title: Undocumented Wavedrum modes date: 2022-01-24 00:00 tags: DIY, electronics, music, hacking, wavedrum --- The manual mentions two special modes that can be entered by holding down buttons while powering on: hold down `Write` while powering on and you can reset to factory settings; hold down `Mode` while powering on and you can double the output volume. The manual does *not* mention these additional modes: ## Information modes These modes only provide version information before booting up normally. - **Hold button 1.** The display shows `SyS`, followed by the version. In my case that's `2.02`. It then proceeds to boot up. - **Hold button 2.** The display shows `Sub`, followed by the version. In my case that's `1.10`. It then proceeds to boot up. - **Hold button 3.** The display shows `dat`, followed by the version. In my case that's `2.02`. It then proceeds to boot up. - **Hold button 4.** The display briefly shows `InF`, and then cycles through the version information that can be obtained with the previous three modes. ## Update modes These modes allow changing the firmware. - Hold **Write** and **button 1**. The display blinks `SyS`. Upon pushing *Write* it displays `Lod` followed by a blinking `End`, presumably loading firmware. (From where?) It is possible to push the buttons *1*, *2*, *3*, or *4* to switch between `SyS`, `Sub`, `dSP`, and `S_d`, respectively. But the *Write* button only has an effect when `SyS` (button 1) is selected. - Hold **Write** and **button 2**; the display blinks `Sub`. This is like the previous mode, except that `Sub` is selected. - Hold **Write** and **button 3**; the display blinks `dSP`. This is like the previous modes, except that `dSP` is selected. - Hold **Write** and **button 4**; the display blinks `S_d`. This is like the previous modes, except that `S_d` is selected. Finally, there's the well-known mode to reset to factory settings by holding **Write** and **Mode** while powering on. ## Test modes - Hold **button 1** and **button 3**; the display briefly shows `SLF`, probably for "self test". It then shows `SyS`, followed by the version number and then lights up all LEDs. Pushing *Mode* then lights up only the LED above the *Write* button. Hitting *Write* advances the LED to the next button, and so on. When the display is tested, hit *Mode* to get to test the *Value* knob; hit *Mode* again to test the *Value* knob's range from 0 to 99; hit it yet again to test the range from 0 to 7. That's all that can be tested here. - Hold **button 1** and **button 4**; the display shows `Aud.`. It then lights up LED 1 and displays `A.In`, presumably to test audio input. Selecting *button 2* it shows `OFF` and the output goes silent. Selecting *button 3* shows `Pie.`; the signal of the piezo sensors is passed straight to the output. Selecting *button 4* shows `ALG.` and you can hear the sounds produced by a simple test algorithm when you play the head and rim. - Hold **button 2** and **button 4**; the display shows `CAL.`, probably meaning "Calibration". It lights up LED 1 and displays the current value of the pressure sensor. When you select *button 2* and strike the head, the display shows the corresponding velocity. When you select *button 3* and strike the rim, the display shows the corresponding velocity. Hold down *button 3* and you see what seems to be an amplification factor. By default this shows `0.75`. This can be adjusted with the *Value* knob in the range from `0.00` all the way to `4.00`. There does not seem to be a way to save changes. Selecting *button 4* the display shows where and how strongly the drum is hit. - Hold down **buttons 1, 2, 3, and 4**, and also hold **Mode**; the display briefly shows `deb`, which I assume means "debug". It then seems to boot up normally, but upon completion will have entered an absolutely bizarre mode where the *buttons 1 and 2* are used to go down or up in a list of presets from `01` to `26`; similarly, *buttons 3 and 4* are used for selecting one of 26 presets, probably for the rim sounds. The value dial goes from `050` to `500`, but I don't know what value it controls. *Mode* and *button 1* start a constant fast automatic trigger of the head. Hitting the combo again stops the automatic trigger. *Mode* and either *button 2* or *button 3* seems to mute the audio. *Mode* and *button 4* mutes all generated sounds and passes the unprocessed sound of the piezo sensors through. I'm not sure what the *Write* button does; pushing it multiple times seems to cycle between four different values, but it is not clear what they are. When holding *Mode*, pushing *Write* twice selects the next reverb, cycling from `r00` to `r10`. Read [more posts about the Wavedrum here](/tags/wavedrum.html).