(define meta `((title . "Jia Ting Yan Bo Shi") (date . ,(string->date* "2010-04-12 00:00")) (tags "tv" "chinese"))) (list (p [The final cut of what has been recorded for the interview show ,(em [Jia Ting Yan Bo Shi]) is going to be aired on Friday, April 16 on ,(em [Shanghai Dianshi Tai]).]) (p [You will hear Jackie and myself talk about many private issues and our opinions on living in Shanghai. Our first live performance of ,(ref "/posts/2010-04-05-deng-hou.html" "“Deng Hou”") is also going to be aired during the program.]) (p [,(strong [Update (April 18, 2010):]) A 20 minute section of ,(ref "http://www.letv.com/ptv/vplay/660375.html" "the show is already online").]) (p [,(strong [Update (April 21, 2010):]) ,(ref "http://ent.joy.cn/video/1168864.htm" "Part B") and ,(ref "http://ent.joy.cn/video/1168865.htm" "part C") are also up now. At the end of part C you can hear our terrible rendition of Deng Hou. The vocal harmony is pretty off there.]))