path: root/module/system/il/ghil.scm
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Diffstat (limited to 'module/system/il/ghil.scm')
1 files changed, 393 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/module/system/il/ghil.scm b/module/system/il/ghil.scm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..12c2b6254
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/system/il/ghil.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
+;;; Guile High Intermediate Language
+;; Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Code:
+(define-module (system il ghil)
+ :use-syntax (system base syntax)
+ :use-module (ice-9 regex)
+ :export
+ (<ghil-void> make-ghil-void ghil-void?
+ ghil-void-env ghil-void-loc
+ <ghil-quote> make-ghil-quote ghil-quote?
+ ghil-quote-env ghil-quote-loc ghil-quote-obj
+ <ghil-quasiquote> make-ghil-quasiquote ghil-quasiquote?
+ ghil-quasiquote-env ghil-quasiquote-loc ghil-quasiquote-exp
+ <ghil-unquote> make-ghil-unquote ghil-unquote?
+ ghil-unquote-env ghil-unquote-loc ghil-unquote-exp
+ <ghil-unquote-splicing> make-ghil-unquote-splicing ghil-unquote-splicing?
+ ghil-unquote-env ghil-unquote-loc ghil-unquote-exp
+ <ghil-ref> make-ghil-ref ghil-ref?
+ ghil-ref-env ghil-ref-loc ghil-ref-var
+ <ghil-set> make-ghil-set ghil-set?
+ ghil-set-env ghil-set-loc ghil-set-var ghil-set-val
+ <ghil-define> make-ghil-define ghil-define?
+ ghil-define-env ghil-define-loc ghil-define-var ghil-define-val
+ <ghil-if> make-ghil-if ghil-if?
+ ghil-if-env ghil-if-loc ghil-if-test ghil-if-then ghil-if-else
+ <ghil-and> make-ghil-and ghil-and?
+ ghil-and-env ghil-and-loc ghil-and-exps
+ <ghil-or> make-ghil-or ghil-or?
+ ghil-or-env ghil-or-loc ghil-or-exps
+ <ghil-begin> make-ghil-begin ghil-begin?
+ ghil-begin-env ghil-begin-loc ghil-begin-exps
+ <ghil-bind> make-ghil-bind ghil-bind?
+ ghil-bind-env ghil-bind-loc ghil-bind-vars ghil-bind-vals ghil-bind-body
+ <ghil-lambda> make-ghil-lambda ghil-lambda?
+ ghil-lambda-env ghil-lambda-loc ghil-lambda-vars ghil-lambda-rest ghil-lambda-body
+ <ghil-inline> make-ghil-inline ghil-inline?
+ ghil-inline-env ghil-inline-loc ghil-inline-inline ghil-inline-args
+ <ghil-call> make-ghil-call ghil-call?
+ ghil-call-env ghil-call-loc ghil-call-proc ghil-call-args
+ <ghil-var> make-ghil-var ghil-var?
+ ghil-var-env ghil-var-name ghil-var-kind ghil-var-type ghil-var-value
+ ghil-var-index
+ <ghil-mod> make-ghil-mod ghil-mod?
+ ghil-mod-module ghil-mod-table ghil-mod-imports
+ <ghil-env> make-ghil-env ghil-env?
+ ghil-env-mod ghil-env-parent ghil-env-table ghil-env-variables
+ ghil-env-add! ghil-lookup ghil-define
+ ghil-env-toplevel?
+ call-with-ghil-environment call-with-ghil-bindings))
+;;; Parse tree
+(define-type <ghil>
+ (|
+ ;; Objects
+ (<ghil-void> env loc)
+ (<ghil-quote> env loc obj)
+ (<ghil-quasiquote> env loc exp)
+ (<ghil-unquote> env loc exp)
+ (<ghil-unquote-splicing> env loc exp)
+ ;; Variables
+ (<ghil-ref> env loc var)
+ (<ghil-set> env loc var val)
+ (<ghil-define> env loc var val)
+ ;; Controls
+ (<ghil-if> env loc test then else)
+ (<ghil-and> env loc exps)
+ (<ghil-or> env loc exps)
+ (<ghil-begin> env loc exps)
+ (<ghil-bind> env loc vars vals body)
+ (<ghil-lambda> env loc vars rest body)
+ (<ghil-call> env loc proc args)
+ (<ghil-inline> env loc inline args)))
+;;; Variables
+(define-record (<ghil-var> env name kind (type #f) (value #f) (index #f)))
+;;; Modules
+(define-record (<ghil-mod> module (table '()) (imports '())))
+;;; Environments
+(define-record (<ghil-env> mod parent (table '()) (variables '())))
+(define %make-ghil-env make-ghil-env)
+(define (make-ghil-env e)
+ (record-case e
+ ((<ghil-mod>) (%make-ghil-env :mod e :parent e))
+ ((<ghil-env> mod) (%make-ghil-env :mod mod :parent e))))
+(define (ghil-env-toplevel? e)
+ (eq? (ghil-env-mod e) (ghil-env-parent e)))
+(define (ghil-env-ref env sym)
+ (assq-ref (ghil-env-table env) sym))
+(define-macro (push! item loc)
+ `(set! ,loc (cons ,item ,loc)))
+(define-macro (apush! k v loc)
+ `(set! ,loc (acons ,k ,v ,loc)))
+(define-macro (apopq! k loc)
+ `(set! ,loc (assq-remove! ,loc ,k)))
+(define (ghil-env-add! env var)
+ (apush! (ghil-var-name var) var (ghil-env-table env))
+ (push! var (ghil-env-variables env)))
+(define (ghil-env-remove! env var)
+ (apopq! (ghil-var-name var) (ghil-env-table env)))
+;;; Public interface
+(define (fix-ghil-mod! mod for-sym)
+ ;;; So, these warnings happen for all instances of define-module.
