# Projects Here is a list of some of the projects that I'm involved with that actually might be useful to others. ## Hacking the Wavedrum I wrote a [series of blog posts](/tags/wavedrum.html) in which I document my efforts to understand and possibly manipulate the firmware of Korg's Wavedrum. The PCB is easily accessible and exposes big connector pads as well as a microSD card---an invitation to play with the hardware. ## GNU Guix [GNU Guix](http://gnu.org/s/guix) is a novel package manager for [GNU systems](http://gnu.org). In Guix a package is treated as a pure function whose output is fully described by its inputs. I'm packaging lots of bioinformatics software when I'm in the office and audio tools when I'm off work. ## Libertree [Libertree](http://libertreeproject.org) is a collection of software to build social networks. The core components include a web frontend application and an XMPP backend component that will work with any regular XMPP server. ![The Libertree logo](/images/libertree-logo.png) If you want to test Libertree, request an invitation to [my server](https://oak.elephly.net) by sending an email to mjcfsusffAfmfqimz/ofu. You can also run Libertree on your own server if you wish. The code for all components is hosted on [github](https://github.com/Libertree). Refer to the [installation documentation](https://github.com/Libertree/libertree/blob/master/INSTALLATION.md) or use the [installer](https://github.com/Libertree/libertree/blob/master/installer/install). If you need help, just ask in our chat channel ([#libertree](http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=libertree) on Freenode). I'm currently working on turning Libertree into a [pubsub service](http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0060.html). Here is [a collection of public announcements](https://oak.elephly.net/s/rekado/announce) I made on Libertree. ## SoundCLI [SoundCLI](/soundcli.html) is a SoundCloud client for the console. Check out the [project page](/soundcli.html) for more information. ## LV2 plugins I have ported two VST instruments to the LV2 plugin framework, because I missed them after my move to GNU/Linux. - [mda EPiano](/lv2/mdaepiano.html) - [mda Piano](/lv2/mdapiano.html)