#+TITLE: Convert Faust DSP to Axoloti objects Enter a development environment: #+begin_example sh guix shell -m manifest.scm #+end_example Take a Faust DSP program: #+begin_src faust declare name "moog_vcf_2b"; declare author "Ricardo Wurmus (Ksoloti), Julius O. Smith III (Faust)"; declare copyright "2024"; declare license "STK-4.3 (https://github.com/grame-cncm/faustlibraries/blob/master/licenses/stk-4.3.0.md)"; declare description "Moog VCF based on moog_vcf_2b from Faust."; import("stdfaust.lib"); va = library("vaeffects.lib"); freq = hslider("cutoff [unit:Hz]", 10000, 0, 10000, 0.1) : si.smoo; res = hslider("resonance", 0, 0, 1, 0.01) : si.smoo; process = va.moog_vcf_2b(res, freq); #+end_src And convert it to a crude Axoloti object: #+begin_src sh ./faust2axo.py -i moog.dsp -o test.axo #+end_src * License GPLv3+