/** @license Hyphenator 4.0.0 - client side hyphenation for webbrowsers * Copyright (C) 2011 Mathias Nater, Zürich (mathias at mnn dot ch) * Project and Source hosted on http://code.google.com/p/hyphenator/ * * This JavaScript code is free software: you can redistribute * it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser * General Public License (GNU LGPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. The code is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU GPL for more details. * * As additional permission under GNU GPL version 3 section 7, you * may distribute non-source (e.g., minimized or compacted) forms of * that code without the copy of the GNU GPL normally required by * section 4, provided you include this license notice and a URL * through which recipients can access the Corresponding Source. * * * Hyphenator.js contains code from Bram Steins hypher.js-Project: * https://github.com/bramstein/Hypher * * Code from this project is marked in the source and belongs * to the following license: * * Copyright (c) 2011, Bram Stein * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO * EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ /* * Comments are jsdoctoolkit formatted. See http://code.google.com/p/jsdoc-toolkit/ */ /* The following comment is for JSLint: */ /*global window, ActiveXObject, unescape */ /*jslint white: true, browser: true, onevar: true, undef: true, nomen: true, eqeqeq: true, regexp: true, sub: true, newcap: true, immed: true, evil: true, eqeqeq: false */ /** * @constructor * @description Provides all functionality to do hyphenation, except the patterns that are loaded * externally. * @author Mathias Nater, mathias@mnn.ch * @version X.Y.Z * @namespace Holds all methods and properties * @example * <script src = "Hyphenator.js" type = "text/javascript"></script>  * <script type = "text/javascript">  *   Hyphenator.run();  * </script> */ var Hyphenator = (function (window) { var /** * @name Hyphenator-supportedLang * @description * A key-value object that stores supported languages. * The key is the bcp47 code of the language and the value * is the (abbreviated) filename of the pattern file. * @type {Object.} * @private * @example * Check if language lang is supported: * if (supportedLang.hasOwnProperty(lang)) */ supportedLang = { 'be': 'be.js', 'ca': 'ca.js', 'cs': 'cs.js', 'da': 'da.js', 'bn': 'bn.js', 'de': 'de.js', 'el': 'el-monoton.js', 'el-monoton': 'el-monoton.js', 'el-polyton': 'el-polyton.js', 'en': 'en-us.js', 'en-gb': 'en-gb.js', 'en-us': 'en-us.js', 'es': 'es.js', 'fi': 'fi.js', 'fr': 'fr.js', 'grc': 'grc.js', 'gu': 'gu.js', 'hi': 'hi.js', 'hu': 'hu.js', 'hy': 'hy.js', 'it': 'it.js', 'kn': 'kn.js', 'la': 'la.js', 'lt': 'lt.js', 'lv': 'lv.js', 'ml': 'ml.js', 'nb': 'nb-no.js', 'no': 'nb-no.js', 'nb-no': 'nb-no.js', 'nl': 'nl.js', 'or': 'or.js', 'pa': 'pa.js', 'pl': 'pl.js', 'pt': 'pt.js', 'ru': 'ru.js', 'sk': 'sk.js', 'sl': 'sl.js', 'sv': 'sv.js', 'ta': 'ta.js', 'te': 'te.js', 'tr': 'tr.js', 'uk': 'uk.js' }, /** * @name Hyphenator-languageHint * @description * An automatically generated string to be displayed in a prompt if the language can't be guessed. * The string is generated using the supportedLang-object. * @see Hyphenator-supportedLang * @type {string} * @private * @see Hyphenator-autoSetMainLanguage */ languageHint = (function () { var k, r = ''; for (k in supportedLang) { if (supportedLang.hasOwnProperty(k)) { r += k + ', '; } } r = r.substring(0, r.length - 2); return r; }()), /** * @name Hyphenator-prompterStrings * @description * A key-value object holding the strings to be displayed if the language can't be guessed * If you add hyphenation patterns change this string. * @type {Object.} * @private * @see Hyphenator-autoSetMainLanguage */ prompterStrings = { 'be': 'Мова гэтага сайта не можа быць вызначаны аўтаматычна. Калі ласка пакажыце мову:', 'cs': 'Jazyk této internetové stránky nebyl automaticky rozpoznán. Určete prosím její jazyk:', 'da': 'Denne websides sprog kunne ikke bestemmes. Angiv venligst sprog:', 'de': 'Die Sprache dieser Webseite konnte nicht automatisch bestimmt werden. Bitte Sprache angeben:', 'en': 'The language of this website could not be determined automatically. Please indicate the main language:', 'es': 'El idioma del sitio no pudo determinarse autom%E1ticamente. Por favor, indique el idioma principal:', 'fi': 'Sivun kielt%E4 ei tunnistettu automaattisesti. M%E4%E4rit%E4 sivun p%E4%E4kieli:', 'fr': 'La langue de ce site n%u2019a pas pu %EAtre d%E9termin%E9e automatiquement. Veuillez indiquer une langue, s.v.p.%A0:', 'hu': 'A weboldal nyelvét nem sikerült automatikusan megállapítani. Kérem adja meg a nyelvet:', 'hy': 'Չհաջողվեց հայտնաբերել այս կայքի լեզուն։ Խնդրում ենք նշեք հիմնական լեզուն՝', 'it': 'Lingua del sito sconosciuta. Indicare una lingua, per favore:', 'kn': 'ಜಾಲ ತಾಣದ ಭಾಷೆಯನ್ನು ನಿರ್ಧರಿಸಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾಗುತ್ತಿಲ್ಲ. ದಯವಿಟ್ಟು ಮುಖ್ಯ ಭಾಷೆಯನ್ನು ಸೂಚಿಸಿ:', 'lt': 'Nepavyko automatiškai nustatyti šios svetainės kalbos. Prašome įvesti kalbą:', 'lv': 'Šīs lapas valodu nevarēja noteikt automātiski. Lūdzu norādiet pamata valodu:', 'ml': 'ഈ വെ%u0D2C%u0D4D%u200Cസൈറ്റിന്റെ ഭാഷ കണ്ടുപിടിയ്ക്കാ%u0D28%u0D4D%u200D കഴിഞ്ഞില്ല. ഭാഷ ഏതാണെന്നു തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക:', 'nl': 'De taal van deze website kan niet automatisch worden bepaald. Geef de hoofdtaal op:', 'no': 'Nettstedets språk kunne ikke finnes automatisk. Vennligst oppgi språk:', 'pt': 'A língua deste site não pôde ser determinada automaticamente. Por favor indique a língua principal:', 'ru': 'Язык этого сайта не может быть определен автоматически. Пожалуйста укажите язык:', 'sl': 'Jezika te spletne strani ni bilo mogoče samodejno določiti. Prosim navedite jezik:', 'sv': 'Spr%E5ket p%E5 den h%E4r webbplatsen kunde inte avg%F6ras automatiskt. V%E4nligen ange:', 'tr': 'Bu web sitesinin dili otomatik olarak tespit edilememiştir. Lütfen dökümanın dilini seçiniz%A0:', 'uk': 'Мова цього веб-сайту не може бути визначена автоматично. Будь ласка, вкажіть головну мову:' }, /** * @name Hyphenator-basePath * @description * A string storing the basepath from where Hyphenator.js was loaded. * This is used to load the patternfiles. * The basepath is determined dynamically by searching all script-tags for Hyphenator.js * If the path cannot be determined http://hyphenator.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ is used as fallback. * @type {string} * @private * @see Hyphenator-loadPatterns */ basePath = (function () { var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script'), i = 0, p, src, t; while (!!(t = s[i++])) { if (!t.src) { continue; } src = t.src; p = src.indexOf('Hyphenator.js'); if (p !== -1) { return src.substring(0, p); } } return 'http://hyphenator.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/'; }()), /** * @name Hyphenator-isLocal * @description * isLocal is true, if Hyphenator is loaded from the same domain, as the webpage, but false, if * it's loaded from an external source (i.e. directly from google.code) */ isLocal = (function () { var re = false; if (window.location.href.indexOf(basePath) !