path: root/module/language/scheme/translate.scm
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Diffstat (limited to 'module/language/scheme/translate.scm')
1 files changed, 341 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/module/language/scheme/translate.scm b/module/language/scheme/translate.scm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..40ce46675
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/language/scheme/translate.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+;;; Guile Scheme specification
+;; Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Code:
+(define-module (language scheme translate)
+ :use-module (system base pmatch)
+ :use-module (system base language)
+ :use-module (system il ghil)
+ :use-module (system il inline)
+ :use-module (ice-9 receive)
+ :use-module (srfi srfi-39)
+ :use-module ((system base compile) :select (syntax-error))
+ :export (translate))
+(define (translate x e)
+ (call-with-ghil-environment (make-ghil-mod e) '()
+ (lambda (env vars)
+ (make-ghil-lambda env #f vars #f (trans env #f x)))))
+;;; Translator
+(define %forbidden-primitives
+ ;; Guile's `procedure->macro' family is evil because it crosses the
+ ;; compilation boundary. One solution might be to evaluate calls to
+ ;; `procedure->memoizing-macro' at compilation time, but it may be more
+ ;; compicated than that.
+ '(procedure->syntax procedure->macro procedure->memoizing-macro))
+(define (lookup-transformer e head retrans)
+ (let* ((mod (ghil-mod-module (ghil-env-mod e)))
+ (val (and=> (module-variable mod head)
+ (lambda (var)
+ ;; unbound vars can happen if the module
+ ;; definition forward-declared them
+ (and (variable-bound? var) (variable-ref var))))))
+ (cond
+ ((or (primitive-macro? val) (eq? val eval-case))
+ (or (assq-ref primitive-syntax-table head)
+ (syntax-error #f "unhandled primitive macro" head)))
+ ((defmacro? val)
+ (lambda (env loc exp)
+ (retrans (apply (defmacro-transformer val) (cdr exp)))))
+ ((and (macro? val) (eq? (macro-name val) 'sc-macro))
+ ;; syncase!
+ (let* ((the-syncase-module (resolve-module '(ice-9 syncase)))
+ (eec (module-ref the-syncase-module 'expansion-eval-closure))
+ (sc-expand3 (module-ref the-syncase-module 'sc-expand3)))
+ (lambda (env loc exp)
+ (retrans
+ (with-fluids ((eec (module-eval-closure mod)))
+ (sc-expand3 exp 'c '(compile load eval)))))))
+ ((macro? val)
+ (syntax-error #f "unknown kind of macro" head))
+ (else #f))))
+(define (trans e l x)
+ (define (retrans x) (trans e l x))
+ (cond ((pair? x)
+ (let ((head (car x)) (tail (cdr x)))
+ (cond
+ ((lookup-transformer e head retrans)
+ => (lambda (t) (t e l x)))
+ ;; FIXME: lexical/module overrides of forbidden primitives
+ ((memq head %forbidden-primitives)
+ (syntax-error l (format #f "`~a' is forbidden" head)
+ (cons head tail)))
+ (else
+ (let ((tail (map retrans tail)))
+ (or (try-inline-with-env e l (cons head tail))
+ (make-ghil-call e l (retrans head) tail)))))))
+ ((symbol? x)
+ (make-ghil-ref e l (ghil-lookup e x)))
+ ;; fixme: non-self-quoting objects like #<foo>
+ (else
+ (make-ghil-quote e l #:obj x))))
+(define (valid-bindings? bindings . it-is-for-do)
+ (define (valid-binding? b)
+ (pmatch b
+ ((,sym ,var) (guard (symbol? sym)) #t)
+ ((,sym ,var ,update) (guard (pair? it-is-for-do) (symbol? sym)) #t)
+ (else #f)))
+ (and (list? bindings) (and-map valid-binding? bindings)))
+(define-macro (make-pmatch-transformers env loc retranslate . body)
+ (define exp (gensym))
+ (define (make1 clause)
+ (let ((sym (car clause))
+ (clauses (cdr clause)))
+ `(cons ',sym
+ (lambda (,env ,loc ,exp)
+ (define (,retranslate x) (trans ,env ,loc x))
+ (pmatch (cdr ,exp)
+ ,@clauses
+ (else (syntax-error ,loc (format #f "bad ~A" ',sym) ,exp)))))))
+ `(list ,@(map make1 body)))
+(define *the-compile-toplevel-symbol* 'compile-toplevel)
+(define primitive-syntax-table
+ (make-pmatch-transformers
+ e l retrans
+ (quote
+ ;; (quote OBJ)
+ ((,obj) (make-ghil-quote e l obj)))
+ (quasiquote
+ ;; (quasiquote OBJ)
+ ((,obj) (make-ghil-quasiquote e l (trans-quasiquote e l obj))))
+ (define
+ ;; (define NAME VAL)
+ ((,name ,val) (guard (symbol? name) (ghil-env-toplevel? e))
+ (make-ghil-define e l (ghil-define (ghil-env-parent e) name)
+ (retrans val)))
+ ;; (define (NAME FORMALS...) BODY...)
