(define meta `((title . "Fur Man") (date . ,(string->date* "2010-03-23 00:00")) (license . "by-sa") (tags "drawing" "weird"))) (list (p [The Fur Man is an obese mammal, who lives most of his miserable lifetime in utter solitude. The reasons for that are rather obvious.]) (p [So far there has only been one sighting of the sickening Fur Man (on March 23, 2010). Some have suggested there might be only a single specimen existing on earth, though this claim is disputed.]) '(a (@ (href "/downies/fur-man.png") (title "click to see super-large version")) (img (@ (class "full") (src "/images/posts/fur-man.png") (alt "artist rendering of the sickening Fur Man")))) (p [,(strong [Update:]) The Fur Man was sighted hiding behind a plant in an office building in Shanghai.]) (wide-img "fur-man-white-board.jpg" "Fur Man sighting"))