== -1) { re = true; } return re; }()), /** * @name Hyphenator-documentLoaded * @description * documentLoaded is true, when the DOM has been loaded. This is set by runOnContentLoaded */ documentLoaded = false, documentCount = 0, /** * @name Hyphenator-persistentConfig * @description * if persistentConfig is set to true (defaults to false), config options and the state of the * toggleBox are stored in DOM-storage (according to the storage-setting). So they haven't to be * set for each page. */ persistentConfig = false, /** * @name Hyphenator-contextWindow * @description * contextWindow stores the window for the document to be hyphenated. * If there are frames this will change. * So use contextWindow instead of window! */ contextWindow = window, /** * @name Hyphenator-doFrames * @description * switch to control if frames/iframes should be hyphenated, too * defaults to false (frames are a bag of hurt!) */ doFrames = false, /** * @name Hyphenator-dontHyphenate * @description * A key-value object containing all html-tags whose content should not be hyphenated * @type {Object.} * @private * @see Hyphenator-hyphenateElement */ dontHyphenate = {'script': true, 'code': true, 'pre': true, 'img': true, 'br': true, 'samp': true, 'kbd': true, 'var': true, 'abbr': true, 'acronym': true, 'sub': true, 'sup': true, 'button': true, 'option': true, 'label': true, 'textarea': true, 'input': true, 'math': true, 'svg': true}, /** * @name Hyphenator-enableCache * @description * A variable to set if caching is enabled or not * @type boolean * @default true * @private * @see Hyphenator.config * @see hyphenateWord */ enableCache = true, /** * @name Hyphenator-storageType * @description * A variable to define what html5-DOM-Storage-Method is used ('none', 'local' or 'session') * @type {string} * @default 'none' * @private * @see Hyphenator.config */ storageType = 'local', /** * @name Hyphenator-storage * @description * An alias to the storage-Method defined in storageType. * Set by Hyphenator.run() * @type {Object|undefined} * @default null * @private * @see Hyphenator.run */ storage, /** * @name Hyphenator-enableReducedPatternSet * @description * A variable to set if storing the used patterns is set * @type boolean * @default false * @private * @see Hyphenator.config * @see hyphenateWord * @see Hyphenator.getRedPatternSet */ enableReducedPatternSet = false, /** * @name Hyphenator-enableRemoteLoading * @description * A variable to set if pattern files should be loaded remotely or not * @type boolean * @default true * @private * @see Hyphenator.config * @see Hyphenator-loadPatterns */ enableRemoteLoading = true, /** * @name Hyphenator-displayToggleBox * @description * A variable to set if the togglebox should be displayed or not * @type boolean * @default false * @private * @see Hyphenator.config * @see Hyphenator-toggleBox */ displayToggleBox = false, /** * @name Hyphenator-css3 * @description * A variable to set if css3 hyphenation should be used * @type boolean * @default false * @private * @see Hyphenator.config */ css3 = false, /** * @name Hyphenator-css3_hsupport * @description * A generated object containing information for CSS3-hyphenation support * { * support: boolean, * property: , * languages: * } * @type object * @default undefined * @private * @see Hyphenator-css3_gethsupport */ css3_h9n, /** * @name Hyphenator-css3_gethsupport * @description * This function sets Hyphenator-css3_h9n for the current UA * @type function * @private * @see Hyphenator-css3_h9n */ css3_gethsupport = function () { var s, ua = navigator.userAgent, r = { support: false, property: '', languages: {} }; if (window.getComputedStyle) { s = window.getComputedStyle(window.document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]); } else { //ancient Browser don't support CSS3 anyway css3_h9n = r; return; } if (ua.indexOf('Chrome') !== -1) { //Chrome actually knows -webkit-hyphens but does no hyphenation r.support = false; } else if ((ua.indexOf('Safari') !== -1) && (s['-webkit-hyphens'] !== undefined)) { r.support = true; r.property = '-webkit-hyphens'; if (ua.indexOf('Mobile') !== -1) { //iOS only hyphenates in systemlanguage r.languages[navigator.language.split('-')[0]] = true; } else { //Desktop Safari only hyphenates some languages: r.languages = { de: true, en: true, es: true, fr: true, it: true, nl: true, ru: true, zh: true }; } } else if ((ua.indexOf('Firefox') !== -1) && (s['MozHyphens'] !== undefined)) { r.support = true; r.property = 'MozHyphens'; r.languages = { en: true }; } css3_h9n = r; }, /** * @name Hyphenator-hyphenateClass * @description * A string containing the css-class-name for the hyphenate class * @type {string} * @default 'hyphenate' * @private * @example * <p class = "hyphenate">Text</p> * @see Hyphenator.config */ hyphenateClass = 'hyphenate', /** * @name Hyphenator-dontHyphenateClass * @description * A string containing the css-class-name for elements that should not be hyphenated * @type {string} * @default 'donthyphenate' * @private * @example * <p class = "donthyphenate">Text</p> * @see Hyphenator.config */ dontHyphenateClass = 'donthyphenate', /** * @name Hyphenator-min * @description * A number wich indicates the minimal length of words to hyphenate. * @type {number} * @default 6 * @private * @see Hyphenator.config */ min = 6, /** * @name Hyphenator-orphanControl * @description * Control how the last words of a line are handled: * level 1 (default): last word is hyphenated * level 2: last word is not hyphenated * level 3: last word is not hyphenated and last space is non breaking * @type {number} * @default 1 * @private */ orphanControl = 1, /** * @name Hyphenator-isBookmarklet * @description * Indicates if Hyphanetor runs as bookmarklet or not. * @type boolean * @default false * @private */ isBookmarklet = (function () { var loc = null, re = false, jsArray = document.getElementsByTagName('script'), i, l; for (i = 0, l = jsArray.length; i < l; i++) { if (!!jsArray[i].getAttribute('src')) { loc = jsArray[i].getAttribute('src'); } if (!loc) { continue; } else if (loc.indexOf('Hyphenator.js?bm=true') !== -1) { re = true; } } return re; }()), /** * @name Hyphenator-mainLanguage * @description * The general language of the document. In contrast to {@link Hyphenator-defaultLanguage}, * mainLanguage is defined by the client (i.e. by the html or by a prompt). * @type {string|null} * @private * @see Hyphenator-autoSetMainLanguage */ mainLanguage = null, /** * @name Hyphenator-defaultLanguage * @description * The language defined by the developper. This language setting is defined by a config option. * It is overwritten by any html-lang-attribute and only taken in count, when no such attribute can * be found (i.e. just before the prompt). * @type {string|null} * @private * @see Hyphenator-autoSetMainLanguage */ defaultLanguage = '', /** * @name Hyphenator-elements * @description * An array holding all elements that have to be hyphenated. This var is filled by * {@link Hyphenator-gatherDocumentInfos} * @type {Array} * @private */ elements = (function () { var Element = function (element, data) { this.element = element; this.hyphenated = false; this.treated = false; //collected but not hyphenated (dohyphenation is off) this.data = data; }, ElementCollection = function () { this.count = 0; this.hyCount = 0; this.list = {}; }; ElementCollection.prototype = { add: function (el, lang, data) { if (!this.list.hasOwnProperty(lang)) { this.list[lang] = []; } this.list[lang].push(new Element(el, data)); this.count += 1; }, each: function (fn) { var k; for (k in this.list) { if (this.list.hasOwnProperty(k)) { fn(k, this.list[k]); } } } }; return new ElementCollection(); }()), /** * @name Hyphenator-exceptions * @description * An object containing exceptions as comma separated strings for each language. * When the language-objects are loaded, their exceptions are processed, copied here and then deleted. * @see Hyphenator-prepareLanguagesObj * @type {Object} * @private */ exceptions = {}, /** * @name Hyphenator-docLanguages * @description * An object holding all languages used in the document. This is filled by * {@link Hyphenator-gatherDocumentInfos} * @type {Object} * @private */ docLanguages = {}, /** * @name Hyphenator-state * @description * A number that inidcates the current state of the script * 0: not initialized * 1: loading patterns * 2: ready * 3: hyphenation done * 4: hyphenation removed * @type {number} * @private */ state = 0, /** * @name Hyphenator-url * @description * A string containing a RegularExpression to match URL's * @type {string} * @private */ url = '(\\w*:\/\/)?