+ ;;; Rather than fixing the problem, I'm going to suppress the common
+ ;;; warnings.
+ (if (not (eq? for-sym 'process-define-module))
+ (warn "during lookup of" for-sym ":"
+ (ghil-mod-module mod) "!= current" (current-module)))
+ (if (not (null? (ghil-mod-table mod)))
+ (warn "throwing away old variable table"
+ (ghil-mod-module) (ghil-mod-table mod)))
+ (set! (ghil-mod-module mod) (current-module))
+ (set! (ghil-mod-table mod) '())
+ (set! (ghil-mod-imports mod) '()))
+;; looking up a var has side effects?
+(define (ghil-lookup env sym)
+ (or (ghil-env-ref env sym)
+ (let loop ((e (ghil-env-parent env)))
+ (record-case e
+ ((<ghil-mod> module table imports)
+ (cond ((not (eq? module (current-module)))
+ ;; FIXME: the primitive-eval in eval-case and/or macro
+ ;; expansion can have side effects on the compilation
+ ;; environment, for example changing the current
+ ;; module. We probably need to add a special case in
+ ;; compilation to handle define-module.
+ (fix-ghil-mod! e sym)
+ (loop e))
+ ((assq-ref table sym)) ;; when does this hit?
+ (else
+ ;; although we could bind the variable here, in
+ ;; practice further toplevel definitions in this
+ ;; compilation unit could change how we would resolve
+ ;; this binding, so punt and memoize the lookup at
+ ;; runtime always.
+ (let ((var (make-ghil-var (make-ghil-env e) sym 'module)))
+ (apush! sym var table)
+ var))))
+ ((<ghil-env> mod parent table variables)
+ (let ((found (assq-ref table sym)))
+ (if found
+ (begin (set! (ghil-var-kind found) 'external) found)
+ (loop parent))))))))
+(define (ghil-define mod sym)
+ (if (not (eq? (ghil-mod-module mod) (current-module)))
+ (fix-ghil-mod! mod sym))
+ (or (assq-ref (ghil-mod-table mod) sym)
+ (let ((var (make-ghil-var (make-ghil-env mod) sym 'module)))
+ (apush! sym var (ghil-mod-table mod))
+ var)))
+(define (call-with-ghil-environment e syms func)
+ (let* ((e (make-ghil-env e))
+ (vars (map (lambda (s)
+ (let ((v (make-ghil-var e s 'argument)))
+ (ghil-env-add! e v) v))
+ syms)))
+ (func e vars)))
+(define (call-with-ghil-bindings e syms func)
+ (let* ((vars (map (lambda (s)
+ (let ((v (make-ghil-var e s 'local)))
+ (ghil-env-add! e v) v))
+ syms))
+ (ret (func vars)))
+ (for-each (lambda (v) (ghil-env-remove! e v)) vars)
+ ret))
+;;; Parser
+;;; (define-public (parse-ghil x e)
+;;; (parse `(@lambda () ,x) (make-ghil-mod e)))
+;;; (define (parse x e)
+;;; (cond ((pair? x) (parse-pair x e))
+;;; ((symbol? x)
+;;; (let ((str (symbol->string x)))
+;;; (case (string-ref str 0)
+;;; ((#\@) (error "Invalid use of IL primitive" x))
+;;; ((#\:) (let ((sym (string->symbol (substring str 1))))
+;;; (<ghil-quote> (symbol->keyword sym))))
+;;; (else (<ghil-ref> e (ghil-lookup e x))))))
+;;; (else (<ghil-quote> x))))
+;;; (define (map-parse x e)
+;;; (map (lambda (x) (parse x e)) x))
+;;; (define (parse-pair x e)
+;;; (let ((head (car x)) (tail (cdr x)))
+;;; (if (and (symbol? head) (eq? (string-ref (symbol->string head) 0) #\@))
+;;; (if (ghil-primitive-macro? head)
+;;; (parse (apply (ghil-macro-expander head) tail) e)
+;;; (parse-primitive head tail e))
+;;; (<ghil-call> e (parse head e) (map-parse tail e)))))
+;;; (define (parse-primitive prim args e)
+;;; (case prim
+;;; ;; (@ IDENTIFIER)
+;;; ((@)
+;;; (match args
+;;; (()
+;;; (<ghil-ref> e (make-ghil-var '@ '@ 'module)))
+;;; ((identifier)
+;;; (receive (module name) (identifier-split identifier)
+;;; (<ghil-ref> e (make-ghil-var module name 'module))))))
+;;; ;; (@@ OP ARGS...)
