%% TODO stickThunder = \relative c'' { a8 gis16 a8 gis16 a8 gis16 a8 gis16 a8 gis | a8 gis16 a8 gis16 a8 gis16 a8 gis16 a8 gis | a8 gis16 a8 gis16 a8 gis16 a8 gis16 a8 gis | d-. d-. d-. d-. d-. d-. d-. d-. | } %% TODO stickTheme = \relative c { fis'4. cis a' cis8*7 d2 gis,4. e d' cis8*7 a4 gis fis4. d gis a8*9 r4 fis4. d gis e8*5 gis4 a4. r8 } stick = { \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"electric guitar (jazz)" \key fis \minor \time 4/4 { R1*8 } %% silly but I have to mimick the repeats for the other voices to %% make the notes line up. \time 5/4 \repeat volta 2 { r2. r2 | r2. r2 | r2. r2 | r2. r2 | r2. r2 | r2. r2 | r2. r2 | } \alternative { {r2. r2 | } {r2. r2 | } } \whiteNoise \stickThunder \repeat volta 2 \stickTheme \stickThunder \repeat volta 2 \stickTheme %% TODO: this is terrible and I would never play this \relative c' { 2 2 2 2 d,1 cis 2 2 2 2 d,1 cis } } }