((\\w*:)?(\\w*)@)?((([\\d]{1,3}\\.){3}([\\d]{1,3}))|((www\\.|[a-zA-Z]\\.)?[a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\.]+\\.([a-z]{2,4})))(:\\d*)?(\/[\\w#!:\\.?\\+=&%@!\\-]*)*', // protocoll usr pwd ip or host tld port path /** * @name Hyphenator-mail * @description * A string containing a RegularExpression to match mail-adresses * @type {string} * @private */ mail = '[\\w-\\.]+@[\\w\\.]+', /** * @name Hyphenator-urlRE * @description * A RegularExpressions-Object for url- and mail adress matching * @type {RegExp} * @private */ urlOrMailRE = new RegExp('(' + url + ')|(' + mail + ')', 'i'), /** * @name Hyphenator-zeroWidthSpace * @description * A string that holds a char. * Depending on the browser, this is the zero with space or an empty string. * zeroWidthSpace is used to break URLs * @type {string} * @private */ zeroWidthSpace = (function () { var zws, ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); zws = String.fromCharCode(8203); //Unicode zero width space if (ua.indexOf('msie 6') !== -1) { zws = ''; //IE6 doesn't support zws } if (ua.indexOf('opera') !== -1 && ua.indexOf('version/10.00') !== -1) { zws = ''; //opera 10 on XP doesn't support zws } return zws; }()), /** * @name Hyphenator-createElem * @description * A function alias to document.createElementNS or document.createElement * @type {function(string, Object)} * @private */ createElem = function (tagname, context) { context = context || contextWindow; if (document.createElementNS) { return context.document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml', tagname); } else if (document.createElement) { return context.document.createElement(tagname); } }, /** * @name Hyphenator-onHyphenationDone * @description * A method to be called, when the last element has been hyphenated or the hyphenation has been * removed from the last element. * @see Hyphenator.config * @type {function()} * @private */ onHyphenationDone = function () {}, /** * @name Hyphenator-onError * @description * A function that can be called upon an error. * @see Hyphenator.config * @type {function(Object)} * @private */ onError = function (e) { window.alert("Hyphenator.js says:\n\nAn Error ocurred:\n" + e.message); }, /** * @name Hyphenator-selectorFunction * @description * A function that has to return a HTMLNodeList of Elements to be hyphenated. * By default it uses the classname ('hyphenate') to select the elements. * @see Hyphenator.config * @type {function()} * @private */ selectorFunction = function () { var tmp, el = [], i, l; if (document.getElementsByClassName) { el = contextWindow.document.getElementsByClassName(hyphenateClass); } else { tmp = contextWindow.document.getElementsByTagName('*'); l = tmp.length; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (tmp[i].className.indexOf(hyphenateClass) !== -1 && tmp[i].className.indexOf(dontHyphenateClass) === -1) { el.push(tmp[i]); } } } return el; }, /** * @name Hyphenator-intermediateState * @description * The value of style.visibility of the text while it is hyphenated. * @see Hyphenator.config * @type {string} * @private */ intermediateState = 'hidden', /** * @name Hyphenator-unhide * @description * How hidden elements unhide: either simultaneous (default: 'wait') or progressively. * 'wait' makes Hyphenator.js to wait until all elements are hyphenated (one redraw) * With 'progressiv' Hyphenator.js unhides elements as soon as they are hyphenated. * @see Hyphenator.config * @type {string} * @private */ unhide = 'wait', /** * @name Hyphenator-hyphen * @description * A string containing the character for in-word-hyphenation * @type {string} * @default the soft hyphen * @private * @see Hyphenator.config */ hyphen = String.fromCharCode(173), /** * @name Hyphenator-urlhyphen * @description * A string containing the character for url/mail-hyphenation * @type {string} * @default the zero width space * @private * @see Hyphenator.config * @see Hyphenator-zeroWidthSpace */ urlhyphen = zeroWidthSpace, /** * @name Hyphenator-safeCopy * @description * Defines wether work-around for copy issues is active or not * Not supported by Opera (no onCopy handler) * @type boolean * @default true * @private * @see Hyphenator.config * @see Hyphenator-registerOnCopy */ safeCopy = true, /* * runOnContentLoaded is based od jQuery.bindReady() * see * jQuery JavaScript Library v1.3.2 * http://jquery.com/ * * Copyright (c) 2009 John Resig * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses. * http://docs.jquery.com/License * * Date: 2009-02-19 17:34:21 -0500 (Thu, 19 Feb 2009) * Revision: 6246 */ /** * @name Hyphenator-runOnContentLoaded * @description * A crossbrowser solution for the DOMContentLoaded-Event based on jQuery * 0) { for (i = 0; i < fl; i++) { haveAccess = undefined; //try catch isn't enough for webkit try { //opera throws only on document.toString-access haveAccess = window.frames[i].document.toString(); } catch (e) { haveAccess = undefined; } if (!!haveAccess) { init(window.frames[i]); } } contextWindow = window; f(); hyphRunForThis[window.location.href] = true; } else { init(window); } } // Cleanup functions for the document ready method if (document.addEventListener) { DOMContentLoaded = function () { document.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", DOMContentLoaded, false); if (doFrames && window.frames.length > 0) { //we are in a frameset, so do nothing but wait for onload to fire return; } else { init(window); } }; } else if (document.attachEvent) { DOMContentLoaded = function () { // Make sure body exists, at least, in case IE gets a little overzealous (ticket #5443). if (document.readyState === "complete") { document.detachEvent("onreadystatechange", DOMContentLoaded); if (doFrames && window.frames.length > 0) { //we are in a frameset, so do nothing but wait for onload to fire return; } else { init(window); } } }; } // Mozilla, Opera and webkit nightlies currently support this event if (document.addEventListener) { // Use the handy event callback document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", DOMContentLoaded, false); // A fallback to window.onload, that will always work window.addEventListener("load", doOnLoad, false); // If IE event model is used } else if (document.attachEvent) { // ensure firing before onload, // maybe late but safe also for iframes document.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", DOMContentLoaded); // A fallback to window.onload, that will always work window.attachEvent("onload", doOnLoad); // If IE and not a frame // continually check to see if the document is ready toplevel = false; try { toplevel = window.frameElement === null; } catch (e) {} if (document.documentElement.doScroll && toplevel) { doScrollCheck(); } } }, /** * @name Hyphenator-getLang * @description * Gets the language of an element. If no language is set, it may use the {@link Hyphenator-mainLanguage}. * @param {Object} el The first parameter is an DOM-Element-Object * @param {boolean} fallback The second parameter is a boolean to tell if the function should return the {@link Hyphenator-mainLanguage} * if there's no language found for the element. * @private */ getLang = function (el, fallback) { if (!!el.getAttribute('lang')) { return el.getAttribute('lang').toLowerCase(); } // The following doesn't work in IE due to a bug when getAttribute('xml:lang') in a table /*if (!!el.getAttribute('xml:lang')) { return el.getAttribute('xml:lang').substring(0, 2); }*/ //instead, we have to do this (thanks to borgzor): try { if (!!el.getAttribute('xml:lang')) { return el.getAttribute('xml:lang').toLowerCase(); } } catch (ex) {} if (el.tagName !== 'HTML') { return getLang(el.parentNode, true); } if (fallback) { return mainLanguage; } return null; }, /** * @name Hyphenator-autoSetMainLanguage * @description * Retrieves the language of the document from the DOM. * The function looks in the following places: *
