;; -*- geiser-scheme-implementation: guile -*- (use-modules (srfi srfi-1) ; list stuff (srfi srfi-11) ; let-values (srfi srfi-19) ; date functions (srfi srfi-26) ; cut (ice-9 ftw) ; file system (ice-9 match) ; match-lambda (haunt reader) (haunt reader skribe) (haunt reader commonmark) (haunt site) (haunt asset) (haunt post) ;post-file-name (haunt page) (haunt html) ;sxml->html (haunt utils) ;absolute-file-name (haunt builder blog) (haunt builder atom)) (define skribe-reader (make-skribe-reader #:modules '((haunt skribe utils) (haunt utils) (skribe-utils)))) (define (photo-snippet post) ;; TODO: derive alt-text from "photo" metadata (let ((meta (post-ref post 'photo))) (if meta `(img (@ (class "stretch full") (src ,(string-append "/images/posts/" meta)))) '()))) ;; TODO: use license (define (license-snippet post) (let ((meta (post-ref post 'license))) (if meta `(div (@ (class "fineprint")) (div (@ (class "license")) (a (@ (rel "license") (href "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/")) (img (@ (alt "Creative Commons License") (style "border-width:0") (src "https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-sa/3.0/80x15.png")))) (span (@ (xmlns:dct "https://purl.org/dc/terms/") (href "https://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/StillImage") (property "dct:title") (rel "dct:type")) ,(post-ref post 'title)) " by " (a (@ (xmlns:cc "https://creativecommons.org/ns#") (href "https://elephly.net") (property "cc:attributionName") (rel "cc:attributionURL")) "Ricardo Wurmus") " is licensed under a " (a (@ (rel "license") (href "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/")) "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License"))) '()))) (define (drop-extension file-name) (string-join (drop-right (string-split file-name #\.) 1) "")) (define (post/file-base-name post) (drop-extension (basename (post-file-name post)))) (define* (read-page reader file-name layout target) "Read a page object from FILE-NAME using READER and wrap it in LAYOUT." (let-values (((metadata sxml) ((reader-proc reader) file-name))) (make-page target (layout #f (assoc-ref metadata 'title) sxml) ; site is #f sxml->html))) (define* (wrap-pages directory dest layout readers) "Read all files in DIRECTORY, wrap them with the given LAYOUT and place them in the directory DEST." (define enter? (const #t)) ;; remove "directory" from the front of "file-name", prepend "dest" (define (leaf file-name stat memo) (let* ((reader (find (cut reader-match? <> file-name) readers)) (base-length (length (file-name-components directory))) (dest* (file-name-components dest)) (file-name* (file-name-components file-name)) (target (join-file-name-components (append dest* (drop file-name* base-length)))) (target-name (string-append (drop-extension target) ".html"))) (if reader (cons (read-page reader file-name default-layout target-name) memo) (error "no reader available for page: " file-name)))) (define (noop file-name stat memo) memo) (define (err file-name stat errno memo) (error "layout processing failed with errno: " file-name errno)) (file-system-fold enter? leaf noop noop noop err '() directory)) (define* (latest-blog-post #:key theme) "Return a builder procedure that copies the latest blog post to posts/latest.html." (lambda (site posts) (make-page "posts/latest.html" ((@@ (haunt builder blog) render-post) theme site (first (posts/reverse-chronological posts))) sxml->html))) (define* (pin-blog-post file-name pinned-name #:key theme) "Return a builder procedure that copies FILE-NAME as PINNED-NAME." (lambda (site posts) (make-page pinned-name ((@@ (haunt builder blog) render-post) theme site (find (lambda (post) (equal? (post-file-name post) file-name)) posts)) sxml->html))) (define* (tag-pages #:key (theme elephly-theme) (prefix "posts/") (filter posts/reverse-chronological)) "Return a builder procedure that renders a list page for every tag used in a post. All arguments are optional: PREFIX: The directory in which to write the posts FILTER: The procedure called to manipulate the posts list before rendering" (lambda (site posts) (define (tag-list tag posts all-posts) (define (render-list title posts prefix) (let ((body ((theme-collection-template theme) site title posts prefix all-posts tag))) ((theme-layout theme) site