+;;; ((@@)
+;;; (match args
+;;; ((op . args)
+;;; (<ghil-inline> op (map-parse args e)))))
+;;; ;; (@void)
+;;; ((@void)
+;;; (match args
+;;; (() (<ghil-void>))))
+;;; ;; (@quote OBJ)
+;;; ((@quote)
+;;; (match args
+;;; ((obj)
+;;; (<ghil-quote> obj))))
+;;; ;; (@define NAME VAL)
+;;; ((@define)
+;;; (match args
+;;; ((name val)
+;;; (let ((v (ghil-lookup e name)))
+;;; (<ghil-set> e v (parse val e))))))
+;;; ;; (@set! NAME VAL)
+;;; ((@set!)
+;;; (match args
+;;; ((name val)
+;;; (let ((v (ghil-lookup e name)))
+;;; (<ghil-set> e v (parse val e))))))
+;;; ;; (@if TEST THEN [ELSE])
+;;; ((@if)
+;;; (match args
+;;; ((test then)
+;;; (<ghil-if> (parse test e) (parse then e) (<ghil-void>)))
+;;; ((test then else)
+;;; (<ghil-if> (parse test e) (parse then e) (parse else e)))))
+;;; ;; (@begin BODY...)
+;;; ((@begin)
+;;; (parse-body args e))
+;;; ;; (@let ((SYM INIT)...) BODY...)
+;;; ((@let)
+;;; (match args
+;;; ((((sym init) ...) body ...)
+;;; (let* ((vals (map-parse init e))
+;;; (vars (map (lambda (s)
+;;; (let ((v (make-ghil-var e s 'local)))
+;;; (ghil-env-add! e v) v))
+;;; sym))
+;;; (body (parse-body body e)))
+;;; (for-each (lambda (v) (ghil-env-remove! e v)) vars)
+;;; (<ghil-bind> e vars vals body)))))
+;;; ;; (@letrec ((SYM INIT)...) BODY...)
+;;; ((@letrec)
+;;; (match args
+;;; ((((sym init) ...) body ...)
+;;; (let* ((vars (map (lambda (s)
+;;; (let ((v (make-ghil-var e s 'local)))
+;;; (ghil-env-add! e v) v))
+;;; sym))
+;;; (vals (map-parse init e))
+;;; (body (parse-body body e)))
+;;; (for-each (lambda (v) (ghil-env-remove! e v)) vars)
+;;; (<ghil-bind> e vars vals body)))))
+;;; ;; (@lambda FORMALS BODY...)
+;;; ((@lambda)
+;;; (match args
+;;; ((formals . body)
+;;; (receive (syms rest) (parse-formals formals)
+;;; (let* ((e (make-ghil-env e))
+;;; (vars (map (lambda (s)
+;;; (let ((v (make-ghil-var e s 'argument)))
+;;; (ghil-env-add! e v) v))
+;;; syms)))
+;;; (<ghil-lambda> e vars rest (parse-body body e)))))))
+;;; ;; (@eval-case CLAUSE...)
+;;; ((@eval-case)
+;;; (let loop ((clauses args))
+;;; (cond ((null? clauses) (<ghil-void>))
+;;; ((or (eq? (caar clauses) '@else)
+;;; (and (memq 'load-toplevel (caar clauses))
+;;; (ghil-env-toplevel? e)))
+;;; (parse-body (cdar clauses) e))
+;;; (else
+;;; (loop (cdr clauses))))))
+;;; (else (error "Unknown primitive:" prim))))
+;;; (define (parse-body x e)
+;;; (<ghil-begin> (map-parse x e)))
+;;; (define (parse-formals formals)
+;;; (cond
+;;; ;; (@lambda x ...)
+;;; ((symbol? formals) (values (list formals) #t))
+;;; ;; (@lambda (x y z) ...)
+;;; ((list? formals) (values formals #f))
+;;; ;; (@lambda (x y . z) ...)
+;;; ((pair? formals)
+;;; (let loop ((l formals) (v '()))
+;;; (if (pair? l)
+;;; (loop (cdr l) (cons (car l) v))
+;;; (values (reverse! (cons l v)) #t))))
+;;; (else (error "Invalid formals:" formals))))
+;;; (define (identifier-split identifier)
+;;; (let ((m (string-match "::([^:]*)$" (symbol->string identifier))))
+;;; (if m
+;;; (values (string->symbol (match:prefix m))
+;;; (string->symbol (match:substring m 1)))
+;;; (values #f identifier))))