  • lang-attribute in the html-tag
  • *
  • <meta http-equiv = "content-language" content = "xy" />
  • *
  • <meta name = "DC.Language" content = "xy" />
  • *
  • <meta name = "language" content = "xy" />
  • * * If nothing can be found a prompt using {@link Hyphenator-languageHint} and {@link Hyphenator-prompterStrings} is displayed. * If the retrieved language is in the object {@link Hyphenator-supportedLang} it is copied to {@link Hyphenator-mainLanguage} * @private */ autoSetMainLanguage = function (w) { w = w || contextWindow; var el = w.document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0], m = w.document.getElementsByTagName('meta'), i, text, e, ul; mainLanguage = getLang(el, false); if (!mainLanguage) { for (i = 0; i < m.length; i++) { // if (!!m[i].getAttribute('http-equiv') && (m[i].getAttribute('http-equiv').toLowerCase() === 'content-language')) { mainLanguage = m[i].getAttribute('content').toLowerCase(); } // if (!!m[i].getAttribute('name') && (m[i].getAttribute('name').toLowerCase() === 'dc.language')) { mainLanguage = m[i].getAttribute('content').toLowerCase(); } // if (!!m[i].getAttribute('name') && (m[i].getAttribute('name').toLowerCase() === 'language')) { mainLanguage = m[i].getAttribute('content').toLowerCase(); } } } //get lang for frame from enclosing document if (!mainLanguage && doFrames && contextWindow != window.parent) { autoSetMainLanguage(window.parent); } //fallback to defaultLang if set if (!mainLanguage && defaultLanguage !== '') { mainLanguage = defaultLanguage; } //ask user for lang if (!mainLanguage) { text = ''; ul = navigator.language ? navigator.language : navigator.userLanguage; ul = ul.substring(0, 2); if (prompterStrings.hasOwnProperty(ul)) { text = prompterStrings[ul]; } else { text = prompterStrings.en; } text += ' (ISO 639-1)\n\n' + languageHint; mainLanguage = window.prompt(unescape(text), ul).toLowerCase(); } if (!supportedLang.hasOwnProperty(mainLanguage)) { if (supportedLang.hasOwnProperty(mainLanguage.split('-')[0])) { //try subtag mainLanguage = mainLanguage.split('-')[0]; } else { e = new Error('The language "' + mainLanguage + '" is not yet supported.'); throw e; } } }, /** * @name Hyphenator-gatherDocumentInfos * @description * This method runs through the DOM and executes the process()-function on: * - every node returned by the {@link Hyphenator-selectorFunction}. * The process()-function copies the element to the elements-variable, sets its visibility * to intermediateState, retrieves its language and recursivly descends the DOM-tree until * the child-Nodes aren't of type 1 * @private */ gatherDocumentInfos = function () { var elToProcess, tmp, i = 0, process = function (el, hide, lang) { var n, i = 0, hyphenatorSettings = {}; if (el.lang && typeof(el.lang) === 'string') { lang = el.lang.toLowerCase(); //copy attribute-lang to internal lang } else if (lang) { lang = lang.toLowerCase(); } else { lang = getLang(el, true); } //if css3-hyphenation is supported: use it! if (css3 && css3_h9n.support && !!css3_h9n.languages[lang]) { el.style[css3_h9n.property] = "auto"; el.style['-webkit-locale'] = "'" + lang + "'"; } else { if (intermediateState === 'hidden') { if (!!el.getAttribute('style')) { hyphenatorSettings.hasOwnStyle = true; } else { hyphenatorSettings.hasOwnStyle = false; } hyphenatorSettings.isHidden = true; el.style.visibility = 'hidden'; } if (supportedLang[lang]) { docLanguages[lang] = true; } else { if (supportedLang.hasOwnProperty(lang.split('-')[0])) { //try subtag lang = lang.split('-')[0]; hyphenatorSettings.language = lang; } else if (!isBookmarklet) { onError(new Error('Language ' + lang + ' is not yet supported.')); } } elements.add(el, lang, hyphenatorSettings); } while (!!(n = el.childNodes[i++])) { if (n.nodeType === 1 && !dontHyphenate[n.nodeName.toLowerCase()] && n.className.indexOf(dontHyphenateClass) === -1 && !(n in elToProcess)) { process(n, false, lang); } } }; if (css3) { css3_gethsupport(); } if (isBookmarklet) { elToProcess = contextWindow.document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; process(elToProcess, false, mainLanguage); } else { elToProcess = selectorFunction(); while (!!(tmp = elToProcess[i++])) { process(tmp, true, ''); } } if (elements.count === 0) { //nothing to hyphenate or all hyphenated b css3 state = 3; onHyphenationDone(); } }, /** * @name Hyphenator-createTrie * @description * converts patterns of the given language in a trie * @private * @param {string} lang the language whose patterns shall be converted */ convertPatterns = function (lang) { /** @license BSD licenced code * The following code is based on code from hypher.js and adapted for Hyphenator.js * Copyright (c) 2011, Bram Stein */ var size = 0, tree = { tpoints: [] }, patterns, pattern, i, j, k, patternObject = Hyphenator.languages[lang].patterns, c, chars, points, t, p, codePoint, getPoints = (function () { //IE<9 doesn't act like other browsers if ('in3se'.split(/\D/).length === 1) { return function (pattern) { var chars = pattern.split(''), c, i, r = [], numb3rs = {'0': 0, '1': 1, '2': 2, '3': 3, '4': 4, '5': 5, '6': 6, '7': 7, '8': 8, '9': 9}, lastWasNum = false; i = 0; while (!!(c = chars[i])) { if (numb3rs.hasOwnProperty(c)) { r.push(c); i += 2; lastWasNum = true; } else { r.push(''); i += 1; lastWasNum = false; } } if (!lastWasNum) { r.push(''); } return r; }; } else { return function (pattern) { return pattern.split(/\D/); }; } }()); for (size in patternObject) { if (patternObject.hasOwnProperty(size)) { patterns = patternObject[size].match(new RegExp('.{1,' + (+size) + '}', 'g')); i = 0; while (!!(pattern = patterns[i++])) { chars = pattern.replace(/[\d]/g, '').split(''); points = getPoints(pattern); t = tree; j = 0; while (!!(c = chars[j++])) { codePoint = c.charCodeAt(0); if (!t[codePoint]) { t[codePoint] = {}; } t = t[codePoint]; } t.tpoints = []; for (k = 0; k < points.length; k++) { p = points[k]; t.tpoints.push((p == "") ? 0 : p); } } } } Hyphenator.languages[lang].patterns = tree; /** * end of BSD licenced code from hypher.js */ }, recreatePattern = function (pattern, nodePoints) { var r = [], c = pattern.split(''), i; for (i = 0; i < nodePoints.length; i++) { if (nodePoints[i] !== 0) { r.push(nodePoints[i]); } if (c[i]) { r.push(c[i]); } } return r.join(''); }, /** * @name Hyphenator-convertExceptionsToObject * @description * Converts a list of comma seprated exceptions to an object: * 'Fortran,Hy-phen-a-tion' -> {'Fortran':'Fortran','Hyphenation':'Hy-phen-a-tion'} * @private * @param {string} exc a comma separated string of exceptions (without spaces) */ convertExceptionsToObject = function (exc) { var w = exc.split(', '), r = {}, i, l, key; for (i = 0, l = w.length; i < l; i++) { key = w[i].replace(/-/g, ''); if (!r.hasOwnProperty(key)) { r[key] = w[i]; } } return r; }, /** * @name Hyphenator-loadPatterns * @description * Adds a <script>-Tag to the DOM to load an externeal .js-file containing patterns and settings for the given language. * If the given language is not in the {@link Hyphenator-supportedLang}-Object it returns. * One may ask why we are not using AJAX to load the patterns. The XMLHttpRequest-Object * has a same-origin-policy. This makes the isBookmarklet-functionality impossible. * @param {string} lang The language to load the patterns for * @private * @see Hyphenator-basePath */ loadPatterns = function (lang) { var url, xhr, head, script; if (supportedLang[lang] && !Hyphenator.languages[lang]) { url = basePath + 'patterns/' + supportedLang[lang]; } else { return; } if (isLocal && !isBookmarklet) { //check if 'url' is available: xhr = null; if (typeof XMLHttpRequest !