title body))) (make-page (string-append "tags/" tag ".html") (render-list (string-append "Posts tagged ‘" tag "’") (filter posts) prefix) sxml->html)) (let ((tag-groups (posts/group-by-tag posts))) (map (match-lambda ((tag . tagged-posts) (tag-list tag tagged-posts posts))) tag-groups)))) (define (tag-links posts) "Generate an alphabetically sorted list of links to tagged posts. The link text consists of the tag name and the number of tagged posts in parentheses." `(ul (@ (class "tags")) ,(map (match-lambda ((tag . posts) `(li (a (@ (href ,(string-append "/tags/" tag ".html"))) ,(string-append tag " (" (number->string (length posts)) ")"))))) ;; sort by tag (sort (posts/group-by-tag posts) (lambda (a b) (stringstring* date) "Convert DATE to human readable string." (date->string date "~B ~e, ~Y")) (define (default-layout site title body) `((doctype "html") (head (meta (@ (http-equiv "Content-Type") (content "text/html; charset=UTF-8"))) (meta (@ (http-equiv "Content-Language") (content "en"))) (meta (@ (name "author") (content "Ricardo Wurmus"))) (meta (@ (name "viewport") (content "width=device-width"))) (title ,(or title (if site (site-title site) "Rekado"))) (link (@ (rel "openid2.provider") (href "https://openid.stackexchange.com/openid/provider"))) (link (@ (rel "openid2.local_id") (href "https://openid.stackexchange.com/user/0f8f09d4-a2f3-429f-8752-b53a328c255c"))) (link (@ (rel "stylesheet") (media "screen") (type "text/css") (href "/css/reset.css"))) (link (@ (rel "stylesheet") (media "screen") (type "text/css") (href "/css/screen.css"))) (link (@ (rel "shortcut icon") (href "https://elephly.net/favicon.ico"))) (script (@ (type "text/javascript") (src "/js/deobfuscate.js"))) (script (@ (type "text/javascript") (src "/js/hyphenator/Hyphenator.js"))) (script (@ (type "text/javascript")) "Hyphenator.run();")) (body (@ (id "top")) (div (@ (id "index")) (a (@ (href "/") (title "show index")) (img (@ (alt "logo") (src "/images/logo.png"))))) (div (@ (id "page") (class "hyphenate")) ,body)))) (define elephly-theme (theme #:name "Elephly" #:layout default-layout #:post-template ; TODO: should also take "site" for "site-post-slug" (lambda (post) ;; TODO: similar version below for collection-template (define (post-uri post) (string-append "/posts/" (%make-slug post) ".html")) `((h1 (@ (class "donthyphenate")) ,(post-ref post 'title)) (div (@ (class "time")) (a (@ (href ,(post-uri post))) ,(date->string* (post-date post)))) ,(photo-snippet post) ,(post-sxml post) ,(license-snippet post) (p (@ (class "back")) (a (@ (href "/posts")) "← other posts")) (div (@ (id "comments")) (p "Comments? Then send me an email! Interesting comments may be published here.")))) #:collection-template (lambda* (site title posts prefix #:optional all-posts tag) (define (post-uri post) (string-append "/" (or prefix "") (site-post-slug site post) ".html")) `((h1 (@ (class "donthyphenate")) ,title ,(if tag `(a (@ (href ,(string-append "/feeds/tags/" tag ".xml"))) (img (@ (class "feed-icon") (src "/images/feed.png") (alt "subscribe to atom feed")))) '())) (ul (@ (class "archive")) ,@(map (lambda (post) `(li (a (@ (href ,(post-uri post))) ,(post-ref post 'title)))) posts)) (h2 "All tags") ;; TODO: I really want this to be computed only once for ;; all posts ,(tag-links (or all-posts posts)) ,(if tag '(a (@ (href "/posts")) "← all posts") '()))))) ;; needed for post template, because the site is not passed to the ;; layout function (define %make-slug post/file-base-name) (site #:title "Rekado" #:scheme 'https #:domain "elephly.net" #:default-metadata '((author . "Ricardo Wurmus") (email . "rekado+web@elephly.net")) #:make-slug %make-slug #:readers (list commonmark-reader skribe-reader html-reader) #:builders (list (lambda (args . rest) (wrap-pages "non-posts" "." default-layout (list skribe-reader html-reader))) (lambda _ (directory-assets "static" (const #t) ".")) (blog #:theme elephly-theme #:prefix "posts/") (tag-pages #:theme elephly-theme #:prefix "posts/") (latest-blog-post #:theme elephly-theme) (pin-blog-post "posts/2010-03-28-elephly.skr" "elephly.html" #:theme elephly-theme) (pin-blog-post "posts/2010-03-23-fur-man.skr" "fur-man.html" #:theme elephly-theme) (atom-feed #:blog-prefix "/posts") (atom-feeds-by-tag #:blog-prefix "/posts")))