(post :title "Deng Hou" :date (string->date* "2010-04-05 00:00") :tags '("music" "chinese") (p [When we were told that during our appearance on “Jia Ting Yan Bo Shi” we were to peform a song, Jackie and I thought it would be a good idea to write our own song. I still had a chunk of nice simple music without lyrics. After Jackie had spent a day to think about the first verse, we would both sit down to discuss, reject and rewrite both words and music.]) (p [The unnamed song was first performed on the set of “Jia Ting Yan Bo Shi”. I hope we can get our greedy hands on a recording if the program directors decide to remove it from the final cut.]) (p [You can ,(ref "/downies/music/deng_hou.ogg" "download a demo recording here") or listen to it right here.]) '(object (@ (height "81") (width "100%")) (param (@ (name "movie") (value "https://player.soundcloud.com/player.swf?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapi.soundcloud.com%2Ftracks%2F6334329"))) (param (@ (name "allowscriptaccess") (value "always"))) (embed (@ (allowscriptaccess "always") (height "81") (src "https://player.soundcloud.com/player.swf?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapi.soundcloud.com%2Ftracks%2F6334329") (type "application/x-shockwave-flash") (width "100%")))) '(span (a (@ (href "http://soundcloud.com/rekado/deng-hou")) "等候") " by " (a (@ (href "http://soundcloud.com/rekado")) "rekado")) (h2 [Lyrics]) (h3 [Verse 1]) (lyrics [ da da da da ping dan de ri zi you ni cai hui jing cai 平淡的日子有你才会精彩 da da da da wei feng ta chui guo ni liu xia de hua 微风它吹过你留下的花 gu du de xin 孤独的心 xiang yao fei dao you ni de tian kong xia 想要飞到你的天空下 wei xiao de gan jue na me jian dan de hui lai 微笑 的感觉那么简单的回来 ]) (h3 [Part B]) (lyrics [ cen jing de tian mi hui yi wang bu liao 曾经的甜蜜回忆忘不了 shi luo de xin kan bu dao 失落的心看不到 yang guang de fang xiang 黎明的方向 ]) (h3 [Verse 2]) (lyrics [ da da da da ping dan de ri zi you ni cai hui jing cai 平淡的日子有你才会精彩 da da da da xue hua ta piao guo ni wo zou de lu 雪花它飘过你我走的路 jian ding de xin 坚定的心 kan jian bu yuan chu lv se de chun tian 相信明年春天与你重逢 wei lai 未来 de sheng huo cheng xian zai wo de nao hai 的生活呈现在我的脑海 ]) (h3 [Part B']) (lyrics [ ming tian de xiang yi xiang wei meng jian liao 明天的相依相隈梦见了 yong gan de xin zai hu huan 勇敢的心在呼唤 li ming de shu guang 黎明的曙光 ]))