== 'undefined') { xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); } if (!xhr) { try { xhr = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { xhr = null; } } if (xhr) { xhr.open('HEAD', url, false); xhr.setRequestHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-cache'); xhr.send(null); if (xhr.status === 404) { onError(new Error('Could not load\n' + url)); delete docLanguages[lang]; return; } } } if (createElem) { head = window.document.getElementsByTagName('head').item(0); script = createElem('script', window); script.src = url; script.type = 'text/javascript'; head.appendChild(script); } }, /** * @name Hyphenator-prepareLanguagesObj * @description * Adds a cache to each language and converts the exceptions-list to an object. * If storage is active the object is stored there. * @private * @param {string} lang the language ob the lang-obj */ prepareLanguagesObj = function (lang) { var lo = Hyphenator.languages[lang], wrd; if (!lo.prepared) { if (enableCache) { lo.cache = {}; //Export lo['cache'] = lo.cache; } if (enableReducedPatternSet) { lo.redPatSet = {}; } //add exceptions from the pattern file to the local 'exceptions'-obj if (lo.hasOwnProperty('exceptions')) { Hyphenator.addExceptions(lang, lo.exceptions); delete lo.exceptions; } //copy global exceptions to the language specific exceptions if (exceptions.hasOwnProperty('global')) { if (exceptions.hasOwnProperty(lang)) { exceptions[lang] += ', ' + exceptions.global; } else { exceptions[lang] = exceptions.global; } } //move exceptions from the the local 'exceptions'-obj to the 'language'-object if (exceptions.hasOwnProperty(lang)) { lo.exceptions = convertExceptionsToObject(exceptions[lang]); delete exceptions[lang]; } else { lo.exceptions = {}; } convertPatterns(lang); wrd = '[\\w' + lo.specialChars + '@' + String.fromCharCode(173) + String.fromCharCode(8204) + '-]{' + min + ',}'; lo.genRegExp = new RegExp('(' + url + ')|(' + mail + ')|(' + wrd + ')', 'gi'); lo.prepared = true; } if (!!storage) { try { storage.setItem('Hyphenator_' + lang, window.JSON.stringify(lo)); } catch (e) { //onError(e); } } }, /** * @name Hyphenator-prepare * @description * This funtion prepares the Hyphenator-Object: If RemoteLoading is turned off, it assumes * that the patternfiles are loaded, all conversions are made and the callback is called. * If storage is active the object is retrieved there. * If RemoteLoading is on (default), it loads the pattern files and waits until they are loaded, * by repeatedly checking Hyphenator.languages. If a patterfile is loaded the patterns are * converted to their object style and the lang-object extended. * Finally the callback is called. * @private */ prepare = function (callback) { var lang, interval, tmp1, tmp2; if (!enableRemoteLoading) { for (lang in Hyphenator.languages) { if (Hyphenator.languages.hasOwnProperty(lang)) { prepareLanguagesObj(lang); } } state = 2; callback('*'); return; } // get all languages that are used and preload the patterns state = 1; for (lang in docLanguages) { if (docLanguages.hasOwnProperty(lang)) { if (!!storage && storage.getItem('Hyphenator_' + lang)) { Hyphenator.languages[lang] = window.JSON.parse(storage.getItem('Hyphenator_' + lang)); if (exceptions.hasOwnProperty('global')) { tmp1 = convertExceptionsToObject(exceptions.global); for (tmp2 in tmp1) { if (tmp1.hasOwnProperty(tmp2)) { Hyphenator.languages[lang].exceptions[tmp2] = tmp1[tmp2]; } } } //Replace exceptions since they may have been changed: if (exceptions.hasOwnProperty(lang)) { tmp1 = convertExceptionsToObject(exceptions[lang]); for (tmp2 in tmp1) { if (tmp1.hasOwnProperty(tmp2)) { Hyphenator.languages[lang].exceptions[tmp2] = tmp1[tmp2]; } } delete exceptions[lang]; } //Replace genRegExp since it may have been changed: tmp1 = '[\\w' + Hyphenator.languages[lang].specialChars + '@' + String.fromCharCode(173) + String.fromCharCode(8204) + '-]{' + min + ',}'; Hyphenator.languages[lang].genRegExp = new RegExp('(' + url + ')|(' + mail + ')|(' + tmp1 + ')', 'gi'); delete docLanguages[lang]; callback(lang); continue; } else { loadPatterns(lang); } } } // else async wait until patterns are loaded, then hyphenate interval = window.setInterval(function () { var finishedLoading = true, lang; for (lang in docLanguages) { if (docLanguages.hasOwnProperty(lang)) { finishedLoading = false; if (!!Hyphenator.languages[lang]) { delete docLanguages[lang]; //do conversion while other patterns are loading: prepareLanguagesObj(lang); callback(lang); } } } if (finishedLoading) { //console.log('callig callback for ' + contextWindow.location.href); window.clearInterval(interval); state = 2; } }, 100); }, /** * @name Hyphenator-switchToggleBox * @description * Creates or hides the toggleBox: a small button to turn off/on hyphenation on a page. * @see Hyphenator.config * @private */ toggleBox = function () { var myBox, bdy, myIdAttribute, myTextNode, myClassAttribute, text = (Hyphenator.doHyphenation ? 'Hy-phen-a-tion' : 'Hyphenation'); if (!!(myBox = contextWindow.document.getElementById('HyphenatorToggleBox'))) { myBox.firstChild.data = text; } else { bdy = contextWindow.document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; myBox = createElem('div', contextWindow); myIdAttribute = contextWindow.document.createAttribute('id'); myIdAttribute.nodeValue = 'HyphenatorToggleBox'; myClassAttribute = contextWindow.document.createAttribute('class'); myClassAttribute.nodeValue = dontHyphenateClass; myTextNode = contextWindow.document.createTextNode(text); myBox.appendChild(myTextNode); myBox.setAttributeNode(myIdAttribute); myBox.setAttributeNode(myClassAttribute); myBox.onclick = Hyphenator.toggleHyphenation; myBox.style.position = 'absolute'; myBox.style.top = '0px'; myBox.style.right = '0px'; myBox.style.margin = '0'; myBox.style.backgroundColor = '#AAAAAA'; myBox.style.color = '#FFFFFF'; myBox.style.font = '6pt Arial'; myBox.style.letterSpacing = '0.2em'; myBox.style.padding = '3px'; myBox.style.cursor = 'pointer'; myBox.style.WebkitBorderBottomLeftRadius = '4px'; myBox.style.MozBorderRadiusBottomleft = '4px'; bdy.appendChild(myBox); } }, /** * @name Hyphenator-hyphenateWord * @description * This function is the heart of Hyphenator.js. It returns a hyphenated word. * * If there's already a {@link Hyphenator-hypen} in the word, the word is returned as it is. * If the word is in the exceptions list or in the cache, it is retrieved from it. * If there's a '-' put a zeroWidthSpace after the '-' and hyphenate the parts. * @param {string} lang The language of the word * @param {string} word The word * @returns string The hyphenated word * @public */ hyphenateWord = function (lang, word) { var lo = Hyphenator.languages[lang], parts, l, subst, w, characters, originalCharacters, wordLength, i, j, k, node, points = [], characterPoints = [], nodePoints, nodePointsLength, m = Math.max, trie, result = [''], pattern; if (word === '') { return ''; } if (word.indexOf(hyphen) !