path: root/module/system/repl/command.scm
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Diffstat (limited to 'module/system/repl/command.scm')
1 files changed, 450 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/module/system/repl/command.scm b/module/system/repl/command.scm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e3abe240a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/system/repl/command.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,450 @@
+;;; Repl commands
+;; Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Code:
+(define-module (system repl command)
+ :use-syntax (system base syntax)
+ :use-module (system base pmatch)
+ :use-module (system base compile)
+ :use-module (system repl common)
+ :use-module (system vm core)
+ :autoload (system base language) (lookup-language)
+ :autoload (system il glil) (pprint-glil)
+ :autoload (system vm disasm) (disassemble-program disassemble-objcode)
+ :autoload (system vm debug) (vm-debugger vm-backtrace)
+ :autoload (system vm trace) (vm-trace vm-trace-on vm-trace-off)
+ :autoload (system vm profile) (vm-profile)
+ :use-module (ice-9 format)
+ :use-module (ice-9 session)
+ :use-module (ice-9 documentation)
+ :use-module (ice-9 and-let-star)
+ :export (meta-command))
+;;; Meta command interface
+(define *command-table*
+ '((help (help h) (apropos a) (describe d) (option o) (quit q))
+ (module (module m) (import i) (load l) (binding b))
+ (language (language L))
+ (compile (compile c) (compile-file cc)
+ (disassemble x) (disassemble-file xx))
+ (profile (time t) (profile pr))
+ (debug (backtrace bt) (debugger db) (trace tr) (step st))
+ (system (gc) (statistics stat))))
+(define (group-name g) (car g))
+(define (group-commands g) (cdr g))
+(define *command-module* (current-module))
+(define (command-name c) (car c))
+(define (command-abbrev c) (if (null? (cdr c)) #f (cadr c)))
+(define (command-procedure c) (module-ref *command-module* (command-name c)))
+(define (command-doc c) (procedure-documentation (command-procedure c)))
+(define (command-usage c)
+ (let ((doc (command-doc c)))
+ (substring doc 0 (string-index doc #\newline))))
+(define (command-summary c)
+ (let* ((doc (command-doc c))
+ (start (1+ (string-index doc #\newline))))
+ (cond ((string-index doc #\newline start)
+ => (lambda (end) (substring doc start end)))
+ (else (substring doc start)))))
+(define (lookup-group name)
+ (assq name *command-table*))
+(define (lookup-command key)
+ (let loop ((groups *command-table*) (commands '()))
+ (cond ((and (null? groups) (null? commands)) #f)
+ ((null? commands)
+ (loop (cdr groups) (cdar groups)))
+ ((memq key (car commands)) (car commands))
+ (else (loop groups (cdr commands))))))
+(define (display-group group . opts)
+ (format #t "~:(~A~) Commands [abbrev]:~2%" (group-name group))
+ (for-each (lambda (c)
+ (display-summary (command-usage c)
+ (command-abbrev c)
+ (command-summary c)))
+ (group-commands group))
+ (newline))
+(define (display-command command)
+ (display "Usage: ")
+ (display (command-doc command))
+ (newline))
+(define (display-summary usage abbrev summary)
+ (let ((abbrev (if abbrev (format #f "[,~A]" abbrev) "")))
+ (format #t " ,~24A ~8@A - ~A\n" usage abbrev summary)))
+(define (meta-command repl line)
+ (let ((input (call-with-input-string (string-append "(" line ")") read)))
+ (if (not (null? input))
+ (do ((key (car input))
+ (args (cdr input) (cdr args))
+ (opts '() (cons (make-keyword-from-dash-symbol (car args)) opts)))
+ ((or (null? args)
+ (not (symbol? (car args)))
+ (not (eq? (string-ref (symbol->string (car args)) 0) #\-)))
+ (let ((c (lookup-command key)))
+ (if c
+ (cond ((memq :h opts) (display-command c))
+ (else (apply (command-procedure c)
+ repl (append! args (reverse! opts)))))
+ (user-error "Unknown meta command: ~A" key))))))))
+;;; Help commands
+(define (help repl . args)
+ "help [GROUP]
+List available meta commands.
+A command group name can be given as an optional argument.
+Without any argument, a list of help commands and command groups
+are displayed, as you have already seen ;)"
+ (pmatch args
+ (()
+ (display-group (lookup-group 'help))
+ (display "Command Groups:\n\n")
+ (display-summary "help all" #f "List all commands")
+ (for-each (lambda (g)
+ (let* ((name (symbol->string (group-name g)))
+ (usage (string-append "help " name))
+ (header (string-append "List " name " commands")))
+ (display-summary usage #f header)))
+ (cdr *command-table*))
+ (newline)
+ (display "Type `,COMMAND -h' to show documentation of each command.")
+ (newline))
+ ((all)
+ (for-each display-group *command-table*))
+ ((,group) (guard (lookup-group group))
+ (display-group (lookup-group group)))
+ (else
+ (user-error "Unknown command group: ~A" (car args)))))
+(define guile:apropos apropos)
+(define (apropos repl regexp)
+ "apropos REGEXP
+Find bindings/modules/packages."
