(post :title "Projects" (h1 [Projects]) (p [Here is a list of some of the projects that I’m involved with that actually might be useful to others.]) (h2 [Hacking the Wavedrum]) (p [I wrote a ,(ref "/tags/wavedrum.html" "series of blog posts") in which I document my efforts to understand and possibly manipulate the firmware of Korg’s Wavedrum. The PCB is easily accessible and exposes big connector pads as well as a microSD card—an invitation to play with the hardware.]) (p [The ,(ref "/wavedrum/index.html" "project page") is the best place to get an overview and to see the current status. It contains links to the sources of any software artifacts I create in the process.]) (h2 [GNU Guix]) (p [,(ref "https://guix.gnu.org" "GNU Guix") is a novel package manager for ,(ref "http://gnu.org" "GNU systems"). In Guix a package is treated as a pure function whose output is fully described by its inputs (its dependencies). I’m packaging lots of bioinformatics software when I’m in the office and audio tools when I’m off work.]) (p [The Guix package manager forms the foundation of the Guix System, which is the GNU system I use on my laptop.]) (h2 [LV2 plugins]) (p [I have ported two VST instruments to the LV2 plugin framework, because I missed them after my move to GNU/Linux.]) (ul (li (ref "/lv2/mdaepiano/index.html" "mda EPiano")) (li (ref "/lv2/mdapiano/index.html" "mda Piano"))))