== -1) { //word already contains shy; -> leave at it is! return word; } if (enableCache && lo.cache.hasOwnProperty(word)) { //the word is in the cache return lo.cache[word]; } if (lo.exceptions.hasOwnProperty(word)) { //the word is in the exceptions list return lo.exceptions[word].replace(/-/g, hyphen); } if (word.indexOf('-') !== -1) { //word contains '-' -> hyphenate the parts separated with '-' parts = word.split('-'); for (i = 0, l = parts.length; i < l; i++) { parts[i] = hyphenateWord(lang, parts[i]); } return parts.join('-'); } w = word = '_' + word + '_'; if (!!lo.charSubstitution) { for (subst in lo.charSubstitution) { if (lo.charSubstitution.hasOwnProperty(subst)) { w = w.replace(new RegExp(subst, 'g'), lo.charSubstitution[subst]); } } } if (word.indexOf("'") !== -1) { w = w.replace("'", "’"); //replace APOSTROPHE with RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK (since the latter is used in the patterns) } /** @license BSD licenced code * The following code is based on code from hypher.js * Copyright (c) 2011, Bram Stein */ characters = w.toLowerCase().split(''); originalCharacters = word.split(''); wordLength = characters.length; trie = lo.patterns; for (i = 0; i < wordLength; i += 1) { points[i] = 0; characterPoints[i] = characters[i].charCodeAt(0); } for (i = 0; i < wordLength; i += 1) { pattern = ''; node = trie; for (j = i; j < wordLength; j += 1) { node = node[characterPoints[j]]; if (node) { if (enableReducedPatternSet) { pattern += String.fromCharCode(characterPoints[j]); } nodePoints = node.tpoints; if (nodePoints) { if (enableReducedPatternSet) { if (!lo.redPatSet) { lo.redPatSet = {}; } lo.redPatSet[pattern] = recreatePattern(pattern, nodePoints); } for (k = 0, nodePointsLength = nodePoints.length; k < nodePointsLength; k += 1) { points[i + k] = m(points[i + k], nodePoints[k]); } } } else { break; } } } for (i = 1; i < wordLength - 1; i += 1) { if (i > lo.leftmin && i < (wordLength - lo.rightmin) && points[i] % 2) { result.push(originalCharacters[i]); } else { result[result.length - 1] += originalCharacters[i]; } } return result.join(hyphen); /** * end of BSD licenced code from hypher.js */ }, /** * @name Hyphenator-hyphenateURL * @description * Puts {@link Hyphenator-urlhyphen} after each no-alphanumeric char that my be in a URL. * @param {string} url to hyphenate * @returns string the hyphenated URL * @public */ hyphenateURL = function (url) { return url.replace(/([:\/\.\?#&_,;!@]+)/gi, '$&' + urlhyphen); }, /** * @name Hyphenator-removeHyphenationFromElement * @description * Removes all hyphens from the element. If there are other elements, the function is * called recursively. * Removing hyphens is usefull if you like to copy text. Some browsers are buggy when the copy hyphenated texts. * @param {Object} el The element where to remove hyphenation. * @public */ removeHyphenationFromElement = function (el) { var h, i = 0, n; switch (hyphen) { case '|': h = '\\|'; break; case '+': h = '\\+'; break; case '*': h = '\\*'; break; default: h = hyphen; } while (!!(n = el.childNodes[i++])) { if (n.nodeType === 3) { n.data = n.data.replace(new RegExp(h, 'g'), ''); n.data = n.data.replace(new RegExp(zeroWidthSpace, 'g'), ''); } else if (n.nodeType === 1) { removeHyphenationFromElement(n); } } }, /** * @name Hyphenator-registerOnCopy * @description * Huge work-around for browser-inconsistency when it comes to * copying of hyphenated text. * The idea behind this code has been provided by http://github.com/aristus/sweet-justice * sweet-justice is under BSD-License * @private */ registerOnCopy = function (el) { var body = el.ownerDocument.getElementsByTagName('body')[0], shadow, selection, range, rangeShadow, restore, oncopyHandler = function (e) { e = e || window.event; var target = e.target || e.srcElement, currDoc = target.ownerDocument, body = currDoc.getElementsByTagName('body')[0], targetWindow = 'defaultView' in currDoc ? currDoc.defaultView : currDoc.parentWindow; if (target.tagName && dontHyphenate[target.tagName.toLowerCase()]) { //Safari needs this return; } //create a hidden shadow element shadow = currDoc.createElement('div'); //Moving the element out of the screen doesn't work for IE9 (https://connect.microsoft.com/IE/feedback/details/663981/) //shadow.style.overflow = 'hidden'; //shadow.style.position = 'absolute'; //shadow.style.top = '-5000px'; //shadow.style.height = '1px'; //doing this instead: shadow.style.color = window.getComputedStyle ? targetWindow.getComputedStyle(body).backgroundColor : '#FFFFFF'; shadow.style.fontSize = '0px'; body.appendChild(shadow); if (!!window.getSelection) { //FF3, Webkit, IE9 e.stopPropagation(); selection = targetWindow.getSelection(); range = selection.getRangeAt(0); shadow.appendChild(range.cloneContents()); removeHyphenationFromElement(shadow); selection.selectAllChildren(shadow); restore = function () { shadow.parentNode.removeChild(shadow); selection.removeAllRanges(); //IE9 needs that selection.addRange(range); }; } else { // IE<9 e.cancelBubble = true; selection = targetWindow.document.selection; range = selection.createRange(); shadow.innerHTML = range.htmlText; removeHyphenationFromElement(shadow); rangeShadow = body.createTextRange(); rangeShadow.moveToElementText(shadow); rangeShadow.select(); restore = function () { shadow.parentNode.removeChild(shadow); if (range.text !== "") { range.select(); } }; } window.setTimeout(restore, 0); }; if (!body) { return; } el = el || body; if (window.addEventListener) { el.addEventListener("copy", oncopyHandler, true); } else { el.attachEvent("oncopy", oncopyHandler); } }, /** * @name Hyphenator-unhideElement * @description * Unhides an element and removes the visibility attr if set by hyphenator * @param Object The Element object from ElementCollection * @private */ unhideElement = function (elo) { var el = elo.element, hyphenatorSettings = elo.data; el.style.visibility = 'visible'; elo.data.isHidden = false; if (!hyphenatorSettings.hasOwnStyle) { el.setAttribute('style', ''); // without this, removeAttribute doesn't work in Safari (thanks to molily) el.removeAttribute('style'); } else { if (el.style.removeProperty) { el.style.removeProperty('visibility'); } else if (el.style.removeAttribute) { // IE el.style.removeAttribute('visibility'); } } }, /** * @name Hyphenator-checkIfAllDone * @description * Checks if all Elements are hyphenated, unhides them and fires onHyphenationDone() * @private */ checkIfAllDone = function () { var allDone = true; elements.each(function (lang, list) { var i, l = list.length; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { allDone = allDone && list[i].hyphenated; if (intermediateState === 'hidden' && unhide === 'wait') { unhideElement(list[i]); } } }); if (allDone) { state = 3; onHyphenationDone(); } }, /** * @name Hyphenator-hyphenateElement * @description * Takes the content of the given element and - if there's text - replaces the words * by hyphenated words. If there's another element, the function is called recursively. * When all words are hyphenated, the visibility of the element is set to 'visible'. * @param {Object} el The element to hyphenate * @private */ hyphenateElement = function (lang, elo) { var hyphenatorSettings = elo.data, el = elo.element, hyphenate, n, i, controlOrphans = function (part) { var h, r; switch (hyphen) { case '|': h = '\\|'; break; case '+': h = '\\+'; break; case '*': h = '\\*'; break; default: h = hyphen; } if (orphanControl >= 2) { //remove hyphen points from last word r = part.split(' '); r[1] = r[1].replace(new RegExp(h, 'g'), ''); r[1] = r[1].replace(new RegExp(zeroWidthSpace, 'g'), ''); r = r.join(' '); } if (orphanControl === 3) { //replace spaces by non breaking spaces r = r.replace(/[ ]+/g, String.fromCharCode(160)); } return r; }; if (Hyphenator.languages.hasOwnProperty(lang)) { hyphenate = function (word) { if (!Hyphenator.doHyphenation) { return word; } else if (urlOrMailRE.test(word)) { return hyphenateURL(word); } else { return hyphenateWord(lang, word); } }; if (safeCopy && (el.tagName.toLowerCase() !