes_read =
+ z = zipfile.ZipFile(tmp, "r")
+ else:
+ ly.progress(_("Input file %s is compressed, extracting raw MusicXML data") % filename, True)
+ z = zipfile.ZipFile(filename, "r")
+ container_xml ="META-INF/container.xml")
+ if not container_xml:
+ return None
+ container = read_xml(StringIO.StringIO(container_xml), use_lxml)
+ if not container:
+ return None
+ rootfiles = container.get_maybe_exist_named_child('rootfiles')
+ if not rootfiles:
+ return None
+ rootfile_list = rootfiles.get_named_children('rootfile')
+ mxml_file = None
+ if len(rootfile_list) > 0:
+ mxml_file = getattr(rootfile_list[0], 'full-path', None)
+ if mxml_file:
+ raw_string =
+ if raw_string:
+ io_object = StringIO.StringIO(raw_string)
+ elif filename == "-":
+ io_object = sys.stdin
+ else:
+ io_object = filename
+ return read_xml(io_object, use_lxml)
+def convert(filename, options):
+ if filename == "-":
+ ly.progress(_("Reading MusicXML from Standard input ..."), True)
+ else:
+ ly.progress(_("Reading MusicXML from %s ...") % filename, True)
+ tree = read_musicxml(filename, options.compressed, options.use_lxml)
+ score_information = extract_score_information(tree)
+ paper_information = extract_paper_information(tree)
+ parts = tree.get_typed_children(musicxml.Part)
+ (voices, staff_info) = get_all_voices(parts)
+ score = None
+ mxl_pl = tree.get_maybe_exist_typed_child(musicxml.Part_list)
+ if mxl_pl:
+ score = extract_score_structure(mxl_pl, staff_info)
+ part_list = mxl_pl.get_named_children("score-part")
+ # score information is contained in the <work>, <identification> or <movement-title> tags
+ update_score_setup(score, part_list, voices, parts)
+ # After the conversion, update the list of settings for the \layout block
+ update_layout_information()
+ if not options.output_name:
+ options.output_name = os.path.basename(filename)
+ options.output_name = os.path.splitext(options.output_name)[0]
+ elif re.match(".*\.ly", options.output_name):
+ options.output_name = os.path.splitext(options.output_name)[0]
+ #defs_ly_name = options.output_name + ''
+ if (options.output_name == "-"):
+ output_ly_name = 'Standard output'
+ else:
+ output_ly_name = options.output_name + '.ly'
+ ly.progress(_("Output to `%s'") % output_ly_name, True)
+ printer = musicexp.Output_printer()
+ #ly.progress(_("Output to `%s'") % defs_ly_name, True)
+ if (options.output_name == "-"):
+ printer.set_file(codecs.getwriter("utf-8")(sys.stdout))
+ else:
+ printer.set_file(, 'wb', encoding='utf-8'))
+ print_ly_preamble(printer, filename)
+ print_ly_additional_definitions(printer, filename)
+ if score_information:
+ score_information.print_ly(printer)
+ if paper_information and conversion_settings.convert_page_layout:
+ paper_information.print_ly(printer)
+ if layout_information:
+ layout_information.print_ly(printer)
+ print_voice_definitions(printer, part_list, voices)
+ printer.newline()
+ printer.dump("% The score definition")
+ printer.newline()
+ score.print_ly(printer)
+ printer.newline()
+ # Syntax update to current version
+ if (options.output_name != "-"):
+ version = os.popen("lilypond --version | head -1 | cut -d' ' -f3").read().strip()
+ ly.progress(_("Converting to current version (%s) notations ..." % version), True)
+ os.system("convert-ly -e %s 2> /dev/null" % utilities.escape_ly_output_string(output_ly_name))
+ return voices
+def get_existing_filename_with_extension(filename, ext):
+ if os.path.exists(filename):
+ return filename
+ newfilename = filename + "." + ext
+ if os.path.exists(newfilename):
+ return newfilename;
+ newfilename = filename + ext
+ if os.path.exists(newfilename):
+ return newfilename;
+ return ''
+def main():
+ opt_parser = option_parser()
+ global options
+ (options, args) = opt_parser.parse_args()
+ if not args:
+ opt_parser.print_usage()
+ sys.exit(2)
+ # midi-block option
+ if options.midi:
+ musicexp.set_create_midi(options.midi)
+ # transpose function
+ if options.transpose:
+ musicexp.set_transpose(options.transpose)
+ # tab clef option
+ if options.tab_clef:
+ musicexp.set_tab_clef(options.tab_clef)
+ # string numbers option
+ if options.string_numbers:
+ musicexp.set_string_numbers(options.string_numbers)
+ if options.language:
+ musicexp.set_pitch_language(options.language)
+ needed_additional_definitions.append(options.language)
+ additional_definitions[options.language] = "\\language \"%s\"\n" % options.language
+ conversion_settings.ignore_beaming = not options.convert_beaming
+ conversion_settings.convert_page_layout = options.convert_page_layout
+ if conversion_settings.convert_page_layout:
+ conversion_settings.convert_system_breaks = options.convert_system_breaks
+ conversion_settings.convert_page_breaks = options.convert_page_breaks
+ conversion_settings.convert_page_margins = options.convert_page_margins
+ else:
+ conversion_settings.convert_system_breaks = False
+ conversion_settings.convert_page_breaks = False
+ conversion_settings.convert_page_margins = False
+ conversion_settings.convert_stem_directions = options.convert_stem_directions
+ # Allow the user to leave out the .xml or xml on the filename
+ basefilename = args[0].decode('utf-8')
+ if basefilename == "-": # Read from stdin
+ filename = "-"
+ else:
+ filename = get_existing_filename_with_extension(basefilename, "xml")
+ if not filename:
+ filename = get_existing_filename_with_extension(basefilename, "mxl")
+ options.compressed = True
+ if filename and filename.endswith("mxl"):
+ options.compressed = True
+ if filename and (filename == "-" or os.path.exists(filename)):
+ voices = convert(filename, options)
+ else:
+ ly.error(_("Unable to find input file %s") % basefilename)
+ sys.exit(1)