+ (guile:apropos (->string regexp)))
+(define (describe repl obj)
+ "describe OBJ
+Show description/documentation."
+ (display (object-documentation (repl-eval repl obj)))
+ (newline))
+(define (option repl . args)
+ "option [KEY VALUE]
+List/show/set options."
+ (pmatch args
+ (()
+ (for-each (lambda (key+val)
+ (format #t "~A\t~A\n" (car key+val) (cdr key+val)))
+ (repl-options repl)))
+ ((,key)
+ (display (repl-option-ref repl key))
+ (newline))
+ ((,key ,val)
+ (repl-option-set! repl key val)
+ (case key
+ ((trace)
+ (let ((vm (repl-vm repl)))
+ (if val
+ (apply vm-trace-on vm val)
+ (vm-trace-off vm))))))))
+(define (quit repl)
+ "quit
+Quit this session."
+ (throw 'quit))
+;;; Module commands
+(define (module repl . args)
+ "module [MODULE]
+Change modules / Show current module."
+ (pmatch args
+ (() (puts (module-name (current-module))))
+ ((,mod-name) (set-current-module (resolve-module mod-name)))))
+(define (import repl . args)
+ "import [MODULE ...]
+Import modules / List those imported."
+ (let ()
+ (define (use name)
+ (let ((mod (resolve-interface name)))
+ (if mod
+ (module-use! (current-module) mod)
+ (user-error "No such module: ~A" name))))
+ (if (null? args)
+ (for-each puts (map module-name (module-uses (current-module))))
+ (for-each use args))))
+(define (load repl file . opts)
+ "load FILE
+Load a file in the current module.
+ -f Load source file (see `compile')"
+ (let* ((file (->string file))
+ (objcode (if (memq :f opts)
+ (apply load-source-file file opts)
+ (apply load-file file opts))))
+ (vm-load (repl-vm repl) objcode)))
+(define (binding repl . opts)
+ "binding
+List current bindings."
+ (module-for-each (lambda (k v) (format #t "~23A ~A\n" k v))
+ (current-module)))
+;;; Language commands
+(define (language repl name)
+ "language LANGUAGE
+Change languages."
+ (set! (repl-language repl) (lookup-language name))
+ (repl-welcome repl))
+;;; Compile commands
+(define (compile repl form . opts)
+ "compile FORM
+Generate compiled code.
+ -e Stop after expanding syntax/macro
+ -t Stop after translating into GHIL
+ -c Stop after generating GLIL
+ -O Enable optimization
+ -D Add debug information"
+ (let ((x (apply repl-compile repl form opts)))
+ (cond ((or (memq :e opts) (memq :t opts)) (puts x))
+ ((memq :c opts) (pprint-glil x))
+ (else (disassemble-objcode x)))))
+(define guile:compile-file compile-file)
+(define (compile-file repl file . opts)
+ "compile-file FILE
+Compile a file."
+ (apply guile:compile-file (->string file) opts))
+(define (disassemble repl prog)
+ "disassemble PROGRAM
+Disassemble a program."
+ (disassemble-program (repl-eval repl prog)))
+(define (disassemble-file repl file)
+ "disassemble-file FILE
+Disassemble a file."
+ (disassemble-objcode (load-objcode (->string file))))
+;;; Profile commands
+(define (time repl form)
+ "time FORM
+Time execution."
+ (let* ((vms-start (vm-stats (repl-vm repl)))
+ (gc-start (gc-run-time))
+ (tms-start (times))
+ (result (repl-eval repl form))
+ (tms-end (times))
+ (gc-end (gc-run-time))
+ (vms-end (vm-stats (repl-vm repl))))
+ (define (get proc start end)
+ (/ (- (proc end) (proc start)) internal-time-units-per-second))
+ (repl-print repl result)
+ (display "clock utime stime cutime cstime gctime\n")
+ (format #t "~5,2F ~5,2F ~5,2F ~6,2F ~6,2F ~6,2F\n"
+ (get tms:clock tms-start tms-end)
+ (get tms:utime tms-start tms-end)
+ (get tms:stime tms-start tms-end)
+ (get tms:cutime tms-start tms-end)
+ (get tms:cstime tms-start tms-end)
+ (get identity gc-start gc-end))
+ result))
+(define (profile repl form . opts)
+ "profile FORM
+Profile execution."
+ (apply vm-profile
+ (repl-vm repl)
+ (repl-compile repl form)
+ opts))
+;;; Debug commands
+(define (backtrace repl)
+ "backtrace
+Display backtrace."
+ (vm-backtrace (repl-vm repl)))
+(define (debugger repl)
+ "debugger
+Start debugger."
+ (vm-debugger (repl-vm repl)))
+(define (trace repl form . opts)
+ "trace FORM
+Trace execution.
+ -s Display stack
+ -l Display local variables
+ -e Display external variables
+ -b Bytecode level trace"
+ (apply vm-trace (repl-vm repl) (repl-compile repl form) opts))
+(define (step repl)
+ "step FORM
+Step execution."