== 'body')) { registerOnCopy(el); } i = 0; while (!!(n = el.childNodes[i++])) { if (n.nodeType === 3 && n.data.length >= min) { //type 3 = #text -> hyphenate! n.data = n.data.replace(Hyphenator.languages[lang].genRegExp, hyphenate); if (orphanControl !== 1) { n.data = n.data.replace(/[\S]+ [\S]+$/, controlOrphans); } } } } if (hyphenatorSettings.isHidden && intermediateState === 'hidden' && unhide === 'progressive') { unhideElement(elo); } elo.hyphenated = true; elements.hyCount += 1; if (elements.count <= elements.hyCount) { checkIfAllDone(); } }, /** * @name Hyphenator-hyphenateLanguageElements * @description * Calls hyphenateElement() for all elements of the specified language. * If the language is '*' then all elements are hyphenated. * This is done with a setTimout * to prevent a "long running Script"-alert when hyphenating large pages. * Therefore a tricky bind()-function was necessary. * @private */ hyphenateLanguageElements = function (lang) { function bind(fun, arg1, arg2) { return function () { return fun(arg1, arg2); }; } var el, i, l; if (lang === '*') { elements.each(function (lang, langels) { var i, l = langels.length; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { window.setTimeout(bind(hyphenateElement, lang, langels[i]), 0); } }); } else { if (elements.list.hasOwnProperty(lang)) { l = elements.list[lang].length; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { window.setTimeout(bind(hyphenateElement, lang, elements.list[lang][i]), 0); } } } }, /** * @name Hyphenator-removeHyphenationFromDocument * @description * Does what it says ;-) * @private */ removeHyphenationFromDocument = function () { elements.each(function (lang, elo) { var i, l = elo.length, el; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { removeHyphenationFromElement(elo[i].element); elo[i].hyphenated = false; } }); state = 4; }, /** * @name Hyphenator-createStorage * @description * inits the private var storage depending of the setting in storageType * and the supported features of the system. * @private */ createStorage = function () { try { if (storageType !== 'none' && typeof(window.localStorage) !== 'undefined' && typeof(window.sessionStorage) !== 'undefined' && typeof(window.JSON.stringify) !== 'undefined' && typeof(window.JSON.parse) !== 'undefined') { switch (storageType) { case 'session': storage = window.sessionStorage; break; case 'local': storage = window.localStorage; break; default: storage = undefined; break; } } } catch (f) { //FF throws an error if DOM.storage.enabled is set to false } }, /** * @name Hyphenator-storeConfiguration * @description * Stores the current config-options in DOM-Storage * @private */ storeConfiguration = function () { if (!storage) { return; } var settings = { 'STORED': true, 'classname': hyphenateClass, 'donthyphenateclassname': dontHyphenateClass, 'minwordlength': min, 'hyphenchar': hyphen, 'urlhyphenchar': urlhyphen, 'togglebox': toggleBox, 'displaytogglebox': displayToggleBox, 'remoteloading': enableRemoteLoading, 'enablecache': enableCache, 'onhyphenationdonecallback': onHyphenationDone, 'onerrorhandler': onError, 'intermediatestate': intermediateState, 'selectorfunction': selectorFunction, 'safecopy': safeCopy, 'doframes': doFrames, 'storagetype': storageType, 'orphancontrol': orphanControl, 'dohyphenation': Hyphenator.doHyphenation, 'persistentconfig': persistentConfig, 'defaultlanguage': defaultLanguage }; storage.setItem('Hyphenator_config', window.JSON.stringify(settings)); }, /** * @name Hyphenator-restoreConfiguration * @description * Retrieves config-options from DOM-Storage and does configuration accordingly * @private */ restoreConfiguration = function () { var settings; if (storage.getItem('Hyphenator_config')) { settings = window.JSON.parse(storage.getItem('Hyphenator_config')); Hyphenator.config(settings); } }; return { /** * @name Hyphenator.version * @memberOf Hyphenator * @description * String containing the actual version of Hyphenator.js * [major release].[minor releas].[bugfix release] * major release: new API, new Features, big changes * minor release: new languages, improvements * @public */ version: '4.0.0', /** * @name Hyphenator.doHyphenation * @description * If doHyphenation is set to false (defaults to true), hyphenateDocument() isn't called. * All other actions are performed. */ doHyphenation: true, /** * @name Hyphenator.languages * @memberOf Hyphenator * @description * Objects that holds key-value pairs, where key is the language and the value is the * language-object loaded from (and set by) the pattern file. * The language object holds the following members: * * * * * * * * *
    leftminThe minimum of chars to remain on the old line
    rightminThe minimum of chars to go on the new line
    shortestPatternThe shortes pattern (numbers don't count!)
    longestPatternThe longest pattern (numbers don't count!)
    specialCharsNon-ASCII chars in the alphabet.
    patternsthe patterns
    * And optionally (or after prepareLanguagesObj() has been called): * * *
    exceptionsExcpetions for the secified language
    * @public */ languages: {}, /** * @name Hyphenator.config * @description * Config function that takes an object as an argument. The object contains key-value-pairs * containig Hyphenator-settings. This is a shortcut for calling Hyphenator.set...-Methods. * @param {Object} obj * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
    urlhyphencharstring'zero with space'
    toggleboxfunctionsee code
    onhyphenationdonecallbackfunctionempty function
    * @public * @example <script src = "Hyphenator.js" type = "text/javascript"></script>  * <script type = "text/javascript">  * Hyphenator.config({'minwordlength':4,'hyphenchar':'|'}); * Hyphenator.run();  * </script> */ config: function (obj) { var assert = function (name, type) { if (typeof obj[name] === type) { return true; } else { onError(new Error('Config onError: ' + name + ' must be of type ' + type)); return false; } }, key; if (obj.hasOwnProperty('storagetype')) { if (assert('storagetype', 'string')) { storageType = obj.storagetype; } if (!storage) { createStorage(); } } if (!obj.hasOwnProperty('STORED') && storage && obj.hasOwnProperty('persistentconfig') && obj.persistentconfig === true) { restoreConfiguration(); } for (key in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { switch (key) { case 'STORED': break; case 'classname': if (assert('classname', 'string')) { hyphenateClass = obj[key]; } break; case 'donthyphenateclassname': if (assert('donthyphenateclassname', 'string')) { dontHyphenateClass = obj[key]; } break; case 'minwordlength': if (assert('minwordlength', 'number')) { min = obj[key]; } break; case 'hyphenchar': if (assert('hyphenchar', 'string')) { if (obj.hyphenchar === '­') { obj.hyphenchar = String.fromCharCode(173); } hyphen = obj[key]; } break; case 'urlhyphenchar': if (obj.hasOwnProperty('urlhyphenchar')) { if (assert('urlhyphenchar', 'string')) { urlhyphen = obj[key]; } } break; case 'togglebox': if (assert('togglebox', 'function')) { toggleBox = obj[key]; } break; case 'displaytogglebox': if (assert('displaytogglebox', 'boolean')) { displayToggleBox = obj[key]; } break; case 'remoteloading': if (assert('remoteloading', 'boolean')) { enableRemoteLoading = obj[key]; } break; case 'enablecache': if (assert('enablecache', 'boolean')) { enableCache = obj[key]; } break; case 'enablereducedpatternset': if (assert('enablereducedpatternset', 'boolean')) { enableReducedPatternSet = obj[key]; } break; case 'onhyphenationdonecallback': if (assert('onhyphenationdonecallback', 'function')) { onHyphenationDone = obj[key]; } break; case 'onerrorhandler': if (assert('onerrorhandler', 'function')) { onError = obj[key]; } break; case 'intermediatestate': if (assert('intermediatestate', 'string')) { intermediateState = obj[key]; } break; case 'selectorfunction': if (assert('selectorfunction', 'function')) { selectorFunction = obj[key]; } break; case 'safecopy': if (assert('safecopy', 'boolean')) { safeCopy = obj[key]; } break; case 'doframes': if (assert('doframes', 'boolean')) { doFrames = obj[key]; } break; case 'storagetype': if (assert('storagetype', 'string')) { storageType = obj[key]; } break; case 'orphancontrol': if (assert('orphancontrol', 'number')) { orphanControl = obj[key]; } break; case 'dohyphenation': if (assert('dohyphenation', 'boolean')) { Hyphenator.doHyphenation = obj[key]; } break; case 'persistentconfig': if (assert('persistentconfig', 'boolean')) { persistentConfig = obj[key]; } break; case 'defaultlanguage': if (assert('defaultlanguage', 'string')) { defaultLanguage = obj[key]; } break; case 'useCSS3hyphenation': if (assert('useCSS3hyphenation', 'boolean')) { css3 = obj[key]; } break; case 'unhide': if (assert('unhide', 'string')) { unhide = obj[key]; } break; default: onError(new Error('Hyphenator.config: property ' + key + ' not known.')); } } } if (storage && persistentConfig) { storeConfiguration(); } }, /** * @name Hyphenator.run * @description * Bootstrap function that starts all hyphenation processes when called. * @public * @example <script src = "Hyphenator.js" type = "text/javascript"></script>  * <script type = "text/javascript">  *   Hyphenator.run();  * </script> */ run: function () { documentCount = 0; var process = function () { try { if (contextWindow.document.getElementsByTagName('frameset').length > 0) { return; //we are in a frameset } documentCount++; autoSetMainLanguage(undefined); gatherDocumentInfos(); //console.log('preparing for ' + contextWindow.location.href); prepare(hyphenateLanguageElements); if (displayToggleBox) { toggleBox(); } } catch (e) { onError(e); } }, i, haveAccess, fl = window.frames.length; if (!storage) { createStorage(); } if (!documentLoaded && !isBookmarklet) { runOnContentLoaded(window, process); } if (isBookmarklet || documentLoaded) { if (doFrames && fl > 0) { for (i = 0; i < fl; i++) { haveAccess = undefined; //try catch isn't enough for webkit try { //opera throws only on document.toString-access haveAccess = window.frames[i].document.toString(); } catch (e) { haveAccess = undefined; } if (!!haveAccess) { contextWindow = window.frames[i]; process(); } } } contextWindow = window; process(); } }, /** * @name Hyphenator.addExceptions * @description * Adds the exceptions from the string to the appropriate language in the * {@link Hyphenator-languages}-object * @param {string} lang The language * @param {string} words A comma separated string of hyphenated words WITH spaces. * @public * @example <script src = "Hyphenator.js" type = "text/javascript"></script>  * <script type = "text/javascript">  *   Hyphenator.addExceptions('de','ziem-lich, Wach-stube'); * Hyphenator.run();  * </script> */ addExceptions: function (lang, words) { if (lang === '') { lang = 'global'; } if (exceptions.hasOwnProperty(lang)) { exceptions[lang] += ", " + words; } else { exceptions[lang] = words; } }, /** * @name Hyphenator.hyphenate * @public * @description * Hyphenates the target. The language patterns must be loaded. * If the target is a string, the hyphenated string is returned, * if it's an object, the values are hyphenated directly. * @param {string|Object} target the target to be hyphenated * @param {string} lang the language of the target * @returns string * @example <script src = "Hyphenator.js" type = "text/javascript"></script> * <script src = "patterns/en.js" type = "text/javascript"></script>  * <script type = "text/javascript"> * var t = Hyphenator.hyphenate('Hyphenation', 'en'); //Hy|phen|ation * </script> */ hyphenate: function (target, lang) { var hyphenate, n, i; if (Hyphenator.languages.hasOwnProperty(lang)) { if (!Hyphenator.languages[lang].prepared) { prepareLanguagesObj(lang); } hyphenate = function (word) { if (urlOrMailRE.test(word)) { return hyphenateURL(word); } else { return hyphenateWord(lang, word); } }; if (typeof target === 'string' || target.constructor === String) { return target.replace(Hyphenator.languages[lang].genRegExp, hyphenate); } else if (typeof target === 'object') { i = 0; while (!!(n = target.childNodes[i++])) { if (n.nodeType === 3 && n.data.length >= min) { //type 3 = #text -> hyphenate! n.data = n.data.replace(Hyphenator.languages[lang].genRegExp, hyphenate); } else if (n.nodeType === 1) { if (n.lang !== '') { Hyphenator.hyphenate(n, n.lang); } else { Hyphenator.hyphenate(n, lang); } } } } } else { onError(new Error('Language "' + lang + '" is not loaded.')); } }, /** * @name Hyphenator.getRedPatternSet * @description * Returns {@link Hyphenator-isBookmarklet}. * @param {string} lang the language patterns are stored for * @returns object {'patk': pat} * @public */ getRedPatternSet: function (lang) { return Hyphenator.languages[lang].redPatSet; }, /** * @name Hyphenator.isBookmarklet * @description * Returns {@link Hyphenator-isBookmarklet}. * @returns boolean * @public */ isBookmarklet: function () { return isBookmarklet; }, getConfigFromURI: function () { var loc = null, re = {}, jsArray = document.getElementsByTagName('script'), i, j, l, s, gp, option; for (i = 0, l = jsArray.length; i < l; i++) { if (!!jsArray[i].getAttribute('src')) { loc = jsArray[i].getAttribute('src'); } if (!loc) { continue; } else { s = loc.indexOf('Hyphenator.js?'); if (s === -1) { continue; } gp = loc.substring(s + 14).split('&'); for (j = 0; j < gp.length; j++) { option = gp[j].split('='); if (option[0] === 'bm') { continue; } if (option[1] === 'true') { re[option[0]] = true; continue; } if (option[1] === 'false') { re[option[0]] = false; continue; } if (isFinite(option[1])) { re[option[0]] = parseInt(option[1], 10); continue; } if (option[0] === 'onhyphenationdonecallback') { re[option[0]] = new Function('', option[1]); continue; } re[option[0]] = option[1]; } break; } } return re; }, /** * @name Hyphenator.toggleHyphenation * @description * Checks the current state of the ToggleBox and removes or does hyphenation. * @public */ toggleHyphenation: function () { if (Hyphenator.doHyphenation) { removeHyphenationFromDocument(); Hyphenator.doHyphenation = false; storeConfiguration(); toggleBox(); } else { hyphenateLanguageElements('*'); Hyphenator.doHyphenation = true; storeConfiguration(); toggleBox(); } } }; }(window)); //Export properties/methods (for google closure compiler) Hyphenator['languages'] = Hyphenator.languages; Hyphenator['config'] = Hyphenator.config; Hyphenator['run'] = Hyphenator.run; Hyphenator['addExceptions'] = Hyphenator.addExceptions; Hyphenator['hyphenate'] = Hyphenator.hyphenate; Hyphenator['getRedPatternSet'] = Hyphenator.getRedPatternSet; Hyphenator['isBookmarklet'] = Hyphenator.isBookmarklet; Hyphenator['getConfigFromURI'] = Hyphenator.getConfigFromURI; Hyphenator['toggleHyphenation'] = Hyphenator.toggleHyphenation; window['Hyphenator'] = Hyphenator; if (Hyphenator.isBookmarklet()) { Hyphenator.config({displaytogglebox: true, intermediatestate: 'visible', doframes: true}); Hyphenator.config(Hyphenator.getConfigFromURI()); Hyphenator.run(); }