;;;; json.scm --- JSON reader/writer ;;;; Copyright © 2015, 2017 David Thompson ;;;; Copyright © 2017 Christopher Allan Webber ;;;; ;;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;;;; ;;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;;; Lesser General Public License for more details. ;;;; ;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software ;;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA ;;;; 02110-1301 USA (define-module (aws utils json) #:use-module (ice-9 match) #:export (read-json write-json)) (define (json-error port) (throw 'json-error port)) (define (assert-char port char) "Read a character from PORT and throw an invalid JSON error if the character is not CHAR." (unless (eqv? (read-char port) char) (json-error port))) (define (whitespace? char) "Return #t if CHAR is a whitespace character." (char-set-contains? char-set:whitespace char)) (define (consume-whitespace port) "Discard characters from PORT until a non-whitespace character is encountered.." (match (peek-char port) ((? eof-object?) *unspecified*) ((? whitespace?) (read-char port) (consume-whitespace port)) (_ *unspecified*))) (define (make-keyword-reader keyword value) "Parse the keyword symbol KEYWORD as VALUE." (let ((str (symbol->string keyword))) (lambda (port) (let loop ((i 0)) (cond ((= i (string-length str)) value) ((eqv? (string-ref str i) (read-char port)) (loop (1+ i))) (else (json-error port))))))) (define read-true (make-keyword-reader 'true #t)) (define read-false (make-keyword-reader 'false #f)) (define read-null (make-keyword-reader 'null 'null)) (define (read-hex-digit port) "Read a hexadecimal digit from PORT." (match (read-char port) (#\0 0) (#\1 1) (#\2 2) (#\3 3) (#\4 4) (#\5 5) (#\6 6) (#\7 7) (#\8 8) (#\9 9) ((or #\A #\a) 10) ((or #\B #\b) 11) ((or #\C #\c) 12) ((or #\D #\d) 13) ((or #\E #\e) 14) ((or #\F #\f) 15) (_ (json-error port)))) (define (read-utf16-character port) "Read a hexadecimal encoded UTF-16 character from PORT." (integer->char (+ (* (read-hex-digit port) (expt 16 3)) (* (read-hex-digit port) (expt 16 2)) (* (read-hex-digit port) 16) (read-hex-digit port)))) (define (read-escape-character port) "Read escape character from PORT." (match (read-char port) (#\" #\") (#\\ #\\) (#\/ #\/) (#\b #\backspace) (#\f #\page) (#\n #\newline) (#\r #\return) (#\t #\tab) (#\u (read-utf16-character port)) (_ (json-error port)))) (define (read-string port) "Read a JSON encoded string from PORT." (assert-char port #\") (let loop ((result '())) (match (read-char port) ((? eof-object?) (json-error port)) (#\" (list->string (reverse result))) (#\\ (loop (cons (read-escape-character port) result))) (char (loop (cons char result)))))) (define char-set:json-digit (char-set #\0 #\1 #\2 #\3 #\4 #\5 #\6 #\7 #\8 #\9)) (define (digit? char) (char-set-contains? char-set:json-digit char)) (define (read-digit port) "Read a digit 0-9 from PORT." (match (read-char port) (#\0 0) (#\1 1) (#\2 2) (#\3 3) (#\4 4) (#\5 5) (#\6 6) (#\7 7) (#\8 8) (#\9 9) (else (json-error port)))) (define (read-digits port) "Read a sequence of digits from PORT." (let loop ((result '())) (match (peek-char port) ((? eof-object?) (reverse result)) ((? digit?) (loop (cons (read-digit port) result))) (else (reverse result))))) (define (list->integer digits) "Convert the list DIGITS to an integer." (let loop ((i (1- (length digits))) (result 0) (digits digits)) (match digits (() result) ((n . tail) (loop (1- i) (+ result (* n (expt 10 i))) tail))))) (define (read-positive-integer port) "Read a positive integer with no leading zeroes from PORT." (match (read-digits port) ((0 . _) (json-error port)) ; no leading zeroes allowed ((digits ...) (list->integer digits)))) (define (read-exponent port) "Read exponent from PORT." (define (read-expt) (list->integer (read-digits port))) (unless (memv (read-char port) '(#\e #\E)) (json-error port)) (match (peek-char port) ((? eof-object?) (json-error port)) (#\- (read-char port) (- (read-expt))) (#\+ (read-char port) (read-expt)) ((? digit?) (read-expt)) (_ (json-error port)))) (define (read-fraction port) "Read fractional number part from PORT as an