(post :title "White Noise" :date (string->date* "2010-04-01 00:00") :tags '("music" "midi") (p [Some time in 2005 I had this fancy idea of writing a number of songs that would relate to one another and share musical themes; sort of a miniature concept album. Whenever I thought of a variation of an existing theme I would hack it into one of the many powertab files I accumulated over the years. A problem that arose from this method was that I often couldn’t play what I had jotted down. Instead of miraculously turning into a song, the collection of disjointed files containing disjointed melodies and riffs just continued to grow larger.]) (p [Eventually, when I was porting my powertab archive to tuxguitar, I decided to endulge in the most productive of all work: deleting. Deleting parts that I was never quite happy with contributed a lot to “songify” the independent little pieces of music.]) (p [The version that is embedded on this site is an instrumental created by playing back the MIDI sources through ,(ref "http://www.fluidsynth.org" "fluidsynth"). The ,(ref "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SoundFont" "soundfont") used for rendering is called “Airfont 340”.]) '(audio (@ (controls "") (autobuffer "")) (source (@ (src "/music/white_noise.ogg")))))