+ (((,name . ,formals) . ,body) (guard (symbol? name))
+ ;; -> (define NAME (lambda FORMALS BODY...))
+ (retrans `(define ,name (lambda ,formals ,@body)))))
+ (set!
+ ;; (set! NAME VAL)
+ ((,name ,val) (guard (symbol? name))
+ (make-ghil-set e l (ghil-lookup e name) (retrans val)))
+ ;; (set! (NAME ARGS...) VAL)
+ (((,name . ,args) ,val) (guard (symbol? name))
+ ;; -> ((setter NAME) ARGS... VAL)
+ (retrans `((setter ,name) . (,@args ,val)))))
+ (if
+ ;; (if TEST THEN [ELSE])
+ ((,test ,then)
+ (make-ghil-if e l (retrans test) (retrans then) (retrans '(begin))))
+ ((,test ,then ,else)
+ (make-ghil-if e l (retrans test) (retrans then) (retrans else))))
+ (and
+ ;; (and EXPS...)
+ (,tail (make-ghil-and e l (map retrans tail))))
+ (or
+ ;; (or EXPS...)
+ (,tail (make-ghil-or e l (map retrans tail))))
+ (begin
+ ;; (begin EXPS...)
+ (,tail (make-ghil-begin e l (map retrans tail))))
+ (let
+ ;; (let NAME ((SYM VAL) ...) BODY...)
+ ((,name ,bindings . ,body) (guard (symbol? name)
+ (valid-bindings? bindings))
+ ;; -> (letrec ((NAME (lambda (SYM...) BODY...))) (NAME VAL...))
+ (retrans `(letrec ((,name (lambda ,(map car bindings) ,@body)))
+ (,name ,@(map cadr bindings)))))
+ ;; (let () BODY...)
+ ((() . ,body)
+ ;; Note: this differs from `begin'
+ (make-ghil-begin e l (list (trans-body e l body))))
+ ;; (let ((SYM VAL) ...) BODY...)
+ ((,bindings . ,body) (guard (valid-bindings? bindings))
+ (let ((vals (map retrans (map cadr bindings))))
+ (call-with-ghil-bindings e (map car bindings)
+ (lambda (vars)
+ (make-ghil-bind e l vars vals (trans-body e l body)))))))
+ (let*
+ ;; (let* ((SYM VAL) ...) BODY...)
+ ((() . ,body)
+ (retrans `(let () ,@body)))
+ ((((,sym ,val) . ,rest) . ,body) (guard (symbol? sym))
+ (retrans `(let ((,sym ,val)) (let* ,rest ,@body)))))
+ (letrec
+ ;; (letrec ((SYM VAL) ...) BODY...)
+ ((,bindings . ,body) (guard (valid-bindings? bindings))
+ (call-with-ghil-bindings e (map car bindings)
+ (lambda (vars)
+ (let ((vals (map retrans (map cadr bindings))))
+ (make-ghil-bind e l vars vals (trans-body e l body)))))))
+ (cond
+ ;; (cond (CLAUSE BODY...) ...)
+ (() (retrans '(begin)))
+ (((else . ,body)) (retrans `(begin ,@body)))
+ (((,test) . ,rest) (retrans `(or ,test (cond ,@rest))))
+ (((,test => ,proc) . ,rest)
+ ;; FIXME hygiene!
+ (retrans `(let ((_t ,test)) (if _t (,proc _t) (cond ,@rest)))))
+ (((,test . ,body) . ,rest)
+ (retrans `(if ,test (begin ,@body) (cond ,@rest)))))
+ (case
+ ;; (case EXP ((KEY...) BODY...) ...)
+ ((,exp . ,clauses)
+ (retrans
+ ;; FIXME hygiene!