inexact number." (let* ((digits (read-digits port)) (numerator (list->integer digits)) (denomenator (expt 10 (length digits)))) (/ numerator denomenator))) (define (read-positive-number port) "Read a positive number from PORT." (let* ((integer (match (peek-char port) ((? eof-object?) (json-error port)) (#\0 (read-char port) 0) ((? digit?) (read-positive-integer port)) (_ (json-error port)))) (fraction (match (peek-char port) (#\. (read-char port) (read-fraction port)) (_ 0))) (exponent (match (peek-char port) ((or #\e #\E) (read-exponent port)) (_ 0))) (n (* (+ integer fraction) (expt 10 exponent)))) ;; Keep integers as exact numbers, but convert numbers encoded as ;; floating point numbers to an inexact representation. (if (zero? fraction) n (exact->inexact n)))) (define (read-number port) "Read a number from PORT" (match (peek-char port) ((? eof-object?) (json-error port)) (#\- (read-char port) (- (read-positive-number port))) ((? digit?) (read-positive-number port)) (_ (json-error port)))) (define (read-object port) "Read key/value map from PORT." (define (read-key+value-pair) (let ((key (read-string port))) (consume-whitespace port) (assert-char port #\:) (consume-whitespace port) (let ((value (read-value port))) (cons key value)))) (assert-char port #\{) (consume-whitespace port) (if (eqv? #\} (peek-char port)) (begin (read-char port) '()) ; empty object (cons (read-key+value-pair) (let loop () (consume-whitespace port) (match (peek-char port) (#\, ; read another value (read-char port) (consume-whitespace port) (cons (read-key+value-pair) (loop))) (#\} ; end of object (read-char port) '()) (_ (json-error port))))))) (define (read-array port) "Read array from PORT." (assert-char port #\[) (consume-whitespace port) (list->vector (if (eqv? #\] (peek-char port)) (begin (read-char port) '() ); empty array (cons (read-value port) (let loop () (consume-whitespace port) (match (peek-char port) (#\, ; read another value (read-char port) (consume-whitespace port) (cons (read-value port) (loop))) (#\] ; end of array (read-char port) '()) (_ (json-error port)))))))) (define (read-value port) "Read a JSON value from PORT." (consume-whitespace port) (match (peek-char port) ((? eof-object?) (json-error port)) (#\" (read-string port)) (#\{ (read-object port)) (#\[ (read-array port)) (#\t (read-true port)) (#\f (read-false port)) (#\n (read-null port)) ((or #\- (? digit?)) (read-number port)) (_ (json-error port)))) (define (read-json port) "Read JSON text from port and return an s-expression representation." (let ((result (read-value port))) (consume-whitespace port) (unless (eof-object? (peek-char port)) result (json-error port)) result)) ;;; ;;; Writer ;;; (define (write-string str port) "Write STR to PORT in JSON string format." (define (escape-char char) (display (match char (#\" "\\\"") (#\\ "\\\\") (#\/ "\\/") (#\backspace "\\b") (#\page "\\f") (#\newline "\\n") (#\return "\\r") (#\tab "\\t") (_ char)) port)) (display "\"" port) (string-for-each escape-char str) (display "\"" port)) (define (write-object object port) "Write ALIST to PORT in JSON object format." ;; Keys may be strings or symbols. (define key->string (match-lambda ((? string? key) key) ((? symbol? key) (symbol->string key)))) (define (write-kv-pair key value) (write-string (key->string key) port) (display ":" port) (write-json value port)) (display "{" port) (match object (() #f) ((front ... (end-key . end-val)) (for-each (match-lambda ((key . value) (write-kv-pair key value) (display "," port))) front) (write-kv-pair end-key end-val))) (display "}" port)) (define (write-array lst port) "Write LST to PORT in JSON array format." (display "[" port) (match lst (() #f) ((front ... end) (for-each (lambda (val) (write-json val port) (display "," port)) front) (write-json end port))) (display "]" port)) (define (write-json exp port) "Write EXP to PORT in JSON format." (match exp (#t (display "true" port)) (#f (display "false" port)) ('null (display "null" port)) ((? string? s) (write-string s port)) ((? real? n) (display n port)) (('@ . alist) (write-object alist port)) ((vals ...) (write-array vals port))))