(post :title "Chinese Tune / The mdaEPiano" :date (string->date* "2010-10-14 00:00") :photo "mda-epiano-coding.jpg" :flattr "72898/LV2-port-of-the-mda-E-Piano-VSTi" :tags '("code" "music") (p [In the past two days (actually, mornings and evenings) I have been working on porting the famous ,(ref "http://mda-vst.com" "mda EPiano VSTi plugin") to the LV2 plugin framework. The sound of the electric piano is very inspiring. Hear for yourself:]) '(object (@ (height "81") (width "100%")) (param (@ (name "movie") (value "http://player.soundcloud.com/player.swf?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapi.soundcloud.com%2Ftracks%2F6120886&show_comments=true&auto_play=false&color=ffaa00"))) (param (@ (name "allowscriptaccess") (value "always"))) (embed (@ (allowscriptaccess "always") (height "81") (src "http://player.soundcloud.com/player.swf?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapi.soundcloud.com%2Ftracks%2F6120886&show_comments=true&auto_play=false&color=ffaa00") (type "application/x-shockwave-flash") (width "100%")))) (p [You can ,(ref "http://soundcloud.com/rekado/chinese-tune" "download the recording from soundcloud"). The recording was done with ,(code [arecordmidi]) while routing all incoming midi events through the LV2 plugin. An instance of ,(code [jack_capture]) was used to record the generated sound simultaneously. If you want to compare my port of the plugin to your favorite synthesizer, you can ,(ref "/downies/music/chinese-tune.mid" "download the midi file here").]) (p [The LV2 port can be ,(ref "http://git.elephly.net/software/lv2-mdametapiano.git" "downloaded from my git repository").]))