# Wavedrum I wrote a [series of blog posts](/tags/wavedrum.html) in which I document my efforts to understand and possibly manipulate the firmware of Korg's Wavedrum. The PCB is easily accessible and exposes big connector pads as well as a microSD card---an invitation to play with the hardware. Although I'm perfectly content just playing with the hardware, I do hope that my work will eventually allow me and others to modify the data on the Wavedrum such that custom sounds and loops (and possibly algorithms) can be used. ## Current status It is possible to load firmware from the microSD card by pressing *Write* and *1* while powering on the Wavedrum, followed by pressing *Write* again (another undocumented mode can be entered by pressing *Write* and *Mode* while powering on). The Wavedrum unfortunately rejects any modified firmware. The Oriental edition will not load the firmware of the Original/Black edition, nor will it load the firmware of the Global edition. It also won't load any modified firmware (e.g. where the only difference is that two bytes are swapped). I intend to figure out how the Wavedrum validates the data on the SD card before deciding to reject them. ## Blog posts - [Hacking the Wavedrum](/posts/2013-08-11-hacking-the-wavedrum.html) - [Firmware comparison between Wavedrums Original, Black and Oriental](/posts/2013-10-31-wavedrum-data-comparison.html) - [Connectors on the Wavedrum's circuit board](/posts/2013-12-09-wavedrum-connectors.html) - [Disassembling the Wavedrum firmware](/posts/2014-09-18-wavedrum-firmware-disassembler.html) ## Software [wavedrum-lib](http://git.elephly.net/wavedrum/wavedrum-lib.git) : Haskell library for parsing, editing, and writing Wavedrum programmes (presets). [sharc-disassembler](http://git.elephly.net/wavedrum/sharc-disassembler.git) : Very rudimentary, partial disassembler for SHARC ADSP binaries helping me to understand the Wavedrum's bootloader.