(post :title "Free software and music" (h1 [Free software and music]) (p [My name is rekado and I’m currently working as a programmer and ,(ref "http://gnu.org" "GNU/Linux") server administrator. I enjoy writing ,(ref "https://www.fsf.org/about/what-is-free-software" "Free Software"). You can find some of ,(ref "http://git.elephly.net" "my code here") or on ,(ref "http://github.com/rekado" "Github"). At night I’m a shy musician. I play the ,(ref "http://stick.com" "Chapman Stick"). I don't like to publish recorded music, but a recording of a representative piece of music will appear here once it's ready. Possibly even before 2020.]) (p [You can contact me via email at ,(email "rekado@elephly.net"). Please use ,(ref "https://keys.openpgp.org/vks/v1/by-fingerprint/BCA689B636553801C3C62150197A5888235FACAC" "my public key") when writing me email. If you don’t know much about encrypting email, please take a look at the ,(ref "https://emailselfdefense.fsf.org" "email self-defense website") by the ,(ref "http://fsf.org" "Free Software Foundation").]) (p [You might be interested in ,(ref "/projects.html" "these selected projects") that I'm involved with.]) `(h2 ,(ref "/posts" "Blog") (a (@ (href "feed.xml")) (img (@ (class "feed-icon") (src "/images/feed.png") (alt "subscribe to atom feed"))))) (p [On occasion I write articles. Here’s the ,(ref "/posts/latest.html" "latest article"). I recommend the series of posts on ,(ref "/tags/wavedrum.html" "hacking the Wavedrum").]) (h2 [Ecology]) (p [With some interruptions, I’m studying toward a Bachelor of Applied Science via distance learning at the ,(ref "http://www.openpolytechnic.ac.nz" "Open Polytechnic"). Some of my ,(ref "/ecology.html" "writings on ecology can be found in this section").]) (h2 [Weird stuff]) (ul (li [,(ref "/elephly.html" "The Elephly")]) (li [,(ref "/fur-man.html" "Fur man")])))