+ `(let ((_t ,exp))
+ ,(let loop ((ls clauses))
+ (cond ((null? ls) '(begin))
+ ((eq? (caar ls) 'else) `(begin ,@(cdar ls)))
+ (else `(if (memv _t ',(caar ls))
+ (begin ,@(cdar ls))
+ ,(loop (cdr ls))))))))))
+ (do
+ ;; (do ((SYM VAL [UPDATE]) ...) (TEST RESULT...) BODY...)
+ ((,bindings (,test . ,result) . ,body)
+ (let ((sym (map car bindings))
+ (val (map cadr bindings))
+ (update (map cddr bindings)))
+ (define (next s x) (if (pair? x) (car x) s))
+ (retrans
+ ;; FIXME hygiene!
+ `(letrec ((_l (lambda ,sym
+ (if ,test
+ (begin ,@result)
+ (begin ,@body
+ (_l ,@(map next sym update)))))))
+ (_l ,@val))))))
+ (lambda
+ ;; (lambda FORMALS BODY...)
+ ((,formals . ,body)
+ (receive (syms rest) (parse-formals formals)
+ (call-with-ghil-environment e syms
+ (lambda (env vars)
+ (make-ghil-lambda env l vars rest (trans-body env l body)))))))
+ (eval-case
+ (,clauses
+ (retrans
+ `(begin
+ ,@(let ((toplevel? (ghil-env-toplevel? e)))
+ (let loop ((seen '()) (in clauses) (runtime '()))
+ (cond
+ ((null? in) runtime)
+ (else
+ (pmatch (car in)
+ ((else . ,body)
+ (if (and toplevel? (not (memq *the-compile-toplevel-symbol* seen)))
+ (primitive-eval `(begin ,@body)))
+ (if (memq (if toplevel? *the-compile-toplevel-symbol* 'evaluate) seen)
+ runtime
+ body))
+ ((,keys . ,body) (guard (list? keys) (and-map symbol? keys))
+ (for-each (lambda (k)
+ (if (memq k seen)
+ (syntax-error l "eval-case condition seen twice" k)))
+ keys)
+ (if (and toplevel? (memq *the-compile-toplevel-symbol* keys))
+ (primitive-eval `(begin ,@body)))
+ (loop (append keys seen)
+ (cdr in)
+ (if (memq (if toplevel? 'load-toplevel 'evaluate) keys)
+ (append runtime body)
+ runtime)))
+ (else (syntax-error l "bad eval-case clause" (car in))))))))))))))
+(define (trans-quasiquote e l x)
+ (cond ((not (pair? x)) x)
+ ((memq (car x) '(unquote unquote-splicing))
+ (let ((l (location x)))
+ (pmatch (cdr x)
+ ((,obj)
+ (if (eq? (car x) 'unquote)
+ (make-ghil-unquote e l (trans e l obj))
+ (make-ghil-unquote-splicing e l (trans e l obj))))
+ (else (syntax-error l (format #f "bad ~A" (car x)) x)))))
+ (else (cons (trans-quasiquote e l (car x))
+ (trans-quasiquote e l (cdr x))))))
+(define (trans-body e l body)
+ (define (define->binding df)
+ (pmatch (cdr df)
+ ((,name ,val) (guard (symbol? name)) (list name val))
+ (((,name . ,formals) . ,body) (guard (symbol? name))
+ (list name `(lambda ,formals ,@body)))
+ (else (syntax-error (location df) "bad define" df))))
+ ;; main
+ (let loop ((ls body) (ds '()))
+ (pmatch ls
+ (() (syntax-error l "bad body" body))
+ (((define . _) . _)
+ (loop (cdr ls) (cons (car ls) ds)))
+ (else
+ (if (null? ds)
+ (trans e l `(begin ,@ls))
+ (trans e l `(letrec ,(map define->binding ds) ,@ls)))))))
+(define (parse-formals formals)
+ (cond
+ ;; (lambda x ...)
+ ((symbol? formals) (values (list formals) #t))
+ ;; (lambda (x y z) ...)
+ ((list? formals) (values formals #f))
+ ;; (lambda (x y . z) ...)
+ ((pair? formals)
+ (let loop ((l formals) (v '()))
+ (if (pair? l)
+ (loop (cdr l) (cons (car l) v))
+ (values (reverse! (cons l v)) #t))))
+ (else (syntax-error (location formals) "bad formals" formals))))
+(define (location x)
+ (and (pair? x)
+ (let ((props (source-properties x)))
+ (and (not (null? props))
+ (cons (assq-ref props 'line) (assq-ref props 'column))))))