(define meta `((title . "Introduction to jazz improvisation") (date . ,(string->date* "2013-05-24 00:00")) (tags "audio" "music" "guitar" "coursera" "learning" "jazz"))) (list (p [Since a few weeks I’m learning how to play more interesting jazz solos from Gary Burton through his ,(ref "http://coursera.org" "Coursera") MOOC ,(ref "https://class.coursera.org/improvisation-001/" "Introduction to Improvisation").]) (p [What’s great about the course is that it forces me to record solos and upload them for peer review. I don’t normally publish practice recordings as I’m never quite satisfied with them, but this also means that many half-decent ideas are never published at all.]) (p [You can find my growing collection of improvisation recordings in fulfilment of the assignments ,(ref "https://soundcloud.com/rekado/sets/gary-burtons-improvisation" "on SoundCloud"), embedded below:]) '(iframe (@ (width "100%") (height "450") (scrolling "no") (frameborder "no") (src "http://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapi.soundcloud.com%2Fplaylists%2F5556211&show_artwork=true"))))