+ (display "Not implemented yet\n"))
+;;; System commands
+(define guile:gc gc)
+(define (gc repl)
+ "gc
+Garbage collection."
+ (guile:gc))
+(define (statistics repl)
+ "statistics
+Display statistics."
+ (let ((this-tms (times))
+ (this-vms (vm-stats (repl-vm repl)))
+ (this-gcs (gc-stats))
+ (last-tms (repl-tm-stats repl))
+ (last-vms (repl-vm-stats repl))
+ (last-gcs (repl-gc-stats repl)))
+ ;; GC times
+ (let ((this-times (assq-ref this-gcs 'gc-times))
+ (last-times (assq-ref last-gcs 'gc-times)))
+ (display-diff-stat "GC times:" #t this-times last-times "times")
+ (newline))
+ ;; Memory size
+ (let ((this-cells (assq-ref this-gcs 'cells-allocated))
+ (this-heap (assq-ref this-gcs 'cell-heap-size))
+ (this-bytes (assq-ref this-gcs 'bytes-malloced))
+ (this-malloc (assq-ref this-gcs 'gc-malloc-threshold)))
+ (display-stat-title "Memory size:" "current" "limit")
+ (display-stat "heap" #f this-cells this-heap "cells")
+ (display-stat "malloc" #f this-bytes this-malloc "bytes")
+ (newline))
+ ;; Cells collected
+ (let ((this-marked (assq-ref this-gcs 'cells-marked))
+ (last-marked (assq-ref last-gcs 'cells-marked))
+ (this-swept (assq-ref this-gcs 'cells-swept))
+ (last-swept (assq-ref last-gcs 'cells-swept)))
+ (display-stat-title "Cells collected:" "diff" "total")
+ (display-diff-stat "marked" #f this-marked last-marked "cells")
+ (display-diff-stat "swept" #f this-swept last-swept "cells")
+ (newline))
+ ;; GC time taken
+ (let ((this-mark (assq-ref this-gcs 'gc-mark-time-taken))
+ (last-mark (assq-ref last-gcs 'gc-mark-time-taken))
+ (this-sweep (assq-ref this-gcs 'gc-sweep-time-taken))
+ (last-sweep (assq-ref last-gcs 'gc-sweep-time-taken))
+ (this-total (assq-ref this-gcs 'gc-time-taken))
+ (last-total (assq-ref last-gcs 'gc-time-taken)))
+ (display-stat-title "GC time taken:" "diff" "total")
+ (display-time-stat "mark" this-mark last-mark)
+ (display-time-stat "sweep" this-sweep last-sweep)
+ (display-time-stat "total" this-total last-total)
+ (newline))
+ ;; Process time spent
+ (let ((this-utime (tms:utime this-tms))
+ (last-utime (tms:utime last-tms))
+ (this-stime (tms:stime this-tms))
+ (last-stime (tms:stime last-tms))
+ (this-cutime (tms:cutime this-tms))
+ (last-cutime (tms:cutime last-tms))
+ (this-cstime (tms:cstime this-tms))
+ (last-cstime (tms:cstime last-tms)))
+ (display-stat-title "Process time spent:" "diff" "total")
+ (display-time-stat "user" this-utime last-utime)
+ (display-time-stat "system" this-stime last-stime)
+ (display-time-stat "child user" this-cutime last-cutime)
+ (display-time-stat "child system" this-cstime last-cstime)
+ (newline))
+ ;; VM statistics
+ (let ((this-time (vms:time this-vms))
+ (last-time (vms:time last-vms))
+ (this-clock (vms:clock this-vms))
+ (last-clock (vms:clock last-vms)))
+ (display-stat-title "VM statistics:" "diff" "total")
+ (display-time-stat "time spent" this-time last-time)
+ (display-diff-stat "bogoclock" #f this-clock last-clock "clock")
+ (display-mips-stat "bogomips" this-time this-clock last-time last-clock)
+ (newline))
+ ;; Save statistics
+ ;; Save statistics
+ (set! (repl-tm-stats repl) this-tms)
+ (set! (repl-vm-stats repl) this-vms)
+ (set! (repl-gc-stats repl) this-gcs)))
+(define (display-stat title flag field1 field2 unit)
+ (let ((str (format #f "~~20~AA ~~10@A /~~10@A ~~A~~%" (if flag "" "@"))))
+ (format #t str title field1 field2 unit)))
+(define (display-stat-title title field1 field2)
+ (display-stat title #t field1 field2 ""))
+(define (display-diff-stat title flag this last unit)
+ (display-stat title flag (- this last) this unit))
+(define (display-time-stat title this last)
+ (define (conv num)
+ (format #f "~10,2F" (/ num internal-time-units-per-second)))
+ (display-stat title #f (conv (- this last)) (conv this) "s"))
+(define (display-mips-stat title this-time this-clock last-time last-clock)
+ (define (mips time clock)
+ (if (= time 0) "----" (format #f "~10,2F" (/ clock time 1000000))))
+ (display-stat title #f
+ (mips (- this-time last-time) (- this-clock last-clock))
+ (mips this